Resume - Derrick McKay

Work Experience - Chronological
( Last Update: August 17, 2002 )

Oct 31st 2000 - Present Systems Administrator
Department of Business, Tourism and Culture
Yukon Territorial Government, Whitehorse Yukon

My primary Responsibility is for Server Administration on the departmental Domain utilizing Microsoft Windows NT4 Server, as well as maintaining, supporting, purchasing, and configuring new computers, printers, and other hardware in a LAN, WAN, and MAN network environment. I am also responsible for recommending and implementing network integrity and security measures in a secure government environment.

Responsibilites also include general support of photocopiers, the internal telephone system, relevant clerical duties (filing, organizing, processing applications " requests, etc), ordering and maintaining stocks of consumables, Technical Support / Troubleshooting of hardware and Yukon Government COE standard software, and recommendations on hardware, software, and systems requirements within the department.

In 2002, I developed, coded, and implemented the departmental website following the Yukon Government "Common Look and Feel" guidelines, as well as authored a departmental document specifying guidelines for developing content for other departmental websites. This document was subsequently adopted by the Yukon Government Public Websites Committee as the first draft of a future Yukon Government set of guidelines for all government web development by outside contractors.

Since 2001, I have also been responsible for Property Management issues covering all buildings in the department, including identifying and managing maintenance items, as well as being the contact with the Property Management Agency for developing the annual Facility Management Agreements for these buildings.

Dec 1st - Feb 13th 2001 Web Site Consulting Contract
Yukon WorkInfoNET
Whitehorse, Yukon
Working on a consultant basis, the contract was to provide technical expertise and recommendations regarding integrated web site components and site layout. Recommendations were made after studying the technology already in use, and finding suitable compatible software for implementation on the site.

July 5th - Aug 31st 2000 SAS Programing Contract
Whitehorse, Yukon
Contract was for generating some 1300 graphs of housing statistics from SAS datasets of 33 Yukon regions/communities. The graphs will be used by Yukon Housing Corporation to provide housing indicators for policy and planning purposes. The process involved experimenting with various tabulate and graphing procedures using SAS v.8.x software, and finally by exporting from SAS to MS Excel format for the generation of the graphs.

Sept 1999 - Apr 2000 Lab Monitor
Yukon College
Whitehorse, Yukon
Keyholder responsible for monitoring network operations, and individuals in the college Network Lab. Duties also included troubleshooting immediate network problems, as well as helping individuals to perform networking / Operating System related tasks.

June 1999 - May 2000 Project Coordinator
Yukon "Computers For Schools" Program,
Whitehorse, Yukon
Under the employment of the Yukon Entrepreneurship Centre Society, with direction from Industry Canada's national CFS Program, I was hired to implement the Computers For Schools program in Whitehorse. Tasks accomplished included the following:
  • Liaison with national CFS personnel in Ottawa regarding national procedures and guidelines.
  • Public relations with members of the press and the business community regarding the program in the Yukon.
  • Recommending, and securing a Repair Facility for the program to utilize.
  • Identifying and obtaining tools and equipment for the Repair Facility, as well as the initial setup and organization of the facility.
  • Repair and refurbishment of computers ranging from 8088 to Pentium class systems.
  • Installation and configuration of Operating System and other software for use on donated systems.
  • Development and delivery of a "Computer Camp" for 13-16 year olds aimed at introducing them to computer hardware, safety procedures, and repair / troubleshooting techniques.

June 1999 Computer Tutor
YTG Public Service Commission
Whitehorse, Yukon
Two week term position responsible for troubleshooting and helping with computer-related problems experienced by government personnel from many departments. Software included MS Outlook '97, MS Office 4.3 and '97, and other software. During the term, I was exposed to, and used the "HEAT" reporting system.

June 1997 - Dec 1998 Contract Web Designer
Faro, Yukon
Designed and implemented Internet websites on a contract basis. The official page of the "Town of Faro Yukon", ( ) and "Shane Wilson Sculptures" ( ) were both undertaken and completed successfully.

June 1992 - Dec 1998 Self-employed Computer Consultant
Faro, Yukon
Worked with members of the public on a consultant basis to deliver advice on computer hardware, software, and configuration, as well as troubleshooting and repairing computer systems. I was also the local resource person for YKNet concerning Internet related software / hardware configuration and troubleshooting of TCP/IP based problems, as well as occasional work with their network based hardware (Cisco router / modem bank).

Mar 1995 - July 1997 System Technician - CV Computing
Faro, Yukon
Assembled, tested, and configured computer systems for retail sale. Also did Technical Support and Troubleshooting.

Aug 1996 - June 1997 Computer Instructor
Yukon College Faro Campus
Faro Yukon
Instructed adult students in MS-DOS, Windows 3.1 / 3.11 / 95, MS Word 95, MS Excel, and WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows. Duties involved developing lesson plans and assignments, as well as developing and grading exams. I was also responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting the peer-to-peer network present in the campus.

