Company Logo

Your idea, I'll build it for you!


Kyle, here is where you will want your company name, physical address, business hours phone number, 24 hour phone number and fax number.



Contact E-Mail


About Us



Kyle, I think this window would be a good spot for a small synopsis about what your company does, your commitment to excellence and on time pick ups and deliveries. Maybe talk about no job being to big or small or just whatever you think the viewer wants to read about your company. Keep in mind that "HOT SHOT" means overnight delivery in MOST cases.


I think it would be cool to maybe put a photo here or a couple of photos that will reflect your equipment and click to your photo page. ???? If you have another idea for this window, that's cool just let me know! I can build as many tables and windows that you want, I just know that simple is better read and understood by the viewer! These windows and all tables can be as small or as large as you wish, ok!


copyright info will go here.


FYI - This is a simple design I made for you tonight. The hypertext is yours and not copied from anyone. I wrote it for you, it's yours and can be a copyright.

I tested this hypertext and it's fast Brother. Your page will always load in milliseconds.

You can pick your colors for background, borders, tables, table cells, shadowing and font (text). I built it as generic as not to try and pick your colors for you.

There will be three additional web pages linked to "Services", "About Us" and "Photos".

Spend a few minutes with me and we will make a few notes as to what you would like to see as far as colors and such. I will build the hypertext to   your specs and have you a homepage to proof soon after.

I will purchase your domain and hosting from Lycos (Tripod). I think it's about $20.00 for initial domain and set up then $5.00 per month after that. We will need to confirm your desired domain name.

Thanks Man,
