Well, I said I wouldn't do this again and I have waited until the last minute to do it but here we go my friends. If you have the time and wish to support my Blues please click this link - Register!  and do the dang register thingy as a fan and/or band then go to my page there which is this link  http://www.playcrossroads.com/mistabluesman and lay down a vote for me where it says VOTE FOR BAND. You can vote everyday plus become a fan. Play the tracks I have provided and leave me a note if you would. Even if you just say Hi, please leave a comment.

Most all artists registered have been there for a while and I just got started today (May 02 2010) with a little shove from a friend so, needless to say, I am in the rears like big time but with the help of all you good friends of mine that I treasure with all my heart maybe I can at least make a notable showing. Thank You and Yes, I know I'm a pain in the butt. Who knows, maybe those Blues Masters will get a chance to jam with me before they all get too old. lol

So, with that said, let's get started . . . . . . . .

Ya know, there are many things that gives a person the Blues but in most cases its a lover that has left, a lover that has lied, a lover that has cheated or a lover that just cant be found. So with that said, we all understand that the Blues is all about being sad, hurt or maybe sorta mad,right.

Without getting into details I can honestly tell you that MistaBluesman knows all about sadness. Oh yes, do I eva know all about sadness. I have cried many times about things that have saddened me and I am sure without doubt, I will again.

But the thing that trips me out the most about being sad, hurting, crying and having the Blues is, it takes ones expression of their Blues to sooth the Blues, Go figure!

So, hi everyone (SMILE) - Its good to get to know you and provide a tune or two of mine for your listening pleasures.

I have been playing my guitars and writing songs since 1955 and to this day, I love it more than eva before.

In my track files here you will find that I have uploaded many different styles/sounds I play and you will no doubt find out I have a style of my own. I have never tried to copy anyones music although I do favor Albert King on many of my tracks. Even though I love many Blues artists I make my Blues sound like MistaBluesmans Blues.

Im now sixty years young and nearin sixty one so I figured Id give these Blues Masters that are going to be at the Ernie Ball CrossRoads jam a chance to jam with me before they all get too old.

So, there you have it in a nut shell and If I soothed one iota your sadness with my Blues then I have done my job as a Bluesman even if the Blues Masters at The Ernie Ball CrossRoads Jam miss the chance to jam with me, right!

Besides, I was there with Pat St.John of Sirius watching them at the 2005 CrossRoads Jam in Dallas.

OH BTW - I think Im the one that was wearing out the Erne Ball Strings that caused them to boost production and work weekends. Lol

Be cool, take all the wooden nickels you can get (someday they might be worth something) and always remember, . . . . . . .

MistaBluesman Loves All Of You!

Drop in and see an Old Bluesman sometime baby!

Doc MistaBluesman Quinn


Help me promote my efforts by picking a banner below and the copy the html below for that banner and send it out anywhere you can post it PLEASE!








Thanks From My Heart!

Doc MistaBluesman Quinn

Please Try And Vote Daily