Delta Company

41st Infantry Regiment

Delta Company

1st Battalion (Mech.), 41st Infantry Regiment

2nd Armored Division (Forward)

Left Side Security Contact List Right Side Security


If anyone has any updates to their contact info, please drop me a line. I'll get the updates posted as soon as i can. Thanks for your patience



Recent Alumi of Delta Company, 1st Bn (Mech.), 41st Infantry Regiment

Cassidy F. Dauby
Commander D/1-41 IN
from 5 July 2009
to 25 Jan 2011
at FT Bliss, TX

Service info:  USMA 2004 PL/XO/BMO in 1-4 IN in Hohenfels 2005 to 2008 CDR D/1-41 IN 2009 to 2011 Exchange Officer at the Germany Army Combat Training Center near Magdeburg 2011-2012 Graduate Student at Middlebury College, VT (Exchange Student at the University of Mainz) 2012-2013 USMA Department of Foreign Languages Instructor of German 2013-?


Delta Company, 1st Bn (Mech.), 41st Infantry Regiment

Alan Babakan
Rank: CPT/O-3 Inf
Delta 1-41 INF
Arrived : UNK
Departed : UNK

I was the D Company Commanders RTO (both CPT Schull and CPT Meinhardt), Operations and Training NCO, Alt gunner on D-6, and spotter for sniper Brad Harbison. After the Gulf War I attended PLDC, and was a Team Leader in 3rd platoon D Company.
After closing down Garlstedt, I attended OCS at Fort Benning, and got my commission as an Infantry Officer. I returned to Germany and was stationed in Schweinfurt with 1/15 Inf 3rd ID, and later with 1/18 Inf 1st ID, serving both in Macedonia and Bosnia. I returned to Fort Benning and served as a Company Commander and Battalion S-3 before departing the service as a Captain.
I am happy to be home in California, and look forward to a reunion with my fellow "Deathmerchants".

John Beck SGT
2nd plt D 1/41
Arrived: May 1990
Departed: June 1992
Currently: 3BCT 4th Infantry Division S-3


SFC John Beck
A 2/11 IN(IOBC)
Ft. Benning
Was in D 1-41 from May 1990 until May 1992; 2nd Platoon. Since then been to Ft Polk, Korea, Ft. Benning, Ft. Carson, Ft. Stewart, and now I'm a PSG at IOBC. Was in OIF 1 and OIF 3 with 3rd ID as a Infantry Squad Leader total of 25 months. Taking a break now at Benning.

Bill Cain 1LT/2LT
A&D co, 1-41 Inf. 2AD(fwd)
Arrived: APR 87


Larry L. Chaney, 2LT/11A5S
2/D/1-41 INF
Arrived: SEP 90


I was 2nd Platoon Leader during Operation Desert Storm. On the night of 26-27 Feb,1991, during a horrendous night attack against the Tawakalna-Iraqi Republican Guards, and passage through the 2nd ACR, our Alpha section was separated from the Company after BFV D-21 threw a track. By the time the BFV was repaired many hours later, a vain attempt to reach Delta Company was made, but ended in disaster. BFVs D-26 and D-21 were destroyed by friendly fire from M1A1s from 1st ID, in which we were attached. I was sitting atop D-21 when we were attacked. SSG (SFC) Moreira was wounded in both his eyes by the explosion, SPC Alan Brigg's right leg was horribly maimed, and others wounded. Besides an Iraqi EPW that was killed at the scene, SPC James C. Murray was killed seconds after I laughed at his dirty face. Murray is buried only 15 minutes from my house in Texas. Rest in peace Murray. God bless you, your daughter, and the rest of your family. The war will never go away for me, but I've learned to cope as best as I can. I'm in the legal field now.

Patrick Chapman
D co 1/41 Inf Reg 2nd AD (FWD)
Arrived: Nov 86
Deros: june 89

basic/ait: D2-2 Fort Benning (Harmony Church) would like to hear from others from the 1/41 Delta (DEATH MERCHANTS!!!!!) It was a great honor and privilage to have served with the best. Anyone remember weekends in Bremerhaven?How bout REFORGER?

Tony Cho O-4
D co. 1/41 Inf 2AD
Service history: 1989 - Current

Congrats to Major Cho on his recent promotion..........

David Cotton
Then SGT now Retired, 11B
D Co. 1-41 2cnd Plt
Ft Hood 90-92
Ft Carson 93-95
Recruiting 95-98
Ft Riley 98-00
Ft Benning (Drill Sgt) 00-04
Ft Benning Kelly Hill 04-06
Ft Benning 1-29 06-07
Ft Benning Contractor- Present

Good times in GarlcatrazÖÖÖÖÖ

Scott Davey SP4/11M10/11B10
D Co. 1-41 Inf. 2AD
Arrived: OCT 83

Only battalion with Bradleys at the time. First to NTC with Bradleys. With 2nd PLT in fall of '84 when sent to RMTC Trujillo, Honduras and attached to Joint Task Force - Bravo for post-Operation Granadero I.

Martin Feltz
Delta 1/41 Inf. (2AD)
ARRIVED: late 1989
DEROS: early 1992

I arrived in Garlstedt in and left in . I was the D6 driver for CPT Schull and CPT Meinhardt. Some of my best memories are with the soldiers of Delta 1/41. I will never forget the pushball battles that resulted in bruises and dirty faces. I will also never forget the way 1/41 performed in battle. God rest all of those who didn't make it back. We miss you! I'm also trying to find Sgt. Rob Harris. I saw him last in Albuquerque in late 92' when he stopped by my house. Please let me know if anyone has contact info.

Photos Contributed by Marty

William Gonzalez
SSG, 11B
3rd PLT "Outlaws" D 1/41
Arrived : Sept 1988
DEROS : Jan 1992

Ret. MSG Proud to Serve
Stay Alert! Stay Alive!

Chris Gooden
Dco 1/41
Arrived : UNK
Departed : UNK

I would love to find as many 3rd Herd D Co as possible. Write me back!


David Grantham
SGT (P), 42L
Eight U.S. Army Inspector General
3rd PLT, D 1/41
Arrived : 1990
Departed : 1992

I was in 3rd Herd and will never forget SGT Wild and the rest of the bunch. He made sure we were always alert and on our toesÖ..especially his section PT boxing sessions. Mock remembers that one I know! HAHAHA After Desert Storm, I went on block leave and was hit by a drunk driver in a nearly fatal car accident where I suffered a lacerated aorta and broken femur. After rehab, I didn’t want to leave the army so I got a medical reclassify to 42L. Not the best of jobs for promotion but I like to serve my country, that is important to me. Presently in Korea, I reflect back on 1/41 and still believe that was the best unit I ever been in up to now. God be with our comrades who didn’t make it back with us, we miss them. I hope to hear from some of you! “DEATH MERCHANTS”

Sam Hawes
HHC, A, C, and D Co 1-41
ARRIVED: Dec 1981
DEROS: Feb 1988

I took command of D Co in Nov 1985. We reflagged to A Co 1-41 Infantry in 1986 when we did the COHORT move to Germany under LTC Gregg, Mad Dog, Pulley. I subsequently commanded HHC. The 6+ years that I spent in 1-41 Infantry are the most memorable of my career. I served under the finest leaders Ive ever known and with the finest soldiers in the Army. What a great time we had together!!

