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Lancet, August 15, 1987
Section of Diabetes,
Medizinische Universitaetskilinik,
Inselspital Bern, CH-3010 Bern,
Switzerland; and Section of
Endochrinology and Metabolism,
Universitaetsspital, Basel, Switzerland
The case histories
of 3 patients with insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus (IDDM) suggested that,
after a switch from beef/porcine to
human insulin, a given level of
hypoglycemia may cause less pronounced
sympathoadrenal symptoms (tremor,
sweating, etc.), so that there is less
warning of impending unconsciousness.
This possibility was investigated by
questioning of 176 IDDM patients who had
switched from beef/porcine to human
insulin with negligible change in dosage
1-48 months earlier. 66 (36%) said that
their symptoms of hypoglycemia had
changed from those of sympathoadrenal
activation to those of neuroglycemia.
This disadvantage of human insulin is an
argument for continued availability of
beef/porcine insulin.
told in advertisements that "human
insulin [is] for all"(1), and this
claim is backed by quotations from
clinical reports(2)(5),
stating that human insulin is
"indistinguishable from porcine
insulin effectiveness"(3) and that
"no adverse reactions were
encountered in any of the
patients"(2). It has also been said
that patients can be transferred from
purified porcine insulin to human
insulin without any precautions.(5)
In contrast,
product information on human insulin for
American patients tells us that "a
few patients who experienced
hypoglycemic reactions after being
transferred to Humulin have reported
that these early warning symptoms were
less pronounced than they were with
animal-source insulin"(6). This
phenomenon which we now call
hypoglycemia unawareness has been
described before(7) but has not received
sufficient attention. We report three
patients with peculiar and serious
hypoglycemia reactions on human insulin
and an informal follow-up study of
patterns of hypoglycemia in ambulatory
diabetic patients changed from
beef/porcine to human insulin.
Case 1
diabetes mellitus (IDDM) developed
in a male pharmacy
student in 1983 when he was aged 20.
He was moderately well
controlled on 6 units of 'Actrapid
MC' and 10 units of 'Lente MC' each
morning and 10 units Lente MC each
evening, experiencing several
episodes of hypoglycemic coma always
associated with tremor and sweating.
In 1986 the patient was switched to
human insulin (10-15 units
'Huminsulin Normal' and 10-17 units
'Huminsulin Basa;' each morning)
with good glycemic control (total
hemoglobin [Hb] A1 8%, fasting
blood-glucose 4.4-12 mmol/L, and
blood-glucose before the evening
meal 3.2-14.5 mmol/L).
On Sept. 9,
1986, the patient took one less
equivalent of bread at his midday
meal because he had 5% glycosuria.
After running for 30 min. in the
afternoon he took a bath and was
found unconscious; most of the water
had splashed out of the tub,
presumably because of convulsions.
On recovery in hospital he said he
had no warning signs of hypoglycemia
(blood glucose 1.7 mmol/L).
Two weeks
later he recorded a fasting
blood-glucose of 8.5 mmol/L at 0710
h and took 12 units normal and 18
units basal Huminsulin. He consumed
his usual weighted breakfast and
spent the morning studying. The
patient's mother prepared his usual
lunch and both parents left the
house at 1130 h. At 1700 h they
found the patient unconscious on the
kitchen floor with the meal
untouched (blood-glucose 1.0
mmol/L). He remained in deep coma in
hospital despite intensive
treatment. He had bilateral
convulsions, positive bilateral
Babinski reflexes, and symmetrical
and increased deep-tendon reflexes.
A brain scan showed cerebral edema
but not focal lesions or hemorrhage.
Electroencephalography (EEG) showed
suppression-burst activity and,
periodically, continuous are active
sub-delta activity, but no epileptic
foci. His blood-glucose was stable
for 4 days between 20 and 30 mmol/L
with intravenous glucose and
intravenous insulin (36-52 units/24
h). Assisted ventilation was stopped
4 days at the request of the parents
and the patient died.
