From Statistics of the National Center for Health Statistics, Raw Death Rates, United States, 1979-1998, 3/28/2000

For the Year 2000, they tell us that diabetes has risen from the 7th to the 6th leading cause of death in the US.

Note that synthetic insulins were first introduced in 1983, when the declining rate of diabetic mortality changed from falling to rising, and that the "big push" to start all on synthetics began in 1986. Roughly 25-30% of diabetics use insulin while only 5-10% of diabetics have Type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes is the only disease with this degree of rising Raw mortality rate over this time period. Clearly the introduction of Humulin, Novolin Human, Humalog, and Novolog, have not improved the outlook or outcomes for US diabetics.

Even HIV/AIDS has done better than Diabetes, with all of the highly touted benefits that all of the research and development is supposed to have done!

If you prefer "Age Adjusted" data, we have also provided it for your reference. <Click here>



From Statistics of the National Center for Health Statistics, Raw Death Rates, United States, 1979-1998, 3/28/2000

For the Year 2000, they tell us that diabetes has risen from the 7th to the 6th leading cause of death in the US.