"I do not like work even when someone else does it."
-Mark Twain

Sloth is everywhere now. People grow lazier by the day. The common man has little desire to push himself to do anything, at least push anything other than the buttons on his remote control. Perhaps that wicked vice is what brings down society more than anything else in the current moment in time. It is utterly captivating for man, this thing that brings images from all over the world. We have grown physically weak because of this lack of drive. So much wasted potential in each of us. Of course the unemployment offices are filled, man does not have any desire to fully give all he can at his workplace. Many say that they are smart workers, not hard workers. There is no work ethic. And it doesn't end at the workplace. Many people are simply too lazy to leave their house, falling prey to gluttony soon afterwards. Sloth is not the worst of sins to many, but nonetheless, it still pervades every aspect of society.