Humulin Investigation Fox 13 Tampa Florida's Glenn Selig won the
National Headliner Award for the first two reports (Videos 1-9 on this
site). The National Headliner Awards is one of the oldest and
largest annual competitions for recognition of journalistic merit.
first clip
Video #7--Lilly's John
Holcombe ©1999 FOX 13 Tampa, Florida Insults &
ridicule from Lilly's "Diabetes Expert".
console="_Master" center="true"Play
second clip
Video #8--CP
Pharmaceuticals ©1999 FOX 13 Tampa,
Florida Glenn Selig Interviews CP's Charles
console="_Master" center="true"Play
second clip
Video #9--Rep. G.
Nethercutt ©1999 FOX 13 Tampa,
Florida Glenn
Selig's "Humulin Investigation"
console="_Master" center="true"Play
second clip
Video #10--Victim Ken
Tamblyn ©2000 FOX 13 Tampa,
Florida Interviews with those
in auto accidents.
console="_Master" center="true"Play
second clip
Video #11--Doctors Don't
Help ©1999 KCPG Q13 Seattle,
Washington Drs.
Blumenthal & Hirsch on the crisis.
console="_Master" center="true"Play
second clip
Video #12--FDA Hearing, Part
4 ©2000 FOX 13 Tampa,
Florida Glenn Selig & DIF members at FDA