UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
Implementation of intensive
diabetes therapy for IDDM
Dr. Irl Hirsch, February 1995
Diabetes Reviews p. 288-307
Everyone knows it requires brains
to live long with diabetes,
but to use insulin successfully requires more
— Joslin. Gray, and Root (1)
added in 1995 proof: Since this manuscript was
written, the beef Ultralente insulin preparation
has been discontinued.
The announcement and
publication of the results of the Diabetes
Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) (2) and
the Stockholm Diabetes Intervention Study (3) in
1993 resolved many decades of controversy.
Future generations may very well question why it
took us so long to make these fundamental
observations. Perhaps the most important reason
for this was that the tools to intensively treat
IDDM were not available until the 1980s.
However, the general philosophies for this
therapy were actually introduced in the 1920s.
E.P. Joslin was the first to suggest regular and
systematic self-monitoring of diabetes control
(glycosuria) before each injection of insulin
(1). However, insulin preparations with
prolonged durations of action were introduced in
the 1930s and 1940s for added convenience (4).
Although this therapy was generally able to
avoid ketosis and hypoglycemia, some thought
this actually represented deterioration in
diabetes management (5). Certainly, reviews
examining the natural history of the
complications of IDDM since the discovery of
insulin were quite discouraging (6,7).
Whereas the history of
insulin therapy for IDDM may be considered
cyclical as in the 1980s when preprandial
regular insulin again became fashionable, the
achievement of normoglycemia or at least near
normoglycemia would not be possible if not for
self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), first
introduced in 1978 (8—10). Patients could, for
the first time, be taught how to alter insulin
administration based on glycemia. Alternatively,
this information could be used to adjust food
intake or the time between insulin
administration and eating. Furthermore, diabetes
management during illness became safer to manage
at home.
The other important tool
introduced over a decade ago was the ability to
objectively assess glycemic control with
glycosylated hemoglobin levels (11—13).
From the University of
Washington diabetes Care Center and School of
Medicine, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology,
and Metabolism, Seattle, Washington.
Address correspondence and
reprint requests to Dr. Irl B. Hirsch, UWMC,
1959 Northeast Pacific Street. Box 356176.
Seattle, WA 98195.
ADA, American Diabetes
Association: CSII, continuous subcutaneous
insulin infusion: DCCT\. Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial: IDDM, insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus: MDI, multiple daily
injections: NIDDM, non-insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus: SMBG, self-monitoring of
blood glucose: T50, time for 50% of 125I-labeled
insulin activity to disappear: TAG, total
available glucose.
Side Bar - With
the announcement of the Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial, it is appropriate to
review our current strategies for the
treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus (IDDM). Since these strategies
include an entire program of management, the
term "intensive diabetes therapy"
is used so that no one element of the
program is emphasized. Not all patients
should be expected to normalize glycemia:
thus, individual patient goals are critical.
All insulin preparations sold today have
some antigenicity, although problems related
to this are now rare. Although most patients
with IDDM are given human insulin
preparations first, there may be certain
situations in which it is advantageous to
use an animal insulin preparation for a
particular pharmacokinetic advantage. There
are a variety of pharmacokinetic issues that
alter the absorption of insulin, and in
general, regular insulin is absorbed more
predictably than NPH or Lente insulin.
Modern-day insulin regimens take advantage
of the decreased variation in absorption of
regular insulin with administration before
meals. Patients need to be taught algorithms
for insulin supplements and lag time (time
between injection administration and eating)
so that they may appropriately react to
blood glucose levels out of their target
range. There are a variety of newer options
to manage the meal plan for patients using
intensive diabetes therapy. The major risk
of meticulous glycemic control is
hypoglycemia, especially at night. There is
also more evidence that rapid improvement of
glycemic control may worsen preexisting
diabetic retinopathy, and this deterioration
may not be benign. Hopefully, further
improvements in our technology will allow us
to better manage IDDM more effectively and
This measurement allows both
providers and patients to quantitatively review
overall diabetes control and has been shown to
be beneficial in motivating patients to better
manage their diabetes (14).
Despite these two important
additions to help improve glycemic control, our
attempts to mimic the normal B-cell are far from
perfect. Exogenous insulin is administered into
subcutaneous tissue in a massive bolus, as
opposed to the normal pulsatile secretion into
the portal circulation. Normally, hypoglycemia
is prevented both by decreased insulin secretion
in response to exercise and by appropriate
release of glucagon and epinephrine once blood
glucose levels decrease below a critical
glycemic threshold. In patients with IDDM, any
changes in insulinemia for exercise must be
based on an educated guess and frequent SMBG to
prevent hypoglycemia: glucagon and epinephrine
secretions are often abnormal and may not
protect from or respond to hypoglycemia (15,16).
Some consider it surprising that we are able to
maintain the usual level of metabolic control we
do given these limitations (17).
A more optimistic view is
that the DCCT and the Stockholm Diabetes
Intervention Study have conclusively shown that
we can change the natural history of
microvascular complications and that we should
strive with our current technologies to maintain
blood glucose levels as close to normal as
possible in appropriate patients. Recent
encouraging retrospective data shows that when a
population of patients with IDDM was introduced
to a diabetes management team, multiple
injections, and an improvement in glycosylated
hemoglobin levels, the cumulative incidence of
diabetic nephropathy after 25 years of diabetes
decreased from 30.0 to 8.9% (18). Taken
together, our technology for diabetes therapy is
imperfect and is related to serious side
effects. The chronic nature of a condition that
is affected by lifestyle changes makes it
difficult for all patients to excel.
Nevertheless, current therapeutic strategies
should greatly improve the lives of many people
with IDDM.
In this review, the issues of
importance to practitioners concerning intensive
therapy of IDDM will be discussed. These include
specific definitions, differences in insulin
preparations and pharmacokinetic issues,
treatment strategies, diabetes algorithms, and
risks of therapy.
