Merry Christmas Paul & Lisa


Wishing You A Wonderful Holiday Season



A "Healthy, Happy And Prosperous New Year - 2009"

May God Be With You!

Click the play button below to listen to our children (Alecia, Jimmy & Stormey) sing
 "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer"

This is a picture of them in 2004 when they recorded the track!

Alecia is now 15-yrs old, Jimmy is 12-yrs old and Stormey Lynn is 11 years old.

Paul & Lisa; We want to take just a moment here and express our gratitude for the kindness and trust you have shown us.
 It means the world to us and it will come back to you a million times over, we promise! - God Bless You Both!

Thank You So Much,

Doc, Jennifer & Kids

Again, we sincerely hope you have some wonderful holidays!

The Doc Quinn Family



No Charge (Free) Acoustic Blues Guitar Entertainment By Doc For You, Your Family & Friends!
Just Let Me Know When And Where! E-mail Me - or Call 903-783-0475