1985 - 1997 Other employment / Volunteer / Community Activities
  • Owned, operated, and managed a Video Rental / Electronics Sales retail operation in Faro Yukon from March 1987 to July 1998. Duties included Human Resources, ordering, inventory procedures, bookkeeping, and all other managerial aspects, as well as dealing with members of the public as a retail salesperson.
  • Member of the YTG Business Development Fund Advisory Board (1993 - 1997)
  • Chair of the Faro Community Campus Committee (1993 -1995)
  • Elected Municipal Councilor for the Town of Faro. Served as acting Mayor April - November 1991. (1989 - 1992)
  • Observer Communicator at the Faro Community Airport Radio Station. Transport Canada licensed radio operator and aircraft weather reporting. (1989 - 1992)
  • On-call Guard for RCMP Faro detachment (1994 - 1997)
  • Deputy Chief of Faro Volunteer Fire Department (1989 - 1992). Level 1 certified firefighter from 1985 - 1992.

Computer Related Knowledge
I have experience with the following Operating Systems. This includes installation, configuration, troubleshooting, and maintenance:
  • MS DOS 3.x,4.x,5.x and 6.x - (1991+)
  • Windows 3.1 / 3.11 - (1994+)
  • Windows 95 (including OSR2) - (1995+)
  • Windows 98 (including SE) - (1997+)
  • Windows NT4 Workstation - (1995+)
  • Windows NT4 Server - (1998+)
  • Windows 2000 Professional - (2000+)
  • Windows Millenium (ME) - (2000+)
  • Redhat Linux 5.x - (1999+)
In addition, I have extensive experience using the following software:
  • Microsoft Office 4.x, 97 and 2000 (Word, Excel, Access, Powerpoint)
  • Netscape (all since version 1.x)
  • Internet Explorer (all since version 3.x)
  • Internet Mail programs uincluding Outlook (97 and 98) and Outlook Express
  • Numerous FTP, Gopher, Archie, Newsreader, and other Internet software programs
  • Adobe Photoshop 4.x, 5.x and JASC Paintshop Pro versions up to and including 7.x
  • Various Image scanning related software (Omnipage Pro, etc)
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 5.x and 6.x
  • Numerous HTML editors (Homesite, Hotdog Pro, 1st Page 2000, Netscape, etc.)
I have experience and/or training in the following Network related Software:
  • User Manager for Domains (NT4 Server)
  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • NT4 Event Viewer
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.x
  • Internet Service Manager (Microsoft Management Console - IIS4 and 5)
I have over 10 years experience installing, configuring, repairing, and maintaining the following types of computer hardware:
  • IBM Compatible 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, and Pentium2 / 3 System Architecture.
  • All internal system components (Video cards, hard/floppy drives, removable drives, CPU's, Power Supplies, Sound cards, etc.)
  • Printers
  • Modems (internal and external)

Post Secondary Education

Details of Courses and Grades can be found on the Details Page.

January - April 2001 Yukon College Computer Studies Program ( Part Time )
  • Programming - Advanced Visual Basic

September 1999 - April 2000 Yukon College Computer Studies Program - Second Year
  • Networking - Windows NT Server 4.0
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0
  • Introduction to UNIX using LINUX
  • Web Programming
  • Programming - Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
  • Database Design Fundamentals using Oracle and MS Access
  • SAS (v6.x)
  • Microsoft Access 97
  • Finite Mathematics

September 1998 - April 1999 Yukon College Computer Studies Program - First Year
  • Operating Systems I (DOS / Windows 3.x)
  • Operating Systems II (Windows 95)
  • Networking Essentials (topologies, architecture, media, hardware, standards, protocols, troubleshooting, and maintenance)
  • Programming - C++
  • Microsoft Word/Excel 97
  • Microcomputer Hardware
  • Business Communications
  • Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry

Security & Confidential Info Experience
  • Administrator-Level Account on YTG governmental Municipal Area Network.
  • RCMP security clearance for civilian employment.
  • As an elected municipal Councilor, I was responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of a variety of information dealing with other government agencies (territorial and municipal), as well as the RCMP and a wide range of businesses.

Additional Info & Comments

  • I have held a valid Yukon Driver's License since 1978.
  • I have been a valid Yukon Health Care card holder since 1973.
  • I am a hard working individual with extensive experience with a variety of computer systems and software. My computer troubleshooting skills are methodical and thorough, and I am innovative in finding solutions to problems. As part of the formalization of my credentials, I will complete the Diploma program at Yukon College, and then proceed to study for and obtain CompTIA A+, Network+, and I-net+ certifications, as well as pursue MCSE certification.

  • This page is © copyright 2001 - Derrick McKay
    No unauthorized use of graphics, Javascripts, or other content
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    fully accredited, and the author retains copyright.

    This page was last modified03/17/2025 02:24:28