The nomenclature for the
strategy to meticulously manage glycemia in
IDDM continues to evolve and would benefit
from standardization. Intensive insulin
therapy was the term first used to describe
a more sophisticated delivery of insulin
Table 1
Elements of an
intensive diabetes
therapy program |
insulin regimen |
Balance of
food intake.
activity, and
insulin dose |
Daily SMBG |
Use of
algorithms to adjust
food intake or
exercise |
insulin |
target blood glucose
levels |
contact between
patient and staff |
education and
motivation |
support |
hemoglobin level) |
UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
1 Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
this definition focused primarily on the
issues related to insulin and not on the
other comprehensive components of a
diabetes program. The terms intensive
insulin therapy and intensive
therapy have been used differently
by different authors but are still most
often used to focus on issues related to
insulin therapy, namely, multiple daily
injections (MDI) or continuous
subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) (20—30).
contend that intensive therapy comprises
an entire program of diabetes management
(17,31—37) (Table 1). Although a
multiple-component insulin program
designed to provide physiological
insulinemia is an important element of
this program, this is only one aspect of
the therapy, The term intensive insulin
therapy is therefore not preferred since
this tends to overemphasize this element
of the program. Intensive diabetes
therapy is more appropriate when
referring to the modern-day management
of IDDM.
multiple-component insulin program is
one of the important elements of
intensive diabetes therapy. Although
this is most usually achieved with MDI
or CSII, a program using only two daily
injections may be effective for some
patients (38). Due to limitations with
this latter regimen, it is not commonly
used for modern-day intensive diabetes
regimens and indeed was not used in the
intensive therapy group in the DCCT
Intensive diabetes therapy also
requires that the patient carefully modify
food intake, exercise, and insulin dose to
obtain the desired glycemic targets. The
meal plan needs to be flexible and adapted
to the patient’s activity program (39).
The use of frequent SMBG is critical for
this type of program to succeed. SMBG allows
patients to analyze responses to food,
activity, and insulin (40). Patients and
their health care providers may then use the
results of SMBG to adjust any element of the
therapy. This would include a predetermined
set of algorithms for premeal insulin
supplements (41). Certainly, regular SMBG
should be considered routine for any patient
with IDDM during acute illness.
2 Glycemic target used in
the DCCT |
- |
mg/dl |
mmol/l |
Fasting &
preprandial |
70—120 |
3.9—6.7 |
Postprandial |
<180 |
<10 |
>90% of time |
>65 |
>3.6 |
HbA1c |
(normal 5.05 ± 0.5%) |
from the DCCT Research Group
(32). |
Human UL Does NOT Human UL Does NOT Human
UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
1 Figure
2 Figure
3 Figure
important element of intensive diabetes
therapy is defined target blood glucose
levels. The DCCT research group recommends
that patients with IDDM maintain glycemic
levels as close to the normal range as is
safely possible (2). Similar recommendations
were made by the American Diabetes
Association (ADA) (42). Table 2 shows the
blood glucose targets used for the DCCT.
These glycemic targets would be for a young,
otherwise healthy patient who recognizes
symptoms of hypoglycemia, is motivated, and
monitors blood glucose levels regularly.
However, specific glycemic targets must be
individualized, as circumstances may dictate
altered glycemic targets. For example, the
DCCT glycemic targets would not be
appropriate for children younger than 2
years old, older patients with
atherosclerosis, or patients with advanced
complications (such as renal failure) (42).
Patients who have hypoglycemia unawareness,
who have significant psychiatric disease, or
who are mentally retarded would also require
glycemic targets different from those in
Table 2. However, all of these groups may
participate in an intensive diabetes therapy
program as long as the actual targets are
defined, The system of intensive diabetes
therapy applies no matter what target is
of intensive diabetes therapy requires
frequent contact between the patient and the
diabetes management team (43). The benefits
of a team approach have been well documented
(44,45). Hopefully, one of the implications
of the DCCT will be better acceptance of
this team approach (46,47).
It is
also quite clear that patient education is
essential for intensive diabetes management.
In the DCCT, patients were initially
hospitalized, generally for 2—4 days, to
teach them the elements of MDI or CSII and
to develop individual treatment algorithms
(32). Patients and family members were also
given an individualized diet prescription
and instructions on the treatment of
hypoglycemia and management of illness and
ketosis, Thereafter, patients were seen
weekly for further education until they were
comfortable with the regimen. At this point,
they were seen monthly for the remainder of
the trial. Although this degree of
interaction may seem excessive for most
patients with IDDM, patient success would
not have been possible without this
extensive and continuing patient education.
It is also clear that success depends on
patient motivation. Even when all the
elements of an intensive diabetes program
are in place, treatment in some patients
will not be successful. This was true in the
DCCT (2) and in other populations (3,18).
responsibility for implementing and
maintaining intensive diabetes therapy puts
some degree of stress on each patient. The
exact relationship between stress and
diabetes is quite complex (48), although it
appears that stress has an important impact
on glycemic control through its impact on
patient behaviors (49). Psychological
support from a mental health specialist
should be considered to help implement
intensive diabetes therapy (50). Referrals
would also be appropriate in patients with
repeated episodes of severe hypoglycemia or
diabetic ketoacidosis without an obvious
cause, or who are considered
"frustrating" (51). Women with
IDDM appear to have a higher prevalence of
eating disorders, and not surprisingly, many
patients with IDDM with advanced
complications have a high prevalence of
depression and anxiety (51). It is
therefore imperative to recognize these
problems and treat them appropriately for
successful implementation of intensive
diabetes therapy.
other critical component of intensive
diabetes therapy is an independent glycemic
assessment with measurement of glycosylated
hemoglobin levels (11— 14). Whereas SMBG
is used for daily assessment to guide
treatment decisions for insulin adjustment
and caloric intake, glycosylated hemoglobin
levels are used as an overall report of
glycemic control, The regular use of
glycosylated hemoglobin levels has been
shown to be beneficial to patients in
helping them improve glycemic control (14).
The ADA recommends that patients with IDDM
have their glycosylated hemoglobin levels
measured quarterly (52). However, a review
of physician practice patterns show that
this test is underutilized (53—55).
summary, intensive diabetes therapy should
be considered a comprehensive program of
diabetes management. Due to the many
complexities in the treatment of IDDM,
several health care professionals are
required for routine treatment. The goals of
therapy and the tools used to achieve these
goals will need to be individualized for
each patient.
Although insulin
preparations are traditionally
classified according to their time
course of action, insulin species
and degree of purity are also important
influences on absorption
characteristics. In general, the human
insulin preparations have a shorter
duration of action than their animal
insulin counterparts (56) (Table 3). In
certain situations, the use of a
longer-acting animal species insulin may
be advantageous.
