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Phillip Bisson

This Bisson surname is found as early as 1149 in Jersey. Buisson is the form used by Jerseymen in the 1300s and later, but still later the spelling appears as Bisson, also Le Gros Bisson. (The Quiet Adventurers in America)

" The family of Bisson, formerly of Normandy from the most remote period, held lands and houses in the Island of Jersey. In the Archives of St. Lion, Normandy, is found a deed which shows that Geoffrey Du Bisson gave the patronage of St Martin de Groville to the abbey of St Trinity de Lessayon, the Vell Calend, Aug, 1149, and states that Sir Yon de Bisson, knight, with the consent of his son, Jean, recognized the right of the monks of St Trinity de Lessay to the patronage of the aforesaid church."

Phillip Bisson came to Marblehead MA with his brothers, Richard and Joseph in 1749. He resided in Marblehead where he was a shoreman, yeoman and owned the ship Patty in 1792 and the schooner Peacock in 1794. He owned 23 acres in Marblehead and 130 acres in Lyndsborough, NH. The name Bisson seems too have changed when Phillip came to America. It is spelled in many ways in MA and NH records, and also in Marion Tuck’s books on the Channel Islands. (Beasom, Bessom, Bezune, Bison) Phillip’s will is dated September 1, 1797 and in it he itemizes his acreage in Marblehead, MA and in Lyndsborough, Hillsborough Country, NH. He bequeaths "to my daughter Margaret Grant & her heirs one twelfth part thereof." of his estate. (Marblehead Historical Society)