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Spatial Information Technology Specialist
East-West Center
Established by the United States Congress in 1960 to promote mutual understanding and cooperation among the governments and peoples of the Asia-Pacific region including the United States, the East-West Center seeks to foster the development of an Asia-Pacific community through cooperative study, training and research.
Applications are being accepted for a one-year position as a Spatial Information Technology Specialist to manage a laboratory for understanding land-use and land-cover change in the Asia-Pacific region. The specialist will draft and co-author papers summarizing completed research for publication and conduct training in the laboratory and in field situations in Asia and the Pacific for collaborating researchers and participants in the use of spatial information technology in analyzing resource management problems.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Master's degree or equivalent in geography, natural resources management or a related field. Plus three years experience integrating remote sensing, GPS, GIS software (ESRI products and IDRISI) and ERDAS Imagine image processing software for analyzing resource management problems. Must have strong oral, written and analytical skills. Demonstrated ability to apply fundamental statistical analysis techniques, to keep current on spatial information technology; and to work cooperatively in team-based fieldwork in an intercultural setting.
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Background in vegetation discrimination and an interest in social science applications to the human dimensions of global and local environmental change. Experience with processing remote sensing products such as spectral mixture analysis, multiscale and multitemporal analysis of remotely sensed data, topographic normalization in high relief areas, and both discrete and non-discrete classifiers. Knowledge of the Asia-Pacific region.
SALARY: $40, 236.00 per year plus a cost-of-living allowance currently at 25%, and an attractive benefits package. For more information about the Center, visit our website at: <http://www.EastWestCenter.org>
Submit a cover letter detailing your qualifications, a resume, and names and addresses of three professional references to Human Resources Office, East-West Center, 1601 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96848-1601, or FAX to (808) 944-7970.
Applications received by March 23, 2001 will receive full consideration.
An Equal Opportunity Employer