These files are for Baldur's Gate for a custom character. The character is from the Hellraiser series, named Butterball. Save the sound files into the sounds folder of the Baldur's Gate directory. Butterball is completely silent in the movie, so the sounds are just grunts and groans and the like to acknowledge the action to be taken. His battlecry is just a growl and the reaction to party members' death is a roar from some animal that I edited to sound less feral. Create a new folder named "Portraits" in the Baldur's Gate directory, and save the pictures into that directory by (in Internet Explorer) right clicking on the picture and choosing save picture as, then putting them into the directory created as mentioned above. DO NOT CHANGE THE FILE NAMES!!!

Small Pic

Large portrait

Battle Cry
Becoming Leader
Badly Wounded
Selected 1
Selected 2
Selected 3
Action Acknowledgement 1
Action Acknowledgement 2
Action Acknowledgement 3
Being Hit
Reaction to Party Member's Death