Case 2
A male history
student became diabetic in 1976 when
he was aged 15. Good glycemic
control was eventually attained
(total HbA1 5-7.5%) with 6 units
Actrapid MC and 20 units Lente MC
each morning and 3-5 units Actrapid
MC and 4 units Lente MC before the
evening meal.
In 1986 the
patient was transferred to human
insulin (8 units Actrapid HM and 18
units 'Protaphane HM' [NPH] in the
morning, 4 units Actrapid HM before
supper, and 4 units Protophane MH at
bedtime), with an insulin dose
regimen similar to that for the
monocomponent beef/porcine insulin.
He was switched to human insulin, at
the suggestion of one of us (A. T.),
because of the report of a distinct
decrease of hypoglycemic reactions
in individual patients(4).
Subsequently, the patient had at
least one episode of hypoglycemia
associated with cramps and
convulsions at night without warning
symptoms; double vision and lack of
muscular coordination developed,
occurring during the day. On one
occasion while studying before lunch
the patient lapsed into a 7-hour
coma without warning signs.
In late
December the patient was examined
after his usual morning dose of
insulin, complaining of visual
disturbance and lightheadedness,
without sweating, tremor, or hunger
(blood-glucose 1.2 mmol/L). The
symptoms resolved after 20 g
glucose. He took his usual
midmorning snack but lapsed into
coma while studying later in the
morning. He recovered in hospital
but had no memory of warning
symptoms (blood-glucose 0.6 mmol/L).
continued careful adjustments in
insulin he was found unconscious in
early 1987 in a car park on his way
home to lunch, having walked for 2 h
in a semiconscious state
(blood-glucose 1.0 mmol/L). He
remained unconscious for 19 h,
despite intensive care in hospital,
and subsequently had retrograde
amnesia for 5 weeks. EEG showed
diffuse non-specific changes
consistent with metabolic brain
damage and no epileptic foci. A
computerized tomography scan of the
brain showed no focal lesions.
Psychomotor function tests remain
abnormal, despite a normal
Case 3
IDDM developed
in a male office clerk in 1972 when
he was aged 14. He was maintained on
24 units Lente MC twice daily for 11
years with only occasional episodes
of hypoglycemic symptoms with
sweating and tremor. When first seen
in 1984 (total HbA1 15%) he was
changed to 4 units normal and 28
units basal Huminsulin twice daily.
After 6 months his HbA1 was 11.7%.
In early 1985
he presented with slurred speech and
no other symptoms (blood-glucose 2.0
mmol/L). Despite a decrease in
insulin to 4 units normal and 24
units basal Huminsulin twice daily,
on three occasions in the following
6 months blood-glucose
concentrations of 2.2, 2.3, and 2.2
mmol/L were noted before the evening
meal, without hypoglycemic symptoms.
On one occasion he complained only
of lightheadedness, when his
blood-glucose was 1.0 mmol/L. In
late 1985 he delayed his dinner and
lapsed into a coma (blood-glucose
1.8 mmol/L at 2130 h) that needed
hospital treatment.
The next month
he needed hospital treatment for
severe lack of coordination and
disorientation (blood-glucose 2.2
mmol/L). Despite a further decrease
in dose of Huminsulin (normal and
basal) he had frequent episodes of
low blood-glucose values with
Two months
later the patient had a car
accident, less than half an hour
after lunch, as a result of
hypoglycemic coma; he had had 4
units of normal and 16 units of
basal Huminsulin at 0645 h and 4
units of normal and 12 units of
basal Huminsulin at 1900 h the
evening before. A few days later he
was admitted to hospital in a deep
coma (blood-glucose 1.7 mmol/L on
admission) after a reduced dose of
morning insulin (4 units of normal
and 12 units of basal Huminsulin at
0645 h) and his usual meal and
having had 4 units of normal and 8
units of basal Huminsulin at 1900 h
the evening before, but he recovered
with 8 g of intravenous glucose.
The next month
the patient asked to be switched
back to porcine insulin and after
adjustments in dose schedules had no
further symptoms of hypoglycemia in
the next 8 months.
