944 Chassis and Engine Codes

944 Chassis numbers

All 944 chassis numbers consist of two groups of code letters followed by the vehicle serial No.
Example WPO ZZZ 94 Z D N 4 00001-49999
WPO ZZZ = Europe RoW WPO AAO = USA/Canada
94 = first two digits of model No. standard 944 95 = first two digits of model No. 944 Turbo (951)
Z = Europe RoW O = USA/Canada
D= model year (1983); E=1984 up to 1990 L (later ZL) 1991 ZM, 1992 ZN
N = Neckarsulm (build plant)
4 = last digit of model No. (944) 1 = last digit of model No. (951)
followed by vehicle serial no.

944 Engine Numbers

1983 41D 0001-4999
41D 5001-9999
43D 0001-4999
43D 5001-9999
Serial numbers included expander numbers
A000-A999, B000-B999 and so on to H.
944 Europe RoW manual
944 Europe RoW auto
944 USA, Japan manual
944 USA, Japan auto
1984 41E 00001-20000
41E 20001-30000
43E 00001-20000
43E 20001-30000
944 Europe RoW manual
944 Europe RoW auto
944 USA, Japan, Canada manual
944 USA, Japan, Canada auto
1985 as for 1984; year code = F
serial no. expanded to 60000
1986 41G 00001-20000
41G 20001-30000
43G 00001-60000
43G 60001-90000
44G 0001-00320
45G 0001-20000
944 Europe RoW manual
944 Europe RoW auto
944 USA, Canada, Japan, Australia manual
944 USA, Canada, Japan, Australia auto
944 Turbo Europe RoW
944 Turbo Worldwide
1987 944: as for 1986 with model year code = H
45H 00001-10000
42H 00001-60000

944 turbo All markets
944S All markets
1988 46J 00001-60000
46J 60001-70000
42J 00001-50000
45J 00001-10000
944 Worldwide manual
944 Worldwide auto
944S Worldwide
944 Turbo, Worldwide

Anyone have further numbers for later models and S2 and 944 Cab?

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