Scott Heronimus
ARRIVED: Late 89
DEROS: Early 92

This site brought back a lot of lost but not forgotten memories. I was the driver for the XO on D-9. I will never forget the great times with all of D Co, nor will I ever forget having to re trace our steps to recover fallen comrades. God Speed and Rest In Peace Murray, "H"

Ed Jozwiak LTC, Infantry
Company Commander Delta co.
Arrived: Nov 86
DEROS: May 88


As you can see I am still on active duty serving at the Pentagon. I have been here since July 1, 1998 and plan to retire on July 1, 2004 after serving our country for 22 years.
Some of my fondest memories are of Delta Company and 1-41 Infantry. We started from a Spartan existence in November 1996 and the men of the Death Merchants distinguished themselves in every aspect of discipline, gunnery and training. I still remember our runs through the Local Training Area (LTA) that some of the Death Merchants fondly referred to as the CPT J's Death Run.
It was my pleasure to have served with the Death Merchants and no assignment or unit has ever brought the same personal satisfaction that I had with the Death Merchants. I am looking at continuing in public service after I retire and plan to stay here in the Northern Virginia area. Other Straight and Stalwarts here in the area include COL (R) Buc Trapnell, LTC (R)Pete Cassi, LTC (R) Jim Hillman, LTC Sam Hawes, MAJ Dave Viens, Phil Anderson, LTC (R) Tom Barnes, and LTC Chuck Gabrielson. Seems like we are always seeing some of the old Straight and Stalwarts passing through.
The highlights of my time after Garlstedt are in the attachment.
1st Battalion 41st Infantry career highlights:
C Co, 2nd PL: Feb 83 - May 84
Scout Platoon Leader: May 84 - May 85
Infantry Officer Advanced Course: May 85 - Oct 85
Battalion S4: Oct 85 - Nov 86
D Co Cdr: Nov 86 - May 88

Larsson Lance S. 11M10 Now 11B
Spc 4
Service history :
    D Co 1/41 2nd AD, 1985-1987
    C.Co 2/124 Inf FLARNG, 2005 -

  Went to basic at Benning (Cohort) right after went to Bradley school. Was in A Co. 1/41 Ft hood Tx from 84-85 transferred to HHC 1/41 S-4 to go to Germany. After arriving in Germany I spent a little more time in S-4 then transferred to D.Co with (at that time) Cpt Joswiack. There I spent the rest of my time with the Death Merchants. I got out in 1987. Should have stayed in. But it took me some time and I have as of two years ago re-enlisted in the FLARNG. and really glad to be back in. May be going back regular army. To all the guy's I served with in the cold war day's I miss ya... A lot... to all the guy's I never got to know... I'm behind you all the way. Death Merchants  

Todd Ligas
3rd Plt D co. 1/41 Inf.
ETSed: Feb 1992

I was the Gunner on D-31 SSG Ford was my BC, Spc Sead was my driver. I was out of the Army from feb 92 thru aug 96 and went back I was in Ft hood for a few years and now I am in Ft Stewart. My rank is now SSG still 11M. Would love to hear from some of the guys, great to hear the voices and great life that has happened to them after all this time.

Dennis T. Lund
SSG, 11M
D 1/41 INF.
Arrived: Nov. 1986
ETS: Mar. 1990
Training NCO
Barack's Rat NCO

3 1/2 Years. I was a member of Delta before it was a company. A special shout out to all of you guys who served in the desert. I can remember all of your faces but only a few names like, Howard, White, Dillenger, Ploe, Harrison, Stallworth, Franklin, Hetzel, Harris, Miller, Hunt, Ridgeway, Soli, Bellamy, Jones... I'm a Speaker, Trainer, and Coach working with Entrepreneurs and Veterans. Connect with me on Facebook:
Lots of memories and hangovers... "Death Merchants"

Steve Maibaum 11M
D co 1/41 Inf
Service history :
Arrived: 1988
ETS: 1993

  Arrived 1988-2000, went to Ft Stewart, GA, then back to Germany, Schweinfurt. ETS in 1993, working for the USPS since getting out with ten more years to retirement, would love to hear from all, I had a great time in Garlstadt and look forward to catching up on a lot of the old times. To Ricky Singletary, I married the woman you let me share your house with, 17 years and two kids later life is great!  

LTC James L. McGinnis 11 series now 92 QM
HHC 1st Infantry Division g4
Service history :
    B co 1-41 IN 1985-87,
    HHC Mortar PLT 1987-88,
    D co XO 1988-1989

  I left 1-41 In in June 1989 and went on to FT Bragg 82d ABN. I have deployed to IFOR, SFOR3, Task Force Hawk,OIF1 and many field ex. I have had no exp like the one I had in 1-41 in 20 years. My cdr: CPT Tom barnes B co, HHC CPT Hawes, D co CPT J and CPT Lasneske. I recently changed battalion command and had a blast...but again nothing like 1-41. I will die a Straight and Stalwart Soldier................... V/r James L. McGinnis Jr.  

John McGraw SGT/11M20
D co, 1-41 Inf. 2AD(fwd)
Arrived: Jan 1988

- OR -

  Served in 1st Plt, D co, 1/41 INF for 3 years prior to the war, during the war and for several months afterward. Went to civilian life and have been working my way up the ladder in Logistics. Finally made it to Director of a warehouseing logistics company and then got called up for OIF 3. At this moment I'm in Baghdad Iraq serving as a foreign military advisor with 5th Special Forces. Had been working for 10th group for a while before 5th took over. Spending my days training one of the Iraqi SF batallions (what a struggle!) and running convoys around the Baghdad area.   Believe it or not I ran into Craig Wilson over here about 3 months ago. There was this SF guy running a special school across the street from my subcen that I could swear I knew. Couldn't place the face for the life of me! Yep. He's a Warrent Officer in the SF. Has a good team. Really liked his guys.   Craig, good luck to you next time your out this way. Personaly, I'm not coming back here if I can help it. Had too much time in Iraq, just don't feel like vacationing here ever again, but wouldn't mind working with SF. Great bunch of (Type A personality) people.  

Spc-4 Rick A. Miller
Feb-March 1985 G-4 2AD Fort Hood
March 85-87 S-4 HHC 1/41 Inf Fort Hood
1987 Delta 1/41Inf 2nd AD (FWD) was started
March 1989 ETS

- OR -

Proudly served under Cpt Zimmerman and Lt / Cpt Jozwiak as their S-4 Clerk/Driver. April 86 went as the S-4 representative for the Advanced party in the COHORT rotation to Garlstedt.
Went with Cpt. Jozwiak to Delta when it was reactivated in Germany in 1987 as the Company Armorer/ Supply Clerk/ Truck Driver.
Ran on the Post Track and Cross County Team in 87, taking 1st place in the 1500 meters at the 21st Support Command Track & Field Championship and 4th place in the USAREUR Championships, also placing 4th in the 21st Support Command Cross Country Championships.
Now working as a Deputy Sheriff/Jailer, in Freeborn County Minnesota.
Proud to have served with all the men in the 2nd Armored Division, Extremely proud of all the men in 1/41 and my heart will always be with those of you Death merchants.