Table 3
Characteristics of
insulin preparations
available in the
profile (h) |
Duration |
Short-acting |
4—6 |
6—8 |
Intermediate-acting |
12—16 |
20—24 |
16—20 |
20—24 |
Long-acting |
20—30 |
24—36 |
The times
listed are variable,
with marked
differences from one
injection to another
due to multiple
factors that affect
See text for
details. Animal
indicates standard
beef-pork and
purified pork.
Adapted from
American Diabetes
Association (22) and
Skyler (56). |
UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
1 Figure
2 Figure
3 Figure
1970, the insulin formulations available for
clinical use were purified by
recrystallization and contained significant
amounts of impurities, including proinsulin,
glucagon, somatostatin, pancreatic
polypeptide, and vasoactive intestinal
polypeptide (4). Standard insulin
preparations contained 10,000—20,000 ppm
proinsulin (56). Improvements in
purification techniques have resulted in an
improvement in the animal insulin
preparations commercially avail able today.
Standard insulin preparations sold in the
U.S. currently have only 10—20 ppm of
proinsulin while purified insulin
preparations have <10 ppm (57). These
improvements have resulted in a marked
decrease in the problems attributed to
immunogenicity of animal insulin
preparations, such as insulin allergy,
insulin resistance, and localized
lipoatrophy (58).
insulin preparations sold today, including
human insulins have some antigenicity (59).
In general, beef insulin is more antigenic
than pork insulin, which is more antigenic
than human insulin (59,61). This
increased antigenicity does not necessarily
cause a deterioration of glycemic control
(61). Further more, problems related to
immunogenicity have been relatively rare in
comparison to those seen when commercial
insulin preparations were less purified
(62). Theoretically, an unpredictable
dissociation of an insulin-antibody complex
could result in hypoglycemia. However, no
relationship was shown between insulin
antibody levels and severe hypoglycemia or
metabolic control in a large group of
patients with IDDM (63), and other studies
have failed to demonstrate a relationship
between glycemic control and insulin
antibodies (59,64—67).
4 Factors that
absorption of
injected insulin |
area of
of injection
of injection
Human UL Does NOT Work,
Beef UL Does
1 Table
2 Table
3 Table
4 Table
5 Table
6 Table
7 Table
Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
moderate to high antibody levels may be
of clinical importance in some patients
(68—71). Most authors recommend
starting new patients with IDDM on human
insulin, although there does not appear
to be any advantage to switching
patients with otherwise stable disease
to human insulin from an animal
preparation (24,29,56,72,73 ).
Insulin Absorption
A goal
of any insulin regimen is to achieve as
predictable insulin absorption as possible.
Unfortunately, erratic insulin absorption
resulting in unexplainable levels of
glycemia is common in IDDM, although it may
be less of a problem in patients with
non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
(NIDDM) (74). A major frustration for both
providers and patients is that the
day-to-day intra-individual variation in the
time required to absorb 50% of the injected
dose of insulin is ~25% and between patients
is up to 50% (75—77). However, when other
end points are considered, such as the peak
insulin concentration, the time to peak, or
the area under the curve for insulin, the
overall range of variation has been reported
to be 0% to >100% (78). It is there fore
not surprising that unexplained
hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia is common for
patients with IDDM (Table 4).
Since this variability is similar
for all insulin preparations, in absolute
terms there will be less variability in the
absorption of regular insulin (76—79),
with more erratic absorption with
longer-acting insulin preparations (NPH and
Lente [76,77] and human Ultralente [80]).
5 T50
variation for
regular insulin
(12 IU) |
Region |
(min) |
± 12
± 23
± 28
± 15
are means ± SE.
Adapted from
Binder et al
(76) |
Human UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
1 Figure
2 Figure
3 Figure
Injection Sites
insulin is absorbed at different rates from
different anatomical regions. These variations
have been attributed to differences in blood
flow (76,82). Absorption is most rapid from the
abdomen, followed by the arms, with the buttocks
and thighs exhibiting slower rates of absorption
(75—79, 82—89) (Table 5). Intramuscular
insulin injection (accidental or intentional)
results in a more rapid absorption of insulin
(89-97) The prolonged absorption of insulin when
injected into the thigh has recently been re
ported to result in a greater risk of nocturnal
hypo g1ycemia with an MDI regimen (89). Since
variations in absorption are sufficiently great
to have an impact on glycemic control, the
current recommendation is to use a single
anatomic region for insulin injections, as
opposed to the older teaching of site rotation
(92) (Fig. 1). It has also recently been
reported that there are consistent absorption
differences within the same anatomic region.
Insulin appears to be absorbed quicker from
sites above the umbilicus than from sites below
or lateral to the umbilicus (93,94). Therefore,
any given injection (e.g. prebreakfast) should
be administered in the same region to decrease
day-to day variability.
may also be absorbed more rapidly from an
extremity that is exercised due to an increase
in local blood flow (85,95,96). It would
therefore be appropriate to inject the insulin
into the abdomen before fore strenuous activity
even if that injection was usually administered
into the extremity being exercised, for patients
participating in regular exercise programs,
abdominal injections are the preferred site of
insulin administration.
Timing of Premeal Insulin
The length
of time between premeal regular insulin
administration and food consumption (also called
the lag time [41]) is perhaps the most
underemphasized aspect of intensive diabetes
therapy programs (Fig. 2). In general, the
regular insulin needs to be given ~30 min before
eating to ensure insulin availability during
food consumption (86,97—99), although with the
faster action of human regular insulin, shorter
lag times may he appropriate (30). The lag time
can be altered depending upon the level of
premeal glycemia. Thus, when blood glucose
levels are above the target range, it may be
desirable to increase the lag time.
Alternatively, lag time should be decreased for
premeal glycemia below the target level, and
insulin should be administered just before
eating for premeal hypoglycemia. One common
reason for blood glucose fluctuations are frequent
alterations in the lag time.
Mixing Types of Insulin
(neutral Protamine Hagedorn) or isophane insulin
is a mixture of Protamine, zinc, and insulin
combined under precise conditions (100). In
mixtures of NPH and regular insulin, the regular
insulin retains its potency in a stable fashion
for prolonged periods (101). All of the
preparations of NPH insulin in have similar
levels of Protamine, and it appears that there
is a weak binding affinity for regular insulin
in vitro. This absorption occurs within 20 min
and appears to be ratio-dependent the greater
the proportion of NPH, the greater the binding
of regular insulin (102), However, in vivo this
binding does not appear to be of any therapeutic
significance (36).