A total of 413 diabetic
patients were examined at a diabetes
clinic during 6 months in 1986-87. Table
I shows treatment groups and sex
distribution. Of 315 diabetic patients
on insulin, 206 (65%) were on human
insulin (Novo, Lilly, Nordisk) and 109
(35%) on beef/porcine or porcine
"monocomponent" (MC Novo) or
porcine "rare immunogenum" (RI
Nordisk) insulin. 176 patients were
transferred from beef/porcine or porcine
insulin to human insulin between 1983
and 1987 and 30 were on human insulin
from the beginning of their insulin
treatment. The reasons for transfer
were, in order of importance,
non-availability of beef/porcine or
porcine insulin, interest of the
patients in advertisements for
"insulin that is
identical to the natural insulin",
and expectations of a reduction in
insulin dose. Hypoglycemic episodes were
not an indication for transfer except in
cases 1 and 2, as reported above.
1986 TO FEBRUARY, 1987 |
Total |
Men |
Women |
No. of patients with
diabetes |
413 (100%) |
228 (55%) |
185 (45%) |
groups: |
Diet alone |
39 (10%) |
22 (56%) |
17 (44%) |
Oral hypoglycemic drugs |
59 (14%) |
36 (61%) |
23 (39%) |
Insulin |
315 (76%) |
173 (55%) |
142 (45%) |
252 (61%) |
143 (57%) |
103 (43%) |
161 (39%) |
85 (53%) |
76 (47%) |
diabetes, NIDDM=non-insulin-dependent diabetes.(8)
Men (n=33) |
Women (n=33) |
Age (yr.) |
39 (19-65) |
41 (23-77) |
Duration of diabetes
(yr.) |
15 (3-37) |
23 (4-43) |
Beef/Porcine insulin
(yr.) |
13 (05-35) |
17 (1-39) |
Human insulin (mo.) |
10 (1-36) |
14 (1-48) |
66 insulin-dependent diabetic
patients (IDDM) who had been switched to
human insulin (Novo n=47, Lilly n=18,
Nordisk n=1) were selected for interview
after they had spontaneously reported
changes in reactions to hypoglycemia or
after a positive response to the question
"Has there been a difference in your
hypoglycemic symptoms since you changed from
beef/porcine or porcine to human
Hypoglycemic symptoms were classed
in two groups: (1) sympathoadrenal
(including sweating, tremor, voracious
hunger, warmth, palpitations, tachychardia,
and pallor); and (2) neuroglycopenic
(including lightheadedness, anxiety and
fear, inability to concentrate, visual
disturbances, slurred speech, drowsiness,
abnormal behavior, headache, lack of
coordination, stomachache, and a vague
feeling of hunger).An important feature of
the neuroglycopenic symptoms is a nebulous
but overriding fear with feelings of
foreboding and loss of control.
All interviews were conducted at
the diabetes clinic. The patients were not
aware that the condition of hypoglycemia
unawareness was being studied.
Further results of this survey are
presented elsewhere.(10)
Of the 176
patients transferred from beef/porcine to
human insulin, 66 (36%) (table II) reported
that early hypoglycemia symptoms had
changed from sympathoadrenal to
Sweating and
tremor, the main sympathoadrenal
symptoms of hypoglycemia, were evaluated
in particular. 55 (83%) patients had
early sweating during hypoglycemic
reactions on beef/porcine insulin and 11
(17%) did not mention sweating. On human
insulin 21 (32%) of the same patients
observed sweating as a late symptom of
hypoglycemia and in 45 (68%) it was
absent. Tremor was present in 51 (77%)
patients on beef/porcine insulin and in
16 (24%) on human insulin.
The mean dose
of beef/porcine insulin before transfer
was 43.7 units; for human insulin the
mean doses were 42.7 and 42.6 units at
the first and the last visit after
transfer, respectively. The mean daily
difference in insulin dose was -0.96
(last visit -1.15 units); the daily
doses did not differ (paired t-test
p=0.068 [last visit, p=0.237] 95%
confidence intervals of the difference
-2.01 to -0.07 [last visit CI, -3.08 to
7 patients with
hypoglycemia unawareness on human
insulin were transferred back to
beef/porcine insulin, 3 at their own
request, and all lost the
neuroglycopenic symptoms and regained
their awareness of hypoglycemia.