MSG Joseph Moreira 11M40J3
2/D/1-41 IN
Arrived: SEP 89

2nd PLT Master Gunner (SSG).
My gunner was SPC Christian and my driver was SPC Murray. On the morning of 27 Feb 91, the A section (D-21 and D-26) were hit by direct fire. We had thought that it was a Republican Guard counterattack. The section was separated and picked up by 1-34 AR, 1ID. Upon our return to Germany is when we found out - that was the unit that engaged us. Murray was killed by friendly fire.

God rest his soul.

Wes Nall
D Co 1-41 Inf

I ended up sticking around Garlstedt until 1-41 closed its doors. This was to facilitate me getting married. I was sent to Ft. Irwin, California in 1992 in order to take my place among the OPFOR. After 3 years of eating dust, working on M551 Sheridans and kicking BLUFOR's butt on the battlefield I was sent to BNCOC. There I met up with a partied some with SSG Jud Myer. I was sent back to Germany (C 3-5 CAV and C 1-36 IN). Enroute to Germany I completed the Master Gunner course... and for those of you who might remember.. guess who I saw there... SSG Patrick Hogan! I didn’t know how to react to that one.. He worked in the school house along with SSG Elsie. I was excited about going to Germany... Little did I know that I was going to spend half of that tour in Bosnia (Enjoying my time there with people like SGT Bonetti and SFC Yovanovich). In 1998 I returned to the good ol US of A to Ft. Carson, Colorado (Met up with SGT Beck). From there I attended OCS and was commissioned on 11 October, 2001. I conducted a PCS to Ft Gordon, GA in November of 2001 and was assigned to the 67th Signal Battalion as a platoon leader. I left Gordon and took a 2 year, all expenses paid, vacation in Pensacola, FL to get my degree. Right now I am happily married (14 years) with a 9 year old Son and a 6 year old Daughter (Both Black belts in Tae Kwon Do). I am currently a Captain attending the Signal Captains Career Course in Ft. Gordon, GA. I have recently been chosen to go into Functional Area 53 Information Systems Management. This will keep me in the school house until Dec 06. By the way, I have also reunited with an old buddy of mine. Chad Ward of A co. I would like to find out about: Jeff Oberlatz, Rob Rader, Jud Myer, McCulloch, Morrison, (Monster) Baltiera. I welcome all correspondence.



Dave Nichter SGT/11M20
D co, 1-41 Inf. 2AD(fwd)
Arrived: January 1988
DEROS: June 1991
ETS: July 1991

Well, Well... It's been a long time since we Rock 'n Roll'ed hasn't it? Seems like 100 years has passed. Until i see photo of an M-2 or smell some diesel exhaust or feel sand on my skin, then it seems like yesterday. Strange how time is elastic like that.

Thanks for all you guys who served. You are all truly good and honorable men. May our creator cut us all a little slack for the sacrifice we made, some of you so much more than the rest of us.

I wish to send a special thanks to all you guys still in uniform.
Keep up the good fight and see you on the high ground.

Hugh P. O'Brien 11M
2nd Plt. Delta 1/41 Inf.
Arrived: Jan 88

After I PCSed to Hood, I went to PLDC and joined 1/8 Cav 1CAVDIV. Went to the big sandbox as a dismounted sqd.ldr. ETS from US Army as a Drill SGT/SFC in 2000 (carrying MOS's as a Grunt, Recruiter, Psyops Specialist, and Drill) Completed Criminology & Criminal Justice BA from U of Maryland. Currently working on a MS in Psychophsiology & Forensic Science and working as a Special Agent for the US Government where my military time transferred over(WHOA!!) Living in the DC Metro area.

Danny Oliva
Specialist 11M
3rd platoon D co. 1/41 Inf
Arrived in Garlstedt Dec 89
Left May 92


ACE Blinds USA Updated

Remembering the great times and bad times spent in my time in the service.
I'm back in Los Angeles and own a blind business. Would like to catch up with old Army buddies.
Fondly remember Sgt. Robert Harris, Glen Smith, Todd Ligas , Sgt. William Gonzales, David Crumby and the rest of 1/41, 3rd Herd, and the OUTLAWS!!!!!!!

Sylbert Phatax
11M Infantry
Delta Company 1-41
Arrived: December, 18, 1989
Departed: March, 16, 1991

I was stationed in Garlstedt Germany for about 3 years. Their I was a S.A.W gunner in first squad; first platoon. Yes I fought in the Gulf War. After that experience I decided it was time for me to go. I had enough of the U.S government for one life time. I left the military as a E-4 (Specialist). I moved back home with home parents in P.A, went to college, then dropped out and decided to go back some odd years later. Finished school with a Computer Repair Technology Diploma, moved on to get a Unix Programming and Novell Networking Certification. Finally I moved backed home to sweet Brooklyn NYC with a fortune 500 Company in the NASDAQ. My role here is Lead Solutions Architech (Senior Consultant). I love the pay.......... Yes I witnessed September, 11, 2001. The Brooklyn Bridge is about 3 miles from my house and another 3 miles from the WTC. So we felt it up close and personal. I think we can agree for those that went to war that one tragic event is enough for a life time. Two is something for the ages. I would like to thank my man Wes Nall for finding me. I never forgot you Wes; and I hope we stay in touch. Also for those that remember Deon Sead, and William Gaskins, I actually met up with them in the early 90's. I have lost touch with them since then. To all my military brothers I hope we can keep this line of communication open and maximize its potential.


Rest In Peace to Murray, and the rest of our fallen brothers and sisters in the Gulf War before and beyond. One Love


1SG Alex Plasencia
Rank / MOS : 1SG 11Z
Delta 1-41 INF
Arrived : 89
Departed : Deactivation


Todd Ridgway SGT/11M20
D co, 1-41 Inf. 2AD(fwd)
Arrived: Jan 1988
DEROS: 1991
ETS: 1991  


Dennis Schaber
Dco 3rd Plt 1-41 Inf


Ricky Singletary
E-4, 11M10
Basic Training: 1/19 inf Fort Benning Sept. 15 1987
Arrived: Germany Jan 1988 assigned to D 1/41 2nd PTL

Was a Bradley driver for a while was moved to supply for D company then moved to HHC 1/41 to work in PAC and to drive the 2 1/2 ton truck. went to Persian Gulf with HHC. e-mail address is Just want to say hey to all of my old friends I will never forget. Straight and Stalwart.

Mark A. Spencer SFC(RET)
D/1-41 IN, 2AD(FWD)


Tim Swadley
D1-41 inf. 2AD(FWD)
Arrived: 5 Jan 88
ETS: 11 Jun 91


Steven B. Thillen
Dco, Aco, HHC 1/41 Inf
Arrived: 1987

I was a Plt. Sgt. in Delta company for a year(87) before going to Alpha company as the 1SG. Worked in the S-3 shop for Maj. Hulse and with MSG John Testor during Desert Storm. I am retired and working as a Sr. Network Tech for a credit card transaction processing company named TSYS. I have been living in Columbus, Ga. for 7 years. If you get down to FT. Benning, look me up. There is always a cold beer in the fridge.