It is
therefore permissible to mix NPH and regular
insulin in the same syringe at any ratio needed
for clinical purposes as the action profiles of
the insulin will be maintained (75,83,103—106).

UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
1 Figure
2 Figure
3 Figure
clinical effects of mixing regular insulin
with an insulin from the Lente series are
more problematic. Lente insulins contain
excess zinc (107). When regular insulin is
mixed with Lente or Ultralente insulin,
binding will occur with the zinc, resulting
in the regular insulin precipitating out of
solution. This results in a blunting of the
action of the regular insulin if the
regular-Lente insulin mixture remains in the
syringe for more than a few minutes (75,105.
106.108—110). With beef-pork insulin, this
process begins 15 to 20 min after mixing and
progresses for up to 24 h (103). This
process is even more rapid with human
insulin (106). The activity of the regular
insulin is maintained if mixing is
accomplished in a syringe immediately before
injection. Therefore, this issue is not a
contraindication for an insulin program
using Lente or Ultralente insulin.
only phosphate-buffered regular insulin
currently available in the U.S. is
Velosulin (Novo Nordisk, Princeton, NJ).
Velosulin is incompatible with Lente
series insulins because the phosphate
precipitates the zinc from suspension
and insulin activity will be lost. Human insulins (except
Velosulin with Lente insulins) can also
be mixed with other species of insulin

UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
are several choices for insulin regimens
that patients and their providers may
choose. However, it again needs to be
emphasized that a multiple-component insulin
program is just one aspect of intensive
diabetes therapy.
generalizations about insulin therapy in
IDDM can be stated. First, insulin doses
(expressed as units administered daily per
kilogram body weight) for most C-peptide—negative
patients will range between 0.5 and 1.0 U/kg
(29,111). .Athletes and patients near ideal
body weight generally require less insulin
than sedentary or obese patients. Newly
diagnosed patients generally have smaller
insulin requirements due to continued
endogenous insulin secretion. Adults with
newly diagnosed IDDM generally have longer
periods of endogenous insulin secretion
compared with children (112).
UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
1 Figure
2 Figure
3 Figure
patients usually require 1.0—1.5 U kg
(73,113) due to physiological resistance to
insulin (114,115). Insulin requirements
decrease after puberty, but it is common to
encounter high school and college-aged
patients who are over insulinized due to
loss of medical follow-up from their
pediatricians. Other factors that will
increase insulin requirements include
intercurrent illness (including surgery
[116]), pregnancy (117), and concomitant use
of glucocorticoids (118).
Single-Dose Regimens
insulin injections first became popular in the
1940s and 1950s and by the 1960s had become
standard therapy in many clinics, mostly because
of convenience (4,19,56). A single injection of
long-acting or intermediate-acting insulin, with
or without regular insulin, does not mimic the
normal pattern of insulin release (119). Thus,
even patients not striving for meticulous
glycemic control have difficulty with this
regimen due to lack of flexibility with meal
times. The exception to this are patients still
making significant endogenous insulin, soon
after diagnosis (12). Nevertheless, many
physicians continue to routinely prescribe this
therapy for all of their patients with IDDM
Twice-Daily Regimens
NPH (or
Lente) and regular insulin administered before
breakfast and supper, the so-called split and
mixed insulin regimen (19,111,121,122), has been
perhaps the most popular insulin regimen during
past few decades (Fig. 3). This regimen provides
insulin availability for each meal and for most
patients, sustained insulin availability
The major
advantage to this regimen is that requires only
two injections. Also, algorithms favor regular
insulin before breakfast and supper may
incorporated when requirements change. The
disadvantages of this regimen will often
preclude patients from using this program.
The first
difficulty relates to time-action profile of the
NPH or Lente insulin preparations. As noted from
Table 3, the intermediate-acting human insulin
preparations have an onset of action ~2—4 h
after injection and produce peak insulin levels
~4—8 h after injection (with significant
variation as noted above). Therefore, when
intermediate-acting insulin is ad ministered
before supper, it often does not sustain its
effect through the night, and fasting
hyperglycemia results. High morning blood
glucose levels are exacerbated by the dawn
phenomenon, a time of relative insulin
resistance (123—125). However, the extent to
which the dawn phenomenon contributes to early
morning glycemia is controversial (20).
Nevertheless, attempts to correct the fasting
hyperglycemia by increasing the dose of
presupper NPH or Lente insulin results in
greater nocturnal hyperinsulinemia, during which
time insulin requirements are at their lowest
The other
disadvantage with this regimen is that
flexibility in mealtimes is greatly limited. If
lunch is not eaten on time, peaking NPH or Lente
insulin from the morning may result in
hypoglycemia if blood glucose levels were
well-controlled earlier. Delaying supper without
additional insulin will result in hyperglycemia
due to dissipation of the morning insulin.
Because of
the above problems, twice-daily insulin
injections were used only in the conventional
therapy group of the DCCT (32). Glycemic control
with this regimen has not been shown to differ
from once daily injections (127). Except for
patients producing some endogenous insulin and
maintaining very regular life styles, it is
unlikely that patients using this regimen will
be able to achieve normal or near-normal levels
of glycosylated hemoglobin (30). Nevertheless,
this regimen may still be appropriate for those
patients with limited physical and intellectual
capabilities or those patients for whom
meticulous glycemic control is not appropriate.
MDI: Split and Mixed Program
with Bedtime Intermediate-Acting Insulin
popular solution to the problem of nocturnal
insulin replacement noted above is to delay
administration of the intermediate-acting
insulin until bed time (19,128) (Fig. 3).
Besides providing higher prebreakfast serum
insulin levels which better match insulin
requirements, nocturnal hypoglycemia should
theoretically be less of a problem. Another
advantage is that it is quite simple to switch
from the twice-daily regimen since the dosing
will be similar, although the morning regular
insulin may need to be decreased since fasting
and postbreakfast blood glucose levels are
improved (128). Mealtime flexibility is not
improved with this regimen, and many patients
are not willing to administer three daily
The other
problem with either of the split and mixed
programs is related to the morning
intermediate-acting insulin. Since NPH and Lente
insulin preparations have relatively broad
peaks, optimal insulin availability cannot be
provided for lunch. Surprisingly, it was also
shown that as afternoon blood glucose control is
mainly dependent on morning regular insulin
rather than morning intermediate-acting insulin
(129). Thus, altering the morning NPH or Lente
insulin to correct afternoon blood glucose
levels may not be appropriate.
