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Catholic Relief Services
I. REMIDE Program
1. Develop life of project and annual operational plans with
local country program staffs and partners
2. Ensure high-quality implementation of the REMIDE Program
3. Develop a curricula of training modules in disaster mitigation
4. Oversee planning, organization and implementation of training sessions
5. Supervise four disaster prevention coordinators based in the four participating country programs.
6. Analyze public policies related to emergency programming and support local organizations in appropriate advocacy activities
7. Develop strategies for coordination with and support to municipal-level governments
8. Ensure coordination with host country disaster management agencies.
9. Prepare reports for CRS and co-funder OFDA.
10. Manage REMIDE Program budget
II. Regional Technical Assistance
1. Develop regional strategy for emergency response, prevention
and mitigation in conjunction with local country program staffs
2. Provide technical assistance to programs for development of country-level emergency strategies
3. Review and/or develop emergency proposals
4. Network to ensure coordination with other agencies working in emergencies
5. Promote exchange of lessons learned and best practices
6. Provide training as necessary
7. Develop roster of regional and inter-regional emergency experts/consultants
8. Work with RTAs for Microfinance, Civil Society, Health and Agriculture in development of integrated strategies for emergency
9. Work with the RTA for Management Quality on the design and implementation of regional and country-level security policies
10. Coordinate with the CRS Emergency Response Team, based in Nairobi
1. Masters degree
2. At least the years experience in overseas emergency relief programming
3. Fluency in Spanish and English.
For consideration please send resume with salary requirements by:
Email: CRS@rpc.webhire.com, or fax : 800.383.0969. Please reference Source Code