Brian Thomas
D Co. 2nd Platoon
PCS: Oct 88 to A Co. 2/7th inf 24th ID
ETS: June 1990

Served in D Co. 2nd Platoon, from Nov 86 to Oct 88. Then sent to Ft. Stewart Ga, where I served in A Co. 2/7th infantry, (Cotton Balers? - you've gotta be kidding me!) 24th ID in which I served until my ETS in June 1990.

Little did I know, however, that I was not through with the army on that lovely day I ETS'd! On Jan 30th 1991 I was recalled to active duty and spent a few lovely weeks in Ft. Benning (hey...don't guys are only staying stateside to guard empty bases!) and then, suddenly and unexpectedly, being shipped to Grafenwoehr for another few weeks to get ready for the Gulf (you guys will be casualty replacements!) Great...Ft. Benning and Grafenwoehr...the last two places on this big ball of dirt I thought I would NEVER see again!

Got out, this time for good, in March 1991. Went back to college (University of Cincinnati). Graduated Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1995 in Philosophy. Now I can bullshit about anything.

Currently working as a software testing administrator and programmer (in C#!!!) for Cincinnati Financial Corporation, and also a proud father of four and counting!

Remember these names, anyone?
Bystrek, Kubisiak, SSG Soli, SSG Arriola (spelling?), 1LT David Viens, SGT Russell C Bell "from Odessa Texas" (said with thick Texan drawl), SGT Leslie Thompson, 1SG Widrick...and, the name still brings peals of laughter to all who know/remember him: David Ferrara. Anybody who knows where any of these guys are, let me know!

It would be nice to hear from some of our fellow grunts sometime!

Michael Tubens
A and D co. 1/41 Inf
In Garlstedt Oct 86 - 91

- OR -

I am currently living in California and enjoying life. My Son is currently attached to 1/41 in Ft. Riley and is Getting ready for his 4th deployment. My daughter is in as well and is serving with the Old Guard in Ft. Myer. There both trying to have a better career than I did. Hopefully you'll see them out there and help them out. Life is good for me now, so I hope is for you.
God Bless 1/41, 2AD, "Hell on Wheels"

Joe Weddington SPC
D Co. and HHC/S-3 1/41 Inf
Arrived: 1990
Departed: 1992

I was Major Hulse's HUMVEE driver in S-3 and bunked with SFC Peters and PFC Derek Stanley during the Gulf War. Being in HHC helped me adjust to the Army a little better. I left 1/41 for Compassionate reassignment to HHT 5/12 CAV where I completed my enlistment helping instruct 19D Scout recruits and Armor ROTC / OCS / Cadet types. Went to college. Now own a home inspection company and am an USAF Aux. 1st LT, Search and Rescue Pilot.

Craig Wilson SGT, 11M (now CW2 in SF)
3rd Plt, D 1-41
Arrived: Oct 86
Departed: Jul 90

I came up in 3rd Plt, D Co, from E1 to E5. My PLs were Bill Cain and Perry Rearick. 1SG Thillen, SFC Bellamy, SSG Tubens, SGT Boone, SGT White, and Peter Tiscia were among the NCOs. Some of my troops were Tim Swadley, Steve Maibaum, Dion Sead, Oliva, and Frank Wyatt. Ed Jozwiak was my first CO. Pat Chapman was my room mate.
Although I somtimes hated it in Garlstedt (like working for SSG Billy Franklin), I remember the guys fondly. I am now in SF, along with quite a few 1-41 alumni like David Viens and Perry Rearick. I bacame a Ranger, Jumpmaster, SF demo guy, made E7, then went to the Warrant Officer course. I left 1-41 before Desert Storm, but I was on an SF "A team" in Iraq in 2003.

Looking forward to catching up with old friends.

Frank N. Wyatt
SPC / E-4
Delta 1/41 Inf
ETS: May 89
when I was discharged with left shoulder dislocations.

Had alot of good friends from D 1/41. I will never forget you guys, you been with me all these years.
I am also looking for some friends from there. Peter Tiscia , William Torrez, Steven Maibaum, Doug Roberts, SFC Bellamy, if you know where i can find these guys please let me know.

1st Bn (Mech.), 41st Infantry Regiment

Spec-4 Robert J. Adams now SSG
HHC 1/41
Arrived : Aug 90
Departed : May 92
ETS : 1997

Very good memories from the unit, I never saw the cohesion in any other unit like it was there. One of a kind unit which I was glad to be a part of. I got out of the Army in 1997.

Tim Agazio
A & E Co, 3-41 INF
Arrived: 1985
Departed: 1988

I'm still on active duty...currently in Bosnia and think fondly of my time in 2AD (FWD) and 3-41 INF.

Brian Anderson SPC/91A10
HHC 1/41 Inf. 2AD
Arrived: Nov. 1987
ETS: Jan. 1990

Medic for Alpha Co. 3rd Platoon
Battallion promotions/awards clerk,
Current Occupation: Technology Advisor

Mark Arness
Then PV2 19D10D3
Scout Platoon, HHC 1/41 Inf 2AD(FWD)
Arrived: Nov 90
Deros: Apr 92 (Draw down)

I was just a lowly JAFO on Bandit 6 over in the Gulf. Went to A Troop, 2/9 Cav 7ID (Light) at Ft. Ord, CA after leaving Deutchland in Apr '92. Another base closing there, got an early out in Apr '93. Spent the next 7 years playing part time in the Minnesota Nasty Guard, Scout Plt. 2/135 Inf (Mech).
Couldn't get the Scout out of my blood... can ya blame me? Living now in Blaine, MN.
Here's to the memory of our fallen comrades, may we never forget them.

Brian K Assanowicz
E-6/SSG, then E-5/SGT
HHC 1-41 Inf Scout Platoon
Arrived: Mar 89
Deros: Mar 92

A fitting remembrance to the fallen comrades we left behind. I can never forget, nor should we all. I pray that I live up to Jeff and the others expectations, and make up for their great sacrifice. I miss all the guys that were closer than brothers during our tours in Germany. From the Cav Cup to the Gulf, we always excelled as a team. I wish the best for you all.

Richard Aydelotte SGT now SSG
HHC 1/41
Arrived: Dec 89
Departed: May 92

Served as a mechanic with Straight and Stalwart. Some of the best memories of the army bring me back to 1/41 as well as some of the worst. May our fallen comrades rest in peace and God bless their families. I think of them often and tell my soldiers now of the lessons we all learned out there.
Hell on Wheels!, and you guys weren't to easy on the tracks either.

Tom Barnes
299th Eng Bn attached to 24ID

I was in high school when we rotated to Garlstedt in '86. Went to Osterholz American High School. My dad was the CO of B 1/41. He was also CO of HHC 1/41.
We DEROSd in '89, then I joined up as a 12B. Went to the Gulf with 299th Eng Bn attached to 24ID. Spent 11 1/2 years in before being medically retired in 2000.

