Community Award Winning Site

Paris, TX - #1

Dear Doc Quinn,

Great looking page you've got there. It is our proud honor to award you with the HometownUSA Community Website Award for Paris, Tx. Your site will be listed as the award recipient on the Paris, Tx Links Page.

Cheers and Congratulations,

Matt Hunt - HometownUSA

Paris, Texas has one of the world's largest cemeteries.

50,000 + graves, including one headstone with Jesus wearing
cowboy boots.

This page is proudly furnished by me (Doc "MistaBluesman" Quinn) - North East Texas Bluesman.

In 1994 I traveled thru Paris, Texas in my 1929 Ford pickup while in the midst of my "Nashville Or Bust" tour and fell in love with the town.

I met friendly folks, had some great food and was treated by all that I met like a gentleman. I like That!

So, in 1996 I made Paris, Texas my new hometown. I still love Paris today as much as I did the very first day I drove into town.

Please visit the sites I have provided links for.

Doc Quinn


In a state of towering oil derricks and spidery drill platforms, passersby do a double-take when they drive by the Love Civic Center in the Texas town of Paris.

 It's not just that dark metal replica Eiffel Tower - it's the fact that
it's adorned with a "Giant Red Cowboy Hat".

Yes, There is a movie "Paris, Texas

You ask, Does Paris, Texas have Blues Music?

Well, You can bet your "G" String on it baby!

Coston & Son Ready Mix

Paris, Texas's Hometown USA Community
Community information including population statistics and demographics, businesses,
real estate, travel, maps, events, history, trivia, classified ads, forums and more.

In Memory of "USMC SGT Jay Michael Hoskins" - Click Here!

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Cell Phone - 903-900-3401.