This is in response to your
letter of August 2, 1999 to Dr. Henney
and your e-mail of September 13, 1999 to
Dr. Henney and myself.
We are aware there will be
no FDA-approved beef insulin product
marketed in the U.S. As was stated in
previous correspondence with you, the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
does not provide FDA with authority to
require a manufacturer to continue
making a product. We are concerned that
American consumers have access to needed
medical products. FDA is using its
enforcement discretion and allowing
personal importation of unapproved drugs
that are medically necessary and not
available in the U.S. on a case-by-case
basis. I am enclosing a copy of a
document that was recently posted on
CDER’s web page
( that
answers frequently asked questions and
provides instructions for patients
wishing to import beef insulin from a
foreign source. This information was
posted to assist consumers and provide
information on FDA’s import policy of
beef insulin for personal use. Consumers
who write to the FDA requesting to
import beef insulin will also be
provided a copy of this document.
The FDA has no regulatory
authority over the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Customs
Service. Consumers wishing to import
beef insulin must meet the requirements
and regulations of these agencies as
well as the FDA. Specific questions
regarding the requirements and
regulations of these agencies should be
directed to the appropriate agency.
that wish to sell their drug products,
(such as beef insulin) in the U.S. must
have FDA marketing approval. I can
assure you that staff at the FDA are
available to work with manufacturers
wishing to obtain marketing approval for
their drug products and will give prompt
review to data submitted in support of
an application. However, please note
that confidentiality laws prohibit FDA
from commenting on any drug under
development or application received in
CDER, unless the information has already
been published.
I hope this information is
useful to you.
Celia A. DeLawter
Executive Secretariat (HFD-6)
Center for Drug Evaluation and