Ernest J Beaulieu SPC
1-41 INF, 2AD(FWD)
Arrived: 1984
Deros: 1989

I was in HHC,S3 and scout before going to charlie company. Served at both FT Hood and Garlstedt, looking for anyone within these dates, THANX.

Jan D. Beer COL(R)
HHC, 1-41 Inf. 2AD(fwd)
Arrived: JAN 83

Served as BN XO of 1-41 Inf from Jan 83 to Jan 84. That was the year we got BFVs and had our Bn Test in Dec 93.

Kenneth Bentley
PFC/ E-3 31V10
HHC 1-41 (commo plt) then B 1-41
Arrived: October 1990
Deros: 1992 (drawdown)
ETS: 1996 (medical discharge)

God I miss you guys!
I was on B-9 in the desert. I was the 31V for Bushmaster company.
I received a medical discharge in 1996 for unexplainable seizures.
Anyone else?

Jerry Birdsley
C co 1/41 in Garlstadt
Arrived: Sept. 89
Deros: April 92
ETS: 1992

My name is Jerry Birdsley my current rank is SSG/E-6. I was in C co 1/41 in Garlstadt from Sept. 89 to April 92. I got out in 92 went to college was a police offiecer for two years. Went back active in 1996, as a Cavalry Scout. Served in FT. Knox, Korea, and FT Riley. I am currently in the Kansas National Guard as a Cav Scout. I am also a police officer again and have been since 2003. Served a 14 month rotation with my guard unit in Kosovo. aka the Balkin vacation. Loved Germany I mostly partied in Bremen met my wife at Crash the bar right out the front gate I have been married for 15 years two kids.

Thomas Bradbury
SGT, now SSG
C co 1-41 Inf
Arrived: Nov 87
Shut of the lights: Aug 92


I was a team leader for the ISC squad that took first place with SSG Witherspoon and SGT Dumond. Had to show them light fighters that 11M's can kick ass and hump a ruck. Then I went to Ft Stewart for two years after that the wonderful duty of recruiting in sunny New Hampshire for three years. Which I would have rather not have done but DA selected. After that two years in Ft Hood with the Cav. with 2/7 Inf. I'm stationed at Ft Sam Houston now and loving every minute of it as a Retention counselor keeping them in boots. Garlstadt Germany will always be the best for me not only did I serve in the army there but went to High School in Osterholz and graduated from there in 1983.

Matthew Lee Braman CPL/E-4
2nd Plt. B Co. 1/41 Inf.
Arrived: March 89
ETS: August 92


I served in Second Platoon, B CO 1/41 INF from March of 1989 to August of 1992. My rank at the time of my discharge was Corporal. I also went to basic training in Benning with a few guys in Delta, including Murray, Christian, and Meetz (?)
Got out in 1992, went to college, work for State Farm in Bloomington, IL.

Allen Cowan SGT/E-5
3rd Herd in A 1/41 2AD
Arrived: Jan 88
DEROSed: Aug 92
ETS: Jun 94


I re-upped after the war, went to PLDC and got promoted, and then volunteered to stay behind with the Base Support Battalion when they closed LDCK. Went to Polk for a bit, then off to Hood with the newly re-born 2AD. In 3/41 no less. Almost went career till I got married. ETSed in Jun of 94 (as a SGT believe it or not).
Looking for fellow "Alphaholics"

Chris Deuell 88m
HHC 1/41 INF, 2AD(FWD)
Arrived: Feb '90
Deros: April '92

I was in support platoon [driving trucks]. Most of my time was spent with C co 1-41.

Joseph Dienstag
SGT 11M20
Bco 2nd Plt 1-41 Inf
PCS: Aug 91
ETS: Nov 93

OK, I came to garlcatraz Feb 89 and left in Aug 91, when I was sent to Schweinfurt to the 3rd ID. I left service Nov 93 as a SSG. I was BLACK SIX GULF. I just want everybody to know that I have a heavy burden in my heart for the loses we endured in the gulf. SGT Crumby was my best friend. I named my son after him. I still have his dog tags, which 1SG Williams got set in transparent plastic. Davila, Kramer, Kidd, and Crumby are men I will never forget. After I got out, I stayed in Germany until Aug of 2002. I have tryed just to forget all of it. My mind has been pretty much blank about the whole thing until this war that we are having now started. It seems to come back in waves. There are times that I just go blank, and then dont know what happened. I hope all of you who are "Straight and Stalwart" are doing well. I would be real happy to hear from any of you. CPT Wilson did not deserve his Silver Star. The real heros of that night will be remembered!

Tribute to Bravo's fallen comrades in arms

Jeff Emmons
SPC E-4 11C
HHC 3/66
ETS: 92

It was really hard to remove the patch from over my heart when I left, boy did I get a lot of funny looks because of the new triangular spot on my faded bdu's when I pcs to Ft. Carson. I left on Oct 27, 1990 and my unit was activated Oct. 29, 1990. I have a few pics that I will forward when I dig them out. I was all the way in the back so I have a few of the post that might interest you.

Patric Gadlin
C co and HHC 1/41 Inf
ETS: 1994

I got out in 94 after a return to germany a second time, I was buddies with William Hawk... We also did basic training together.

William J. Gannon
Mortars and HHC/S-3 1/41 Inf
Arrived: 1987
Departed: 1991

I was stationed with HHC 1-41 INF. from 1987 - 1989 with the mortar platoon and I did a little bit of time in S3 at battalion. I PCSed to Ft. Sill in '89 and ETSed in '91. I have been looking for people that were in HHC with me during that time.

Michael Heard SSG
Recovery Section Leader in BN Maint. HHC 1/41 Inf
Arrived: Oct 88
Departed: Jun 92
Retired: Aug 92

I now live in Pensacola, FL .

Carlos Hernandez-Mata
SPC 91A10
HHC 1-41,
Charlie Line Medic from 88-89,
HHC till 6/91
Service: 1/88 - 6/91

Amazing who you run into if you globe trot enough.

SGT Helfferich
Arrived: 88
Departed: 91

Just wanted to say "What the fuck, Over"
To all Bushmasters: Your goat smelling asses need to buy some beer, steaks, and tequila. Then give me a call to let me know when and where the BBQ is. If you can't find any steaks, we can always use your favorite pet.

Seriously: you can contact me at
Nashville, Tenn

Has anyone got the location of Mark Stewart SFC?
He's from Tenn. I just wanted to know if he opened his Stewart's beer bread and bait store.

