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Vexenroth Darxanthus
7th * 7th Level Mage/Priest Alignment: True Neutral Created By : Necrucifer
A Brief Background :
Vexenroth, given his name by the elders of his community due to the fateful circumstances of his birth and heritage. His mother, an elven woman of mental instability inpregnated secrety by the high elven priest, who in the haze of fear and shame after discovering from her that the child was his, slipped a small knife into the ritual of birth, making a deadly slice at a certain point, allowing the child's survival and the death of the elven maiden. This secret was known only to the midwife who was coaxed to make the slice while the child was being born, sworn to secracy do to blackmail and revelry. Years later she broke the news to young Vexenroth, who after knowing his heritage began to alienate himself further, even beyond the fact that his eyes were midnight-blue, and having no real parents being raised by the servents of the high elder priest(thus shunned and unincluded by his "brothers" and "sisters"). They thought he did this out of confusion and misery, when in fact it was done cleverly and on purpose to find a way to leave the elven lands with some dignity, having been "asked" to leave kindly, with a slight opportunity of return some day. Secretly mentored by a wizard of the elves, coupled with sneaking in and strengthening his faith through medallions and books, when leaving the comforts of the forest he was well prepared. A hundred years later(present) his knowledge and wisdom trebled, and his youthful spite and recklessness gone, he has left his home of 75 years and decided to adventure again as he did in his youth, doning his robes of absolute power and gathering his books, he left months ago and has recently been seen on the main roads.
Personality :
Vexenroth isn't particularily reclusive, nor particularily bubbley, having a reserved, yet surprisingly forward and apt approach to social situations. He is extremely humble and kind, but strong words mixed with the soothing sound of his alluring voice leave the taste of obscurity in the mouth when approached by this wanderer. Although he isn't extremely charming, his presence is definately welcomed and enjoyed by most.
Physical Description :
An absolute odd-ball of sorts is he, being one enraptured in midnight-blue robes, and having silver hair intermixed with midnight-blue streaks, coupled with deep midnight-blue eyes. A "freak" in elven terms physically, and thus "encouraged" to leave at a young age from the elven lands, as his look was considered blasphemous and demonic. Underneath those dark robes is a slightly built, somewhat strong man of beautiful skin and features. Skin made of silk, coupled with the slight ripple of muscle and a balanced somewhat tall form makes him extremely attractive, regardless of his bizarre visage.