Does it Matter?

My folks asked if i was gay
I asked does it matter?
I said Yes
They said No, not really
I said Yes
They said get out of out lives
I guess it mattered
My boss asked if i am gay
I asked does it matter?
My boss said no, not really
I said yes
My boss said you're fired homo
I guess it mattered
My friends asked it f was gay
I asked does it matter?
They said no, not really
I said yes
they said dont call us your friends
I guess it mattered
My lover asked do you love me?
my lover said yes
I said I Love You
MY lover said let me hold you in my arms
For the first time in my life something matters
My creator asked me do you love yourself?
I asked does it matter?
MY creator said YES
I said how can I love myself? I am gay
MY creator said that is the way I made you
Nothig will ever matter again
poem by Anonymous high school student
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