MDI: Premeal Regular and
Bedtime Intermediate-Acting Insulin
problem of midday glycemia can be improved by
reducing or even eliminating the morning dose of
NPH or Lente insulin and adding an injection of
regular insulin before lunch (Fig. 3). This
regimen uses three preprandial injections of
regular insulin and an injection of
intermediate-acting insulin at bedtime (19,23).
As before, regular insulin can be adjusted based
on premeal glycemia and anticipated carbohydrate
intake. The disadvantage of this regimen is that
long intervals between meals cannot occur
without metabolic compromise as the regular
insulin administered previously will dissipate
(130). A small dose of prebreakfast NPH or Lente
insulin will help smooth out daytime glycemia
somewhat acting as a basal insulin, but there
can still be problems with peaking
intermediate-acting insulin resulting in the
necessity to eat lunch at a fixed time or else
risk hypoglycemia.
The use of
the convenient insulin pen devices is another
advantage to an MDI regimen such as this (131—136).
There is no consensus on whether the use of the
pens per se improves glycemic
control, or if studies examining this issue
caused patients to pay increased attention to
their diabetes (137). However, it appears that
absorption of regular insulin from an insulin
pen device is slightly faster than a
conventional injection (138). Patients also
appear to prefer the pen injector compared with
a syringe (139,140) or even an insulin pump
(141). Some patients may find the pens so
convenient that they believe they can eat when
they want to. Without basal insulin, this
behavior can result in ketoacidosis (142).
Premeal Regular with Basal Ultralente Insulin
the MDI regimen with premeal regular insulin and
bedtime intermediate-acting insulin has become
the most widely used insulin program in some
parts of the world, there may be less blood
glucose fluctuations when basal insulinemia is
provided with Ultralente insulin (Fig. 3). A
basal insulinemia with Ultralente
insulin allows patients more flexibility with
mealtimes since if insulin dosing is correct,
metabolic control should not deteriorate if a
meal is missed.
are means ± SE (range). From Hildebrandt et al
Table 6
T50 for the species of
insulin, dose, and region indicated |
- |
Abdomen |
- |
Thigh |
- |
6 U |
- |
6 U |
- |
24 U |
Ultralente |
9.4 ± 1.4
(4.1-15.6) |
NS |
13.0 ± 2.1
(6.7-21.3) |
NS |
15.1 ± 2.5
(5.8-24.8) |
P < 0.01 |
- |
NS |
- |
P < 0.05 |
Ultralente |
16.1 ± 1.4
(4.1-15.6) |
NS |
21.4 ± 4.8
(8.8-49.6) |
NS |
44.1 ± 8.6
(18.3-91.0) |
UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
As seen in
Table 3, the human Ultralente insulin has a
broad peak at ~2—16 h with a duration of
action of at least 24 h (75,143). Therefore,
human Ultralente insulin is best used as a
twice-daily preparation (34) or, if
administered once daily, at bedtime (144). Human
Ultralente insulin administered once daily in
the morning will result in fasting hyperglycemia
(145), although this will not necessarily affect
glycosylated hemoglobin levels (146).
Due to the
prolonged peak and duration of the human
Ultralente compared with intermediate-acting
insulin preparations, presuppertime human
Ultralente insulin will result in improved
fasting blood glucose levels compared with NPH
(147,148) or Lente (149) insulin administered at
the same time. This may be especially beneficial
for those patients who refuse to inject their
insulin at bedtime. However, nocturnal
hypoglycemia may be a greater problem with human
Ultralente insulin administered before supper
(149). Although several reports have suggested
that human Ultralente insulin may act as a
suitable basal insulin (143,150), others have
not (80,151). Freeman et al. (80) showed the
onset of action of the human ultra Lente insulin
to begin after 2—4 h, with broad peaks
(occurring between 6 and 12 h (80). Both these authors and another
group (152) concluded that human Ultralente
insulin did not result in basal insulinemia and
mimics the pharmacokinetics of NPH or Lente
insulin preparations. Fisken and Goulbourn
(151) showed in problems of
"unheralded, severe hypoglycemia" when
used as a basal insulin (151). Ultralente
insulin was initially developed to produce basal
insulinemia (15), and it is clear that this is
not the case with the human Ultralente
preparation for many patients. On the other
hand, beef Ultralente insulin appears to act as
a true basal insulin. For example, Rizza
et al. (154) found that plasma free insulin
concentrations remained relatively stable in six
patients with IDDM during a 40-h period in which
no regular insulin was administered. Due to the
long half-life and lack of any peak of beef
Ultralente insulin, these investigators also
concluded that a single daily injection of beef
Ultralente should be adequate to maintain basal
insulinemia in most patients. Although there is
a theoretical concern about prolonged and severe
hypoglycemia from beef ultra Lente insulin due
to an overlapping interaction between the
metabolic activity of the insulin of the current
injection and that of the previous day
(155), there have not been any reports of
this problem.
Similar to
other insulin preparations, the absorption
characteristics of beef Ultralente will depend
on a variety of factors, such as injection site
and size of dose. For example, differences in
the calculated time for 50% of 125I-labeled
insulin activity to disappear (T50)
have been shown to be quite dramatic for both
human Ultralente and beef Ultralente insulin
when injection site and size of dose are
considered (Table 6) (150). As can be
appreciated, absorption is generally more rapid
for human Ultralente insulin. Although the
calculated mean T50 was not different
between the low-dose and high-dose insulin for
either type of insulin, the beef Ultralente
injected into the thigh compared with human
Ultralente showed higher residual activities
with the 24-U dose after 12 h (150). Perhaps
more impressive from these data are the dramatic
ranges in the absorption characteristics from
this group of eight subjects.
together, when one attempts to achieve basal
insulinemia in an MDI program, the use of beef
Ultralente insulin may be considered as the
basal component. Others prefer the use of
twice-daily human Ultralente insulin, at least
for patients not previously taking animal
insulin (17). The
major argument for not using beef Ultralente
relates to the increased antigenicity of animal
insulin preparations. However, as noted above,
this generally has no clinical significance with
the standard insulin preparations sold today. In
theory, it seems possible to administer the beef
Ultralente insulin once daily.
of variations that can occur with insulin
absorption, we ask patients to mix their beef
Ultralente with their premeal regular insulin
before breakfast and supper. By administering
the beef Ultralente insulin twice daily, any
variation in absorption from a single injection
should be minimized.