Jeff Hoffman
HHC 1-41ST 1-41 Infantry
2nd Plt. Medic, Delta Co.
Arrived: March 1990
PCS: April 1992
ETS: October 1992

Honor Your Survival

Kevin W. Howard
1-41 Infantry
Arrived: Jan 80
Departed: Jun-Jul 86

I was stationed with the 1-41 from Jan 80 til Jun-Jul 86 then we with to Garlstedt, Germany. I was in HHC as the legal Clerk, then worked as the PSNCO for the Bn, then I went to D Co, as a Sqd Ldr when 1SG Tallent was the 1SG and the commander was CPT Frank P. Willingham.
I was there when LTC James "Maddog" Pully was the Bn Commnder and before Him. LTC Michael Smith was the BC. We then went to Germany and all hell broke loose in Garlstedt, as the Bn was know as the hell rasiers there.
After I left Germany, I was a Drill Sergeant at 3-32 Bn on SandHill at Fort Benning. I am now in the processes of retiring after 22 yrs and 7 months of service. SFC Kevin W. Howard
11th Regt. IMO

HHC 1/41 BN Recovery Section Leader
Arrived: Nov 87
DEROS: June 92
ETS: Retired Augest 92


I now live in Pensacola, FL

Rick Keeling Spc-4 88M10
HHC 1/41 INF.
Arrived: 87
Departed: 91

Arrived in Garlstadt with a cohort group of drivers. They say the best time in your Army career is your first duty station,, They were right, I had a great time and allot of memories. Like Lt.col Hillman standing on a dumpster giving our Friday safety briefing," We're Infantry by God, and I'm going to have a beer or twelve" Straight and Stalwart. I was in POL squad for my first year, We spent allot of time in the field didn't we, ( Graff , Re forger, Bergen gunnery's, ) then Lt driver for the platoon, when we were called to the gulf, i was the gun truck front support for the log pack. I supplied the front line units with ammo and fuel, food ,parts and mail,,,,, during Operation Desert Storm being the oldest in the platoon,,,, i carried our dead back.
We all did what we had to do,, and we did it well. God speed for those we lost.
I then PCS to Ft. Campbell to 326 Eng 887 Co. then over to 101st support, 129th trans 594th s&p, ( not happy with that move so i got out in 93 ) so to my platoon, form Garlstadt,, if your out there, drop me a line.
Nice to know that you are all still Straight and Stalwart.

Dale Kittles
C co. 1/41 Inf - Ft Hood
Arrived: 1983
Departed: 1985


I lost contact with Sgt. Mark Fosnaught and Lt. Samual Hawes both were going to Germany on unit rotation. If by chance do you have any info, e-mail me.

2LT Bill Krahling
3rd Plt, A Co 1/41 Infantry
A Co 90-91       B Co 91-92

Now MAJ with 101st Airborne Airborne Division (Air Assault)

I was the 3rd Platoon Leader for A Company 1/41 Inf from May 1990 until we returned back from the Gulf. Shortly after, I became the XO for B Company. 1/41 Infantry was one of the highlights of my career. What a great bunch of guys who kept me in stitches. You guys were the best. After the Battalion folded I headed to the Berlin Brigade for a year to work as the S-3 Air for 6/502 Inf. After that I was detailed to the Quartermaster Corps and became a logistics officer. I spent the next 5 years in the 82d Airborne Division serving as the Logistics Plans officer for the Division, the Adjutant for the Division Support Command, and a Forward Supply Company Commander for the 3rd Brigade. After Bragg I spent three years working for the Quartermaster General in Virgina. After that I attended the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth and this past summer PCS'd to the 101st Airborne as the Division Materiel Management Officer.
It would be great to hear from the old 3rd Herd. If you get a chance, and you come through Campbell, the beer is on me! Hope everything is going!

Archie Kyle SP 4
B Co 1/41 Inf 2 AD
Fort Hood TX 85' to 86'
LDCK Garlstedt 86' to 89'
History: Bradley Crew member, Bradley driver, Bradley Gunner, Company Clerk

Hello all Bushmasters out there! Anyone that was in Garlstrdt between 86' to 89' from B Co, I would like to hear from you. My wife was over there with me. She was the manager of the PX barbershop. My wife may have cut your hair one time or another. We both miss all our friends. Drop us a line or two at ... Over there we shot the tow missles at targets out of the Bradley, now I work for the company that makes the missles. Go figure. I had a lot of friends in D Co and it is like B Co never existed. I can not find anyone from B Co. Any suggestions ?

Jonn V Lilyea SFC, 11M4PLLA
3d Plt. Company C 1/41 INF 2AD
Arrived: Oct. 1990
ETS: Dec. 1991


I was platoon sergeant of 3d Plt, C 1/41 (later the winners of best Inf. Squad in Usaeur competition). It was my second tour in 1/41 as I had been in A Co. when they first got BFVs in 1983 at Ft. Hood, TX. My favorite platoon was my "combat Platoon". If anyone knows of any old Catamounts, give me a holler. It gets boring here in DC sometimes.
I retired in 1994 to NY, finished College and now I work for the National Archives in Washington, DC Anyone having any information about any of my troops or LT Miot Crews please contact me. I've got a keg of beer for the best platoon in USAEUR 1991. Capt Sanders can just keep to himself.

Eric Lornson
Headquarters 1/41 and Charlie 498th
Arrived: 88
Deros: 92

I was a medic in Charlie and Delta Company. Garlstedt, Germany from 1988 – 1992. This site sure brings back memories. It is nice to see some old friends.

Joe M. McGee
Spc. (E4) HHC 1/41
Support Platoon
Arrived: 89
Deros: 91

Just Looking for anyone else that might have been in our unit at the same time. Have been thinking about the guys for a long time. This is the first time I've run into anything. Anyone else used to play on the softball teams from HHC? Most of my time was spent hauling Ammo for HHC using the Hemtt. Other than that we used to go to Bremerhaven or Bremen on the weekends to party, until "Stretch" had a head on with a bus on the way home one night. Anyone remember those days?

I hope things are well with all of my fellow Vets. Has anyone heard from SPC Morgan? I would love to hear from anyone that was in the 1/41 regardless if who you are just to see how things are going in your life. I would also like to know if anyone else is having problems with things. It would be great to hear from you too. Please drop me a line ..

Don McKinley SPC/11M
A Co. 1/41 2AD
Service history: 1989-1992

Keith McManus
PFC for life
1st plt Alphaholics 1-41

I got the hell out , went to college, and I'm in the Border Patrol now.

Greg Milligan
E4, 19D Scout
1/41 (M) Inf. 2nd AD HHC Scout Pltn.
Nov. 1984, Nov. 1987

SSG Kip Reitz
Pfc, 11M
1/C/1-41 IN (2AD)

After Desert Storm I was stationed to Ft Polk, LA. There I was part of 3/6 IN of the 5th IN DIV until they were deactivated and named 1-41 IN of the 2nd AR DIV (fate, I guess). After Polk, I re-enlisted to go to Ft Carson and was assigned to 1-12 IN of the 4th IN DIV. I stayed there until Uncle Sam said I should be a recruiter in Greeley, CO. After reruiting, I was stationed to the 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, Ft Riley, KS.
I'm currently going to Korea in May, 2002.