We believe that insufficient
attention has been directed to possible
differences in symptoms between beef/porcine
and human insulin hypoglycemia. Our main
concern is a change in the quality of
insulin reactions with the same insulin
dose. The high proportion (more than a
third) of patients with hypoglycemia
unawareness cannot be explained by a higher
daily insulin dose. In a clinical trial of
biosynthetic human insulin (BHI) 6 of 94
patients withdrew, in 3 cases because of
hypoglycemia while taking BHI:(11) 1 patient
was admitted to hospital because of severe
hypoglycemia and later changed to porcine
insulin, and 2 requested withdrawal from
human insulin. The workers concluded that
"BHI appears to be a safe alternative
to porcine or bovine insulin".
Berger and Althaus(12) have,
however, warned of the hazards of the change
in early hypoglycemic symptoms in diabetic
patients who had been switched to human
insulin. They found in 39 IDDM patients
transferred from porcine to human insulin
that perception of hypoglycemia, as defined
by onset of hunger and perspiration, was
better with porcine insulin in 25 (64%) and
with human in 1, and was unchanged in 13
The hypothesis of decreased
neurotransmitter secretion in diabetic
patients with hypoglycemia unawareness on
human insulin is of practical importance
because it seems in our experience to be
reversible(13,14). It should also be noted
that the classic early warning signs of
insulin hypoglycemia of sweating and tremor
may arise later in human-insulin induced
hypoglycemia. Patients with human-insulin
induced hypoglycemia tend to have unusually
little time to act between onset of symptoms
and severe hypoglycemic reactions. Our
observations should lead to further
investigations of the differences in
mechanisms of hypoglycemic reactions in
patients on human and beef/porcine insulin.
unawareness with a blood glucose of 1-3
mmol/L was a characteristic finding in
patients treated with human insulin.
Self-monitoring of blood-glucose may be
especially important to detect very low but
"silent" blood-glucose values. The
general wellbeing of such patients may seem
to improve because of reduced frequency of
hypoglycemic symptoms. This observation is
important for car-drivers.
We would like to add the
spontaneous observations of a supervisory
nurse in a major teaching hospital with
extensive experience with diabetic patients.
Although not responsible for the direct
administration of insulin, and therefore not
aware of whether the patients received
beef/porcine or human insulin, she
volunteered that patients who later proved
to be on human insulin showed remarkable
symptoms, such as behavioral changes,
singing in the night, unconsciousness, and
convulsions, all without sweating.
Our observations agree with earlier
brief reports (7) that treatment of IDDM
patients with human insulin might be more
likely to induce neuroglycopenic than
sympathoadrenal hypoglycemic effects. We
believe that double-blind prospective trials
should be conducted in patients on
beef/porcine and human insulin, together
with double-blind studies of
counter-regulatory-hormone release as
already performed in open trials in
non-diabetic(15,16) and IDDM
patients(17,18), before manufacturers stop
producing beef/porcine insulin.
The only universally accepted
benefits of human insulin at present are the
management of the few patients with insulin
allergy and the possible reversibility of
the very rare insulin resistance. These seem
to be small gains in comparison with the
possible loss of wellbeing and the
life-threatening hazards associated with
hypoglycemia unawareness. We are therefore
concerned about the apparent marketing
effort of manufacturers to influence
physicians and patients to switch from
animal to human insulin.
(We thank Dr. Phillip A. Corfman of
the US Food and Drug Administration,
Rockville Maryland USA, for editorial
advice; Dr. Timothy P. Corfman of the
Veterans Administration Hospital in Long
Beach, California USA for assistance in
preparing the script; Dr. Peter Diem of the
Diabetes Section, Medizinische
Universitaetsklinik, Inselspital Bern, for
critical advice; and Dr. Matthias Egger of
the Department of Epidemiology, London
School of Hygiende and Tropical Medicine,
London, for statistical assistance. Mrs.
Heidi Bollhalder was responsible for much of
the data collection and analysis.)
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