Lambda class Shuttle

Craft: Lambda class T-4a Shuttle
Type: Government transport shuttle
Scale: starfighter
Length: 20 metres
Skill: ?
Crew: 4-6 (varies), with a skeleton crew of 1
Crew Skill: ?
Cargo Capacity: 80 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 130,000 credits
Hyperdrive: 1 with a class 10 back-up
Nav Computer: yes (capable of jumping up to 17 parsecs)
Maneuverability: 1D
Speed: 5
Atmosphere: 850 kph
Hull: 4D
Shields: 1D+2
Sensors: Passive : 20 Space Units/0D
Scan : 40 Space Units/1D
Search : 80 Space Units/2D
Focus : 4 Space Units/2D+2
Weapons: 3 Double Blaster Cannons
Fire Arc: 2 Front, 1 Aft, Damage: 4D, Crew: 3 Gunners per cannon, Space Range: 25, Atmospheric Range: 2.5 km
2 Double Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: 2 front (fire-linked), Damage: 4D, Crew: 1 Gunner for cannons, Space Range: 25, Atmospheric Range: 2.5 km

The Lambda is used to transport both cargo and personel. It's heavy armament makes it capable of travelling without escort. Also this vessel has rather powerful shields. The Lambda is designed by Sienar Fleet Systems but Cygnus Space Works has provided a more heavily armed version. Many government officials use the Lambda Shuttle for personal transport due to their combination of ability in combat and the large interior cargo area which could be converted to passenger space. Also the shuttle's multiple shield systems and strong hull increase its survivability in combat.