Rob Rollason SPC 19D10D3
Scout Platoon HHC 1/41 INF, 2AD(FWD)
Arrived: 2DEC89
Deros: 7DEC91
updated Feb 2002

After leaving 1/41, I was assigned to D 5/12 CAV Ft Knox, Ky (5/12 later became 1/16). I hated damn near every minute of Ft Knox. I went from one of the best units (on the battlefield and off) to some REMF-like US Army Armor Center assignment. Had briefly thought of making the Army a career until I went stateside. After ETS graduated from East Carolina University and currently reside in Kitty Hawk, NC.
If you ain't Cav, you ain't shit!

Mike Russo SPC 19D
Scout Platoon HHC 1/41 INF, 2AD (fwd)
Arrived: Jan 88
Deros: June 91

Spent the best 4 years of my life with guys that constantly protected my back in training and war. My whole military career was spent at Garlstedt. Still have contacts with several Scouts from the best Scout platoon in 2Ad
"Scouts out"

Anthony Sera
Major, Infantry
XO, Bravo Company 1/41 Infantry
Arrived: Sep 1989
Departed: Jun 1992

I left active duty when Garlstedt shut down. After 6 years I rejoined the reserve and now work weekends for the 311th Corps Support Command in Los Angeles, California as a Corps Transportation Officer. In November 2002 I am scheduled to travel to camp Doha Kuwait for a year active duty tour. Civilian job is an account executive for a pharmaceutical company. No Gulf War Syndrome yet, but If you knew my in Germany--I was already nuts. I've become a lot calmer in my old age.

Chris Sims
PFC in garlstedt/now SGT
C Co. 1/41 Inf 2AD(Fwd)

Let me say striaght off 1/41 AD(Fwd) was the Best unit I've ever had the Honor of serving in. I read all the Charlie Co. posts on this site and I only have ran into a few people from that little Kasern in North Germany. My Most special place at heart is Amoungst you all me young and green behind the ears, I learned the most with you. I was in in-out of the army untill march31 206 2006 active ETS.
Ran into Tom Bradbury living in San Antonio, TX just recently after getting out of army from fort hood Tx, I was extremly happy to see him after so long. Where are you roommate Pfc Rodenroth, Matagonzalez,McGarrigle,John, the other companies I hung out with and the rest of Junk Yard Dogs.
I currently live in San Antonio texas and after OIF2 am going as civilian to work in kuwait as contract worker. any charlie company guys the cooks or other 1/41 family I hung out with Drinking up the Germany Beer. Am shure we all bumped into each other at some point assaulting the Bus to get to the train station for the weekend. Any fellow soldiers I,d like to hear from; final thought rest in peace those that fought with us apart Of 1/41 Inf 2AD(Fwd, Straight and Stalwart.

Paul Sierleja PFC
2nd Plt A co 1/41 INF, 2AD(FWD)
Arrived: 11-90
Deros: 5-92

I was a lowly sawgunner from 2nd platoon during the war. Now I am an officer in the Navy.

Barry Starks
I was E-4 (Spc.) 11M10 C co. 1/41 Inf.
In Garlstedt 6/87 to 6/89


Danny Strickland 1LT
2LT C 1-41 Desert Storm, 2AD(FWD)
1LT Scouts HHC 1-41, 2AD(FWD)
Currently Retired

Left 1-41, went to 1st Cav, Commanded 2 companies Went to Fort Benning and commanded a Ranger company three combat tours later, pentagon asinment and finally retired. Would like to link up with old C Co guys and scouts.

Beachey A. Sutton SSG
A. 1/41 IN.

I left Germany in 92 back to Fort Hood HHH/A Co. 3/41 In.(1/9 Cav. 1st Cav). Got married in after war in 91. medical discharge in Aug. 93. Wife got stationed in hi. 94 to 97. graduated B.S. in criminal justice.
Currently, now i'm in the DFW area working for the federal bureau of prisons along with former D Co. CPL Ingram. Everytime we talk ,we always speak about that outstanding 1SG P.
Former CPL Bell is now a MSG recruiter in the area. I visit FT. Hood at least once every 2 months to see buddies in the bn. SSG Murray is a PLDC cadre at FT. Hood (B Co).

Richard Totleben LTC(P)
Company Commander
Alpha Company


Mark Trepanier SGT/75B2O
HHC, 1/41 Inf, S-1 section
Arrived: 6 November 1989
Departed: 24 May 1992

Deployed to Desert Storm with 1/41
Personal request: Anybody with information how to reach SFC James Goettel or SSG Kevin Elliot, or anybody else who knows me, please contact me.

SPC Leroy Scott Waters
Eco 1/41 - HHC 1/41
Arrived : Dec 89
DEROS : 91

I arrived in Garlstedt after BT in Ft. Benning (A 3/32). Was originaly in E Co 1/41 then went to HHC when the deactivated the Co. I was the BN FO Driver during the war. I worked under MSG Tester, Maj Hulse, etc. I spent alot of time on SFC Peters (BN Master Gunner) and PFC Derek Stanleys Bradley. SPC Stephen Isaacs smoked a ton of my cigs. I am currently an E-6 (pending E-7) on recruiting in Central NJ. After Garlstedt I went to the 101st at Ft Campbell then on to 10th MTN in Ft Drum. Like most, I knew alot of men throughout 1/41. Murray was a good friend of mine. Peace be with him and his family. I was in contact with Edgar Serrano, who now lives in Florida, but lost contact since coming out on recruiting duty.
To all the men in 1/41 - "we'll always have Beer Academy".

Chad Ward
Spec 4 / 11M
B 1/41 Inf. (2AD)
Ft. Benning basic Fall of 89
February 92 Early out program

Company... Attention! BUSHMASTERSSSSsssss.
I would first like to say hello to any of my buds who may read this. I served with Wes Nall and many others in Garlstadt, Germany. I now work in the Oil business on ships in and around the Gulf of Mexico. Not yet married nor with any kids. ( That I know of ) I still live in Florida, so feel free to drop me a line or just drop in.

Steve Ward SGT 63T
HHC 1/41 Inf
(D tm Maint until 6/90)
Recovery Section until ETS
Arrived: 11/87
ETS/Deros: 1/92

Left the Army in January of '92. Went back to school and recieved a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Used the National Guard to finance college and never really got out. Went to OCS in '94 and am currently the BN S-4, in a NG Armor BN in Minnesota.

2LT Keith Webb
Platoon Leader, 3rd Plt, A CO, 1/41 IN.
Arrived : Sept 88
Departed : Dec 91

I went to desert Storm as HHC XO. The greatest honor as a man was to serve with this battalion and this group of men. LTC James Hillman, CPT Ahn, CPT Liesneske, and of course, LT. “Conan” McDonald, LT Mike Ryan, LT Mickey Williams, LT Minot Crews, CPT Liston Edge, LT Mark Winstead, LT John Potter. Straight and Stalwart forever.

