The Earth Negotiations Bulletin

Requires : One Digital Editor

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin ( is an independent reporting service that provides daily coverage of negotiations on environment and development at the United Nations.

It is published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD,

At the meetings we attend all over the world, our team always includes one Digital Editor, responsible for the digital content we provide from international negotiations. Responsibilities include creating and maintaining the ENB web site, taking digital images and preparing JPEGs, recording speeches and encoding them into RealAudio, and providing technical support to the ENB writers (networking, installing software, etc).

This is not your standard job:
You will work 12+ hours a day for the duration of the conference (and then get a week or more off) and your commute will be on a jet. This position involves extensive travel, plan on spending at least half the month overseas - if not more.

Minimum qualification:
- command of HTML
- ability to work in team, for extended hours
- love of technology: you will be the geek of the team. You must not only be able to use computers, you should love doing this. Expect to solve all sorts of technical problems...
- knowledge of international environmental processes
-Ability to write ASP, networking skills and languages (especially those of the UN) are definite assets.

Applicants should send their CVs to : by Friday, 15 September.

If you wish to include specific details describing your qualifications, please do so - *briefly* - in the body of the e-mail.