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These are pictures of all the possible hotels we will be staying at. All of them are 5 star hotels and include the Plaza Resort & Spa, The Radisson, Ramada Ltd., The Howard Johnson Bermuda House, Comfort Inn, Holiday Inn and Beachcomber











Daytona Beach Spring Break 2004


  " The World's Most Famous Beach "


NEWS - The official sales kick off for Daytona Beach 2004 began September 3rd and everything went great. Already our first batch of 30 registration forms have been given out, but we will have more in by the end of the week. Remember, all registration forms must be filled out by September 17th along with a $75 deposit. After that date, all prices go up $30 a person.

Hey everyone. As you all know this is the first year that Grimsby is getting the chance to visit the Spring Break capital of the world, DAYTONA BEACH! Now you are probably thinking "Screw it, I don't have the money for a trip like that". But you know what, you do! If you can afford a 4 day trip to Quebec, then you can for sure enjoy a week on the beach at almost the same price! You get to stay an extra 2 nights in Daytona compared to Quebec, for only $30 more than a Quebec Trip. And don't worry, food and drinks are a lot cheaper in Daytona Beach, and some places even take Canadian Dollars at par. You do the math.


Due to the rising strength of the Canadian dollar, and the need for tourism in the united states struggling econonmy, Breakaway Tours has given us the special oppurtunity of providing a trip to Daytona Beach for $469, alot cheaper than the years before! This price includes round-trip transportation from Grimsby to Daytona and all of your accomodations. Only a $75 dollar deposit is needed by September 17th, preferably a cheque made out to Breakaway tours, then from there on in you have until January 2004 to make the rest of your payments. We suggest you get in your deposit before September 17th before prices go up $30. Unlike other student trips that only give you a couple days of freedom, Daytona Beach 2004 offers you 6 full nights of accomodation on an ocean front hotel! The trip gives you exclusive itineraries for day and night activities including pool parties and beach parties, shuttles, and club events, all for free! We suggest you book soon before the prices go up! This event was sold out last year so get your tickets soon!

Past Spring Break Pictures







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