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The Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED) is an international non-governmental organisation, based in Geneva, Switzerland, and affiliated to the United Nations. It works closely with a large number of developing countries, international research programmes, UN agencies and other organisations to promote and advocate for effective health research systems based on the strategy of essential national health research (ENHR).
COHRED is now seeking a SENIOR RESEARCH OFFICER to be responsible for a number of activities in support of ENHR. Working in close collaboration with other members of the Secretariat, the Officer will (a) carry out strategic and scientific review of ENHR proposals from countries and regional networks requesting COHRED's support, (b) monitor progress made by countries in developing an effective health research system, (c) analyse, synthesize and disseminate country experiences and (d) develop tools and methodologies that contribute to the development of effective health research systems.
The ideal candidate will have a degree in a biomedical or social science or in medicine, and at least five years' experience in developing and/or managing health research. Experience of work in a developing country, or in an international environment, would be an asset. Candidates should be able to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with people from a broad range of backgrounds. Fluency in English is essential; a working knowledge of French and/or Spanish is desirable.
The post will be available from 1 July 2001, and the initial appointment will be for a period of two years, renewable. Salary and benefits will be equivalent to P5 level in the United Nations system. COHRED is an equal opportunities employer.
Further information on COHRED's activities can be found on its Web site:
Please send applications, including a curriculum vitae and a letter explaining why you think you are suited to the post, to arrive by 28 February 2001, to:
COHRED, c/o UNDP, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland.
Fax: +41 22 9178015 ;