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Mage | Specialialist Wizard
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 9
Prime Requisite: Intelligence
Races Allowed: Human, Elf, Half-elf
Mages are the most versatile types of wizards, those who choose not to specialize in any single school of magic. This is both an advantage and disadvantage. On the positive side, the mage's selection of spells enables him to deal with many different situations. (Wizards who study within a single school of magic learn highly specialized spells, but at the expense of spells from other areas.) The other side of the coin is that the mage's ability to learn specialized spells is limited compared to the specialist's.
Mages have no historical counterparts; they exist only in legend and myth. However, players can model their characters after such legendary figures as Merlin, Circe, or Medea. Accounts of powerful wizards and sorceresses are rare, since their reputations are based in no small part on the mystery that surrounds them. These legendary figures worked toward secret ends, seldom confiding in the normal folk around them.
A mage who has an Intelligence score of 16 or higher gains a 10% bonus to the experience points he earns.
The Schools of Magic
Spells are divided into nine different categories, or schools, according to the types of magical energy they utilize. Each school has its own special methods and practices.
Although they are called schools, schools of magic are not organized places where a person goes to study. The word "school" identifies a magical discipline. A school is an approach to magic and spellcasting that emphasizes a particular sort of spell. Practitioners of a school of magic may set up a magical university to teach their methods to beginners, but this is not necessary. Many powerful wizards learned their craft studying under reclusive masters in distant lands.
The nine schools of magic are Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment/Charm, Greater Divination, Illusion, Invocation/Evocation, Necromancy, and Lesser Divination.
Table 22:
Wizard Specialist Requirements
Specialist School Race Score Opposition School(s)
Abjurer Abjuration H 15 Wis Alteration & Illusion
Conjurer Conj./Summ. H, ½ E 15 Con Gr. Divin. & Invocation
Diviner Gr. Divin. H, ½ E, E 16 Wis Conj./Summ.
Enchanter Ench./Charm H, ½ E, E 16 Cha Invoc./Evoc. & Necromancy
Illusionist Illusion H, G 16 Dex Necro., Invoc./Evoc., Abjur.
Invoker Invoc./Evoc. H 16 Con Ench./Charm Conj./Summ.
Necromancer Necromancy H 16 Wis Illusion & Ench./Charm
Transmuter Alteration H, ½ E 15 Dex Abjuration & Necromancy
This diagram illustrates the schools that oppose each other. See Table 22 and its entry descriptions for more information.
Of these schools, eight are greater schools while the ninth, lesser divination, is a minor school. The minor school of lesser divination includes all divination spells of the 4th spell level or less (available to all wizards). Greater divinations are those divination spells of the 5th spell or higher.