Maurijones J. de Albuquerque
To obtain an internship or part-time job in a multi-faceted business environment that will provide a work experience to enhance my educational background and/or a position that would best make use of both my education and technology background.

Highlight of Qualifications
Strong practical and theoretical foundation in improving student and teacher skills in computer technology use.

Mailing address: 
Rua Antonio Valdevino da Costa, 308, Torrões, Recife-PE CEP 50640-040, BRAZIL
Home: [081] 3446-1485 - Mobile: [081] 9242-2852

Personal web page:

Special Interests / Research Focus:
· Distance learning employing the WWW and real-time interaction.
· Writing, creating, & maintaining web site.
· Utilization of the World Wide Web as a creative and dynamic media. 

Educational Background:

- Information and Computer Engineering,
   The Polytechnic University,  Kanagawa,Tokyo, Japan, training instructors course.
Course Object:
 - Computer Manipulation
 - Programming
 - Data Communication
  • Administering Microsoft Windows NT 4.0

  •   Microsoft Certified: Technical Education Center
  • Hardware Configuration (Set-up) and Software Installation.

  •   SENAI, Regional Department of PE.
  • Certificate of Proficiency in English

  •   Excellent English skills [oral and written], Intermediate English Development Course. 
      Cultura Inglesa.
  • Intensive Japanese Language Course.

  •   Hachioji International Training Centre
      JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan.

    In-Plant Training [Improvement Courses]: 

    · Oracle Database Management and Design
      NihonUnisys Co. Ltd., Koto-ku, Japan.

    · Data Processing in Factory Automation/Advanced PLC
      Omron Corporations - Nissei Building, Kyoto, Japan.

    · Data Processing in Factory Automation/Sequence Circuit - PLC
      Omron Corporations - FA Plaza, Kyoto, Japan.

    · Optical Fiber Communication
      AndoElectric Co. Ltd., Shizuoka, Japan.

    · Unix Network Course
      Hitachi Electronics Services Co. Ltd., Yokohama, Japan, 

    Improvement course:

    · CAD, computer aided design, AutoCAD R14/2000i/2002.
    · Structured cabling system
    · Vocational Education Information System - SINF in Lotus Notes
    · Desktop publishing: CorelDraw, Adobe PhotoShop 4.0, PageMaker.
    · Spreadsheet: MS-Excel 2000
    · Word processor: MS-Word 2000
    · Delphi 4
    · Operating system: Windows 95/98, NT, 2000 Server, Unix
    · Computer Languages:HTML programming, JavaScript.


    1990 - 2001: SENAI - National Industrial Training Service, JTJr. Vocational Training Center, Recife, Pernambuco. Computer Aided Design Instructor and System Support: Responsible for creating a computer curriculum for CAD training, integrating technology into the academic curriculum. Provide support/enhancement activities for information technology department. assisting in software and hardware purchasing decisions, teacher training, classroom resource support. Selecting and updating educational software for the school, organizing curricular guides for computer training courses. Working with administrators to strategize and implement a school-wide NT network. Staff training and development (HTML, Internet, AutoCAD R14/2000i, word processor, spreadsheet training) School population approximately 1.760 students per year.

    1989 - 1990: Norfil S.A. Textile Industry , João Pessoa, Paraíba,Technical Support, Operational Training Instructor: Responsible for designing all management scheduling, production management and controlling, maintenance planning, job schedulling, and operational training for new employees.

    1979 - 1989: Microlite do Nordeste - Ray-O-Vac Battery, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Pernambuco,Technical Designer, Operational Training Instructor: Responsible for designing all management scheduling, production management and controlling, maintenance planning, job schedulling, and operational training for new employees. Responsible for conducting training course on machine handling procedures based on working methods for shop floor personnel, implementating and adapting new working methods, and translating technical and technological information from English into Portuguese and vice-versa.

    Training & Professional Activities:

    March 1998 – November1999. Involved in the development, piloting and teaching of a four hour computer training course [ Operating System Windows 95, MS Office 97 (Word processing, Excel, PowerPoint), Internet tools, Web navagation, Internet Explorer, Netscape, e-mail, search engines, download/upload, FTP, TCP/IP protocol, Java Scripting, Frontpage, HTML programming, web page design.

    March-November 1999. Taught a forty hour Professional development course in AutoCADR14 for the teaching staff. 

    November 2000 - 2001: Creation and maintenance of the SENAI, Regional Department of Pernambuco  web site:

    December 1999: CFP Joseph Turton Júnior, Recife, Pernambuco, HTML Study. Eight-hour of study and improvement to create my CAD web page -- image formatting, basic HTML, use of tables, design considerations and submitting to search engines. Here is [] an example of a web site created as a direct result of my study.

    July 1999:  Internet Training, CFP Joseph Turton Júnior, Recife, Pernambuco. Trained twenty students in the use of e-mail, WWW, FTP with special focus on education resources.

    1995-1996 ~ 2001: CFP Joseph Turton Júnior, Internet Supporter. Involved in hardware configuration and software installation. Involved in the implementation of the local area network in management and system support, distributing user accounts, on-line education. Taught technical course students use of the Internet including FTP, WWW, e-mail, web site design, and CAD - Computer Aided Design using Autodesk software AutoCAD 2001i.

    April-May 2002: Computer literacy , Co-operatve of Technical Adviser, Paulista, Pernambuco. Taught a twenty hour computer training course [Operating System Windows 95-98, Word processing], for ten participants from public teaching network.


     - Computer skills include Word processor, Excel, Operating system Windows NT and 2000 server, AutoCAD.

     - Internet skills include HTML programming, UNIX, FTP, Telnet, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Flash, Dreamweaver.

     - Familiarity with conversational Spanish, English, Japanese.

    Technological Expertise:

    · Hardware: extensive experience on PC-based platforms. LAN manager.

    · Software: extensive knowledge of HTML standards including frames and experience with CSS, FrontPage 98, Adobe PageMaker, Acrobat, Photoshop, experience with Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Flash, Javascript. Image mapping, gif construction set professional.

    · Internet Related: FTP, Telnet, Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer, Download/Upload.

    Available upon request.


    "Truth does not emerge from opinions; it must emerge from something else —perhaps from a more free movement of this tacit mind.  So we have to get meanings coherent if we are going to perceive truth, or to take part in the truth."   —David Bohm

    Zona Referencial de CADe e Maurijones Web Design são marcas de serviço de Maurijones J. de Albuquerque. 
    All rights reserved, © 1996, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001, 2002; Maurijones Web Design.