The efficacy of the beef Ultralente
insulin can be assessed best with measurement of
the fasting blood glucose level. Alternatively,
patients could skip lunch to assess basal
daytime insulinemia, but most patients are not
willing to do this. Patients may begin with 40—45%
of their total daily insulin dose with beef
Ultralente, divided up equally before breakfast
and supper. Most patients will require about 50%
of their total as beef Ultralente, but there is
considerable variation in this. Regular insulin
is administered before each meal. It must be
emphasized to the patient that due to the long
duration of action of the beef Ultralente it
will require at least 3—4 days before any type
of decision regarding the beef Ultralente dosing
can be made. Some authors have recommended a
loading dose of the beef Ultralente insulin due
to its long duration of action (154), but it is
quite safe to supplement this with added regular
insulin during the first 2 days after switching
from another regimen.
majority of our patients with IDDM are quite
satisfied with a beef Ultralente/regular insulin
regimen. Patients
(especially adolescents) who are unwilling to
give a prelunchtime injection do better with
another program. Human Ultralente insulin may be
used in those patients who are fast absorbers of
NPH or Lente insulin and are not interested in a
basal/bolus regimen. For these patients in
particular, who tend to be at or below ideal
body weight, human Ultralente insulin should not
be considered as a basal insulin.
Since only
regular insulin is used, perhaps the most
precise way to approximate normal insulin
secretion is to use an insulin pump in a CSII
program (19,29, 30,156,157). Subcutaneous
insulin is continuously delivered by the pump in
microliter amounts, mimicking basal insulin
secretion. Both of the available pumps in the
U.S. can be programmed for multiple basal rates,
allowing a mechanism to help prevent nocturnal
hypoglycemia or counteract the dawn phenomenon
(20,158). Although unique patterns of basal
infusions may be required in patients requiring
them (159), the majority of patients do
quite well with one to three different basal
rates. In addition, since there is a lag of
about 3 h between the time basal insulin rate is
changed and the time insulin absorption rate
changes (160), there are few theoretical reasons
to have the delivery improves (such as with
implantable pumps [161]), there maybe a greater
need for more basal rates.
insulin is administered before meals (as with an
MDI program) to provide sufficient insulin for
anticipation of the carbohydrate intake. There
fore, if insulin dosing is correct, it should be
possible to omit, delay, or alter meal size
without any compromise in glycemia (162—164).
syringe reservoir and infusion set are usually
changed every 1—3 days. There has recently
been some controversy about which type of
regular insulin may be used. From a 6-month
crossover study with 28 patients in 1985,
Mecklenburg and Guinn (165) reported that 90% of
insulin occlusions occurred with an unbuffered
beef-pork insulin, while 10% of these episodes
were with a buffered pork insulin. A later study
confirmed a significant decrease in insulin
obstruction with buffered purified pork insulin
compared with nonbuffered purified pork insulin
(166). As noted above, the only
phosphate-buffered insulin available in the U.S.
today is Velosulin human. Since then, there have
been anecdotal reports that there have not been
excessive problems with occlusions with either
of the two human regular insulin preparations
available in the U.S. Humulin R (Lilly,
Indianapolis, IN) and Novolin R (Novo Nordisk)
(L.P. Fredrickson, personal communication). The
mechanism of the occlusion is unclear but may be
the result of a fall in pH toward the insulin
isoelectric point due to CO2 permeability in the
tubing (167). It is possible that improvements
in the insulin tubing have also contributed to
the decrease in this problem. The current
tubing, composed of polyolefin, may result in
fewer occlusions than the older
polyvinylchloride tubing. In any event, although
a significant number of patients are using
nonbuffered insulin preparations for their
pumps, only buffered insulin should be
recommended until this issue is studied again.
There has been much written
about the potential pharmacokinetic advantages
of CSII. Because only regular insulin is used,
one would expect more predictable insulin
absorption since the variation in absorption of
insulin is least with short-acting insulin and
greatest with longer-acting insulin (76). This
factor is particularly important in patients
receiving very small doses of insulin. The lack
or subcutaneous depot is another potential
advantage to CSII (76,79,156,160). Disadvantages
of large depots of insulin include unpredictable
mobilization by in creased blood flow due to
exercise (76,95), sauna (168), or massage (169).
As can be seen from Fig. 4, regimens with a
larger proportion of intermediate-acting insulin
will create the greatest subcutaneous depot

CSII may
be used for patients with hypoglycemia
unawareness and gastroparesis (170). The more
predictable absorption of regular insulin with
an increase in glycemic targets allows for safer
diabetes management in this challenging patient
population. Hypoglycemia unawareness should be
considered an important indication for CSII,
contrary to older recommendations (171).
comparing glycemic control in patients using
CSII and MDI have shown either no difference or
an improvement in glycosylated hemoglobin levels
with CSII (37,130,172—180). However, it is
difficult to draw any conclusions about this
since study populations, study durations, and
patient and provider experience with CSII were
different. Currently, CSII is used infrequently
by patients with IDDM in the U.S. Perhaps the
most important reason for this is that it
increases the workload for both the physician
and the patient, especially for physicians who
do not have access to a nurse educator with
experience in CSII (156,157). Added expense is
another problem. A new pump now costs
approximately $3,800, and pump supplies may cost
an additional $100—200 each month.
need to be selected carefully before pump
therapy is begun. It has been shown that younger
patients, who were more likely to be women and
who had a shorter duration of diabetes, were
more likely to discontinue CSII therapy (181).
It was recently reported that 9 of 49 CSII users
discontinued treatment after 5 months (182).
