This is my mad muthafugga. My bike has yet to cheat on me, it is almost always there for me (except when its getting upgraded or having various parts replaced/sawed off) and never argues. It's just about ideal ecept for its lack of emotion =o) My bicycle is several things: a downpayment on a car should I need to sell it, my own personal release of ALL tension and ill-feelings (i'm an ass when it rains), and a symbol of personal achievement. I can remember the first 180 I landed, the first rail I hit and my first trips to the hospital with simply a glance. There aren't as many inanimate objects that hold such a place in my life as my bike. I add the "inanimate object" clip because there are people I would give my life for as fast as I would give up my bike.

Who likes a 10-inch wide fattie tire!!?!?!? I DO I DO!!!

My baby, no rails and a clean look.

This is my truck. I bought it in mid-July of 2000 with my own hard-earned money and never once looked back. I traded in my junker T-Bird and got $500 for the trade. Suckers... HAHAHAHA!!! the T-Bird had a slipping transmission, uneven crankshaft bearing load due to damaged front end accesories, A/C was out, right side front end damage, trashed and torn interior... Oh well. I like this a lot more. I started customizing it when I bought it, adding Flows, column-mounted tachometer, 1998 Cobra wheels with Nitto tires... and it's stutus as the SVO Ranger was hindered by a couple of ill-timed, low-cash-on- hand speeding tickets... oh well, so much for the fun. By the way, the rails are gone off of the bed in that 3rd photo. I think that it gives the truck a much cleaner look.

This is my latest "masterpiece". I love drawing, it is more of my creative side than riding. It was done in pen and ink, so that meant no FUCK UPS. This rendering of Metallica was done for my sister and was supposed to be completed by Christmas... well I didnt expect it to take 34 hours to finish either. An hour or two, every other day and I took a week's break to put a model truck together (you'll see that as well) and voila!, its done in mid-february. Whatever. I think I draw well, so we will leave it at that.

This is my old man, and boy does he look pissed!!! At any rate, I'm living with my fater and step-mother until i either transfer to another college or graduate. Right now, sadly to say... I lack fundage. Oh well.