1040. Mary Vere9 Davenport (Amzi Benedict8, William7, John Vi6, John V5, John Iv4, John Rev.3, John Jr.2, John Rev.1) was born in Brooklyn, New York, Usa 2 May 1864. Mary died 10 May 1939 in Greenwich, Connecticut, Usa, at 75 years of age. Her body was interred in Brooklyn, New York, Usa.
Mary Vere Davenport and Charles Henry Crandall had the following children:
1776 i. Robert F.10 Crandall was born 4 May 1890. Robert died 15 Jul 1918 at 28 years of age. His body was interred in High Ridge Cemet.
+ 1777 ii. Roland Dimon Crandall was born 29 Aug 1892.
1778 iii. Clarence Herbert Crandall was born 1 Feb 1894. Clarence died 1940/1949 in New Haven, Connecticut.
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