Three of these patients showed a deterioration
of glycemic control, four were unable to accept
the pump, and the other two patients were
noncompliant with SMBG and monitoring of urinary
ketones. It is also interesting that the
patients who discontinued CSII tended to be
blue-collar workers (182).
practice, therapy may be initiated with a basal
dose not to exceed 40—50% of the patient’s
total daily requirement. Since insulin
requirements are often decreased with CSII,
conservative estimates are appropriate and total
dose should be decreased by about 10%. Bolus
insulin needs depend on eating habits, but at
our center, we typically begin with 20% of the
daily dose before breakfast. 15% before lunch,
and 15% before supper. Small doses may be
required before the bedtime snack, but this is
often omitted when CSII is initiated (157).
intensive diabetes program cannot be successful
unless the patient learns how to take the
appropriate action in response to blood glucose
or an unusual situation that will affect
glycemia. These algorithms for diabetes
management take into account insulin dose, lag
time, carbohydrate intake, and activity. Patient
education needs to include an action plan so
that all of these components can be altered as
the situation dictates. Algorithms for insulin
dose changes should not be confused with sliding
scale insulin (183,184), which pertains to the
retrospective correction of hyperglycemia with
regular insulin with out regard to caloric
intake or physiological insulin delivery.
An insulin
supplement is defined as a temporary dose of
regular insulin administered to prevent or
correct a blood glucose level outside of the
target range. A supplement may be added if
premeal hyperglycemia is present, if an
unusually large meal is anticipated, or if it is
known that usual physical activity will not be
performed. It is critical that lag times be
incorporated with these supplements. Supplements
administered to correct hyperglycemia, e.g.,
after a larger than anticipated meal or during an acute illness, need to be
used with caution for insulin regimens using
NPH, Lente, or human Ultralente insulin
preparations. In addition, regular insulin (or
bolus insulin, in the case of ) should be used
with caution at bedtime due to the decrease in
insulin requirements in the early morning (20).
The continuing need for
compensatory insulin supplements due to a
pattern of unexplained blood glucose levels
above the target range (e.g., continued fasting
hyperglycemia) indicates that an adjustment
should be made for the relevant insulin
component. Adjustments then, are modifications
in the basic insulin dose made in response to a
pattern of glycemia over several days, assuming
there are no unusual circumstances causing the
blood glucose levels to be outside of the
targets. Adjustments may apply to any type of
Table 7
Sample algorithms for premeal
regular insulin supplements |
Glucose |
mmol/l |
mg/dl |
Insulin |
Lag Time
(min) |
Comments |
<3.3 |
<60 |
by 2 U
0 |
Include 10
gm of simple carbohydrate in the
meal |
3.3-4.4 |
60-80 |
by 1 U
0 |
— |
4.4-6.7 |
80-120 |
15-20 |
— |
6.7-8.3 |
120-150 |
by 1 U
20-30 |
— |
8.3-11.1 |
150-200 |
30-40 |
— |
11.1-13.9 |
200-250 |
40-50 |
— |
13.9-16.7 |
250-90% |
50-60 |
Urinary ketones,
especially with CSII |
>16.7 |
>90% |
60 |
Urinary ketones,
especially with CSII |
algorithms must be
individualized for each patient. |
UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
TOP of
7 represents a sample algorithm for premeal
regular insulin used with an Ultralente/regular
or CSII regimen. This should be considered a
starting point since patients often require
individual algorithms. This example can also be
used with other MDI programs, although regular
insulin supplements may need to be changed if an
intermediate-acting insulin preparation is used.
carbohydrate content in a meal is quantitatively
more important than protein or fat content in
determining insulin requirements (185), there
has been greater attention placed on
carbohydrate counting as a way to more precisely
determine premeal regular insulin doses (186—189).
Five of the DCCT clinics used carbohydrate
counting as the nutrition intervention (186).
With this method, patients are taught how to
count how many grams of carbohydrates they
anticipate eating, and premeal regular insulin
is calculated based on a ratio of insulin to
carbohydrate content. This ratio needs to be
individualized and will vary between patients
due to body weight (Table 8) and different
levels of insulin sensitivity and within
patients based on variations in activity levels
and time of day. Therefore, insulin algorithms
as exemplified in Table 6 can be used to
supplement a premeal dose of regular insulin
derived from carbohydrate counting.
the traditional exchange system (190) or total
available glucose (TAG) (191) meal-planning
strategy may be used. With the TAG approach,
100% of carbohydrate, 58% of animal protein, and
10% of fat will be available as glucose for
cellular use. All meals and snacks are then
given a TAG allotment, and this may work quite
well in conjunction with the exchange system.
For example, one fruit exchange would contribute
15 g TAG, while one meat exchange would consist
of 4 g TAG. As with carbohydrate counting, an
insulin TAG ratio can be developed. The
advantage of the TAG system compared with
carbohydrate counting is that it includes the
available glucose from animal protein. When used
alone, neither TAG nor carbohydrate counting
takes into consideration the fat or vegetable
protein calories of the diet. However, in most
situations this will not have a large effect on
blood glucose levels (185).
matter what system is used for the nutrition
component of intensive diabetes therapy, it
should be obvious that a nutritionist familiar
with the other components of the program is
essential. The nutritionist needs to work with
the patient in addition to the other team
members to help develop the appropriate insulin
algorithms and insulin: carbohydrate, or insulin
TAG ratios, when appropriate. Finally, since the
various nutritional interventions have different
features and complexities, the program used will
have to depend both on the nutritionist’s
experience and the patient’s needs and
Table 8
Estimated insulin:carbohydrate
ratio based on body weight |
Weight (kg) |
Ratio |
>90 |
1:8 |
The ratio is 1 U
regular insulin to grams of
carbohydrate. Adapted from
Brackenridge (187). |
UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
TOP of
of Retinopathy
studies, including the DCCT (2), have re ported
worsening of retinopathy with rapid introduction
of improved glycemic control. It initially
appeared that this deterioration in retinopathy
was transient and benign, and over time, eyes in
patients treated with intensive diabetes therapy
fared better or at least no worse than those in
conventionally treated patients (192—195).