Dana Whittenbaugh E-4 31V
Arrived: December 1987
Departed: April? 1990

I was a 31V(now 31U) in the BN Commo Platoon of HHC 1/41 from December 1987 till some time in April or May of 1990. I don't remember exactly because i took terminal leave, but my ETS was as an E-4 in June of 1990. I didn't quite make it to the big sandbox, but i bet i crossed paths with alot of you at some point in the motor pool, on good old LDCK, or in the field somewhere.
After my ETS, I returned home to Dubuque, Iowa. and was glued to CNN throughout the Gulf War. I was dismayed and angered to learn of the 1/41's tragic losses due to "friendly" fire. I spent a few years screwing around and went into the Reserves when i went back to school in 1993.
I was assigned to the BN commo platoon of HSC - 389th ENG BN (CBT) Heavy, which is HQ out of Dubuque. The 389th has worked on many construction and humanitarian projects all over the world. I actually made it back over to Germany in 98 with the 389th, to..... Grafenwoehr! The 389th has worked on construction projects at Graf several times since then.
I got out of the reserves in 99 as an E-5(P), but still have some friends serving with the 389th. The 389th is currently deployed in Iraq.
Here is a list of some of the COMMO DOGS i served with in 1/41. Timothy McDoniel, Scott Brannon, Patrick Parks, Mike Hoffman, Jeffery Ramey, Samuel Horne, Chris Phillips, Stallard, Hampton, Fisher, Geez, Stites, Burton, SSG Simpson, SFC Woodard, SFC Dailey, CPT Dixon and quite a few more that have slipped my mind. If any of you guys run across this, or know any of them, or remember any other commo names, drop me a line. I do have current contact info for Tim McDoniel.
How do you hear this station? Over...

Jerry Wolfe
Support Platoon HHC 1-41 Inf. 2AD (FWD)

I was in Garlstedt as part of the 1-41 that replaced 3-41 in 1986. Check out Jerry's site.

Other Units associated with the 2AD

E-4 / 13F


William Byrne
HHC 3-41 Inf. Jan 1985-April 1986 Cohort Rotation to Ft. Hood
US Army May 84-Sep 92

31C RATT Operator with HHC 3/41 Infantry. Loved Garlstedt but not the alerts. Great duty. Friends I miss from HHC, CPL Stephen Sullivan, SPC Mike Miller, SPC Mike Null, SPC Robert Cork. I was an idiot for not using a camera in the military. If anyone has any photos of Garlstedt please let me know. Of course unclassified. I miss Germany, it was great!

Darrell Clark

I was in 3/66 but the pictures you have of the PCC and the front gate coming in to the Lucius D. Clay Kaserne are great. It brought back a lot of memories.

Larry A. Drown
Svc Btry. 4/3
ARRIVED: Jan 1 1988
DEROS: July 1 1991

I havent seen that old tank at the front gate in years.
Thanks , And its nice to hear from old buddies from 1/41.

Patrick Fuller
Bco 3\66 armor


Patrick Gervais
HHC 498th SPT BN
Arrived: 11 Feb 85
DEROS: 11 Feb 88
ETS:30 Sep 92

I was stationed in Garlstedt from Feb 85-Feb 88. This was my first duty station. I was in HHC 498th spt Bn and worked as a mechanic in our motor pool. We had a motor sgt that came from one of the infantry units. His name was SFC Charron.
Some of the best times I've ever had were spent there. I don't know how many times we would come back from the combined club plastered out of our heads. It's a good thing I lived in the barracks. I know our unit was considered to be an easy unit but I was attatched to 3rd shop which went to the field all the time. We used to go to Bergen all the time. I went to support reforger 87. That was a lot of fun. I came across an overhead view of the base ( LDCK ) which brought back a lot of memories.
We used to go to this club in Bremen called Alladin's. It was a pretty rockin place. There was also a guest house outside the gate. You turned left onto B-6 about a mile. Everybody used to call it Ma's guesthouse. I'm out of the army now and live in Maryland. I work at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Wish I could visit again someday. I was sorry to hear they closed it down.

Samuell Grady
SSG, 16S3P
Arrived: 88
ETS: 91

I served with 2AD from 1988 til 5 months after returning from the Desert. I was the Stinger Section Sergeant in support of 1/41 during the war, and the Platoon Sergeant of the Air Defense platoon before that. (Stinger 6)
Drop me a line if you know me, and let me know you are doing.

Kerry Gregg
Arrived: 1987
Departed: 1990
note:This E-Mail address appears to have expired.
If anyone is in contact with Kerry, please have him contact the webmaster. Thanks.

I was part of the 3rd Battalion 41st Infantry (Mechanized) stationed at Ft. Hood, TX from 1987 to 1990. I am currently in the Army Reserves as a 68n avionic mechanic for the Apache helicopter from 11m mos. It is definitely less regimented. Went to Ft. Eustis, VA for MOS training from Feb 1998 to July 1998, I scored 300 on the final exit PFT and received a certificate of achievement from the Brigade colonel.

Kevin Hill
3/41 HHC Cooks
Arrived: 1981
Deros: 1983

Looking For Other Cooks Stationed In Garlstedt

Brian Jackson
SPC/E-4 13foxtrot (fist)
HHSB 4/3rd FA.
assigned D co. 1/41 Inf.
Arrived: 1988
Deros: 1992 when the post closed

Would like to hear from any other fist people or anyone from 1-41.

Michael J. Kozanecki
B co. 2/66 AR 2AD(FWD) - May 1988 until December 1989
with the 194th SAB in Ft. Knox

Comments: Where do I start? I’d love to hear from anyone from B co. 2/66 AR that was there from 1988-1990. I thought I was being sent to nowhere when I got my assignment, but what an interesting “nowhere” it was. I remember PSG Puckett, 2LT Kirby, 1SG, Brown, Sickles, Brightsprak, Easy, Nicotra, Tanner, House, Gaudett, Smitty, Weeks, Beulin, Theissen and last, but not least, Cpt. Gonzalves(sp). If anyone knows how to get a hold of any of these people, please inform me of their contact info. That place had alot to do with how I developed as a person and it will always have a place in my thoughts. One memry that pops up is a remember when we put Break Free and diesel on our tanks to make them look “pretty”. Classic.

Bill (Wilbur) Linton
13 Fox
HHB 4/3 FA (2/66 FIST)

I was in Garlstedt from 1987-1990 and now live in High Point North Carolina. Originally from Syracuse, NY.

Stephen P. Malone

I was in HHC 2AD, but ran with a lot of guys from 1/41 mostly A company like Mangum, Harris, Carr, Stretch (who was killed in a head on head collision), Odom, Rockmore, Sweet Lou, and Griffin. I use to frequent all the clubs in Bremen and Bremerhaven, went to the gulf war as a 31M was one of the last 10 guys at Garlstedt before it closed. I am a GS civilian for the DOD. I have been in Germany continuously since 88.

Craig Matthew
Service history: 1986-88


Hugh Sterns E-4 / 91A
4/3 FA 2AD
Service history: 6/89 to 10/91

91A (Combat Medic)
Looking for men who were associated with 4/3 FA between 6/89 to 10/91. Any information would be appreciated.

Your Name Your Rank/Grade
Your Unit

Your E-Mail

Your Comment


If you served with me in Garlstedt or the Gulf,
and you'd like to be included in the contact list,
please e-mail me with your:

  • Name
  • Rank and MOS
  • Unit
  • Service history
  • E-mail address
  • Comments you feel appropriate

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