However, it appears that this worsening of
retinopathy is not necessarily self-limited and
may progress to proliferative disease or even
blindness (196,197). It was recently reported
that the patients with the highest initial
levels of glycosylated hemoglobin had the
highest risk of blindness after 1 year of
intensive diabetes therapy (197). It also
appears that the greater the decrement of
glycosylated hemoglobin level (during a 10-month
period), the greater the risk of progression of
retinopathy (198).
mechanism of this worsening in retinopathy is
not known for sure, but may be a consequence of
retinal ischemia and/or retinal glucopenia
(199,200). Retinal blood flow is increased with
chronic hyperglycemia (201), and it is proposed
that the retina may reduce glucose uptake from
the bloodstream (202) as occurs with the brain
(203). Abrupt lowering of glycemia may then
deprive the retina of nutrients if retinal blood
flow then diminishes. This may account for the
areas of retinal infarction (soft exudates) that
are observed when glycemic control is quickly
improved. Because of all the beneficial effects
of improved glycemic control on diabetes
complications, it would be inappropriate to
recommend that patients not lower average blood
glucose levels if preexisting retinopathy is
present, especially in the absence of
significant proteinuria or neuropathy. However,
until further studies examining this issue are
conducted, it would seem prudent to recommend a
slow reduction of glycosylated hemoglobin levels
to <2%/year (197, 198) with regular
examinations by an ophthalmologist. Whether
prophylactic laser coagulation should be
considered in this patient population (197)
merits further investigation.
the DCCT, the risk of severe hypoglycemia was
more than threefold higher in the intensive
therapy group, and this risk was correlated with
mean glycosylated hemoglobin level (2). Some
studies in adults (3,204) and children (205,206)
have shown similar results, although others have
not (207,208). Nevertheless, it appears that
attempting euglycemia or near normal glycemia
interferes with the recognition of hypoglycemia
and the generation of protective responses
against it (209).
of hypoglycemia and catecholamine responses are
initiated at lower blood glucose levels when
glycosylated hemoglobin levels are decreased to
near the normal range (210.211). It appears that
the primary etiology of this phenomenon is
hypoglycemia per se. In patients with IDDM,
experimental hypo glycemia will result in an
elevated glycemic threshold (lower blood glucose
level required to elicit the response) for
counterregulatory hormones and hypoglycemic
symptoms after recent hypoglycemia (212,213).
Similar results have been reported in
non-diabetic subjects (214). Consistent with
these findings is the fact that in patients with
insulinomas, impaired counterregulatory
responses are normalized after surgical removal
of the tumor (215).
problem of nocturnal hypoglycemia deserves
special mention. Patients with IDDM and
nondiabetic subjects have a similar decrease in
insulin requirements in the early part of the
night and then an increase in insulin
requirements at dawn (20). The true prevalence
of nocturnal blood glucose levels decreasing
below 3 mmol/l in IDDM is unknown (20). Since
autonomic symptoms may not be sufficient to
awaken the patient (216), a mild episode of
hypoglycemia could progress to severe
hypoglycemia. In the DCCT, 43% of all severe
hypoglycemia occurred between midnight and 0800
(217). Furthermore, asymptomatic nocturnal
hypoglycemia may also con tribute to
hypoglycemia unawareness (218).
to decrease the risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia
should include a regular bedtime snack, regular
SMBG at bedtime and at least weekly in the
middle of the night, and an insulin program that
limit nocturnal hyperinsulinemia. These are the
exact recommendations used for the intensive
therapy group in the DCCT (32) where, as noted,
nocturnal hypoglycemia was quite common (217).
When the data are reported, it will be
interesting to compare thc different rates of
hypoglycemia in general and nocturnal
hypoglycemia in particular with the different
insulin regimens used in the DCCT.
Theoretically, the use of CSII should provide
the safest and most rational overnight insulin
management (20).
analysis from the DCCT (2) and data from Fanelli
et al. (219) suggest that even mild increases in
average blood glucose levels can decrease the
frequency of severe hypoglycemia. The report of
Fanelli et al. suggests hypoglycemia unawareness
associated with meticulous glycemic control may
be reversible, although a consideration is that
this study included only eight patients with a
relatively short duration of IDDM (s7 years).
Confirmation of this finding and research for
further strategies to prevent this problem are
needed. From a practical viewpoint, a compromise
in glycemic goals should be considered if severe
hypoglycemia becomes problematic.
UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
1 Figure
2 Figure
3 Figure
therapy has evolved dramatically since the first
description by Joslin et al. (1). On the other
hand, many of the original concepts of how to
manage IDDM have remained unchanged. Certainly,
our tools for managing glycemia are more
sophisticated, and perhaps most importantly, the
rationale for meticulous glycemic control is
our better understanding of how to implement
intensive diabetes therapy carries with it the
realization that it is quite difficult to
accomplish. Our current open-loop strategies of
insulin delivery are far from perfect, and it is
obvious that meticulous attention to detail is
critical for a successful outcome. For this
reason, intensive diabetes therapy cannot be
recommended for all patients with IDDM. Patients
need to have the financial resources and be
willing to perform frequent SMBG. They also need
sufficient diabetes education and technical
ability to follow a program of intensive
diabetes therapy. The DCCT should be considered
the model in which frequent interaction and
education between patients and diabetes
educators resulted in an improved outcome. Thus,
skilled health care professionals must be avail
able for implementation of intensive diabetes
therapy. Finally, patients must be
psychologically stable. Patients with unstable
psychiatric disease or severe mental retardation
would not be good candidates for an intensive
diabetes therapy program.
are several challenges for the future. We must
first focus on how to translate intensive
diabetes therapy to the general population of
patients with IDDM. Perhaps this can best be
accomplished by "training the
trainers," whether physicians, nurses, or
nutritionists (220), and by better Using of the
team approach (46). We also need further
research on how we can best decentralize
high-quality diabetes care (221). Early reports
show that this can be successful (222).
Improvements for the prevention of severe
hypoglycemia must also continue to receive
attention since this is clearly the greatest
risk for the majority of patients. Finally,
further Improvements in our technology to attain
normoglycemia must continue (161,167). Improved
insulin preparations (223), non-invasive glucose
sensors (224), implantable insulin pumps (161),
and perhaps, a closed-looped system could be
available for all patients with IDDM within the
next few years. For now, appropriate patients
with IDDM should have the opportunity to
implement intensive diabetes therapy.
added in proof: Since this manuscript was
written, the beef Ultralente insulin preparation
has been discontinued.
author warmly acknowledges the staff of the
University of Washington Diabetes Care Center
and the hundreds of patients and their families
who have educated him in the management of IDDM.
Special thanks are extended to Drs. Jay S.
Skyler. Philip E. Cryer, Julio V. Santiago,
David E. Goldstein, Patrick J. Boyle, and Jerry
P. Palmer. This manuscript would not have been
possible without the support, collaboration, and
enthusiasm of Ruth Farkas-Hirsch.
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UL Does NOT Work, Beef UL Does
Table 1
Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
TOP of