The Muise Family...Celebrating Many Generations





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Marie Leblanc (1883-1976)

Marie did not have a chance to attend much schooling. She helped her mother with housework and at the age of 16, she startedworking outside, as a servant until she got married. On October 24, 1904, she married Tilmon who was already a construction contractor. It was a beautiful wedding and very well planned, with electric lights and indoor toilets!

Life in Moncton was great for several years. Business was good with big construction contracts like the Assumption Church and the Hotel Deville. Tilmon bought a farm in Lakeburn and for some time, he lived there and had employees cultivate the land. When WW I was declared, the price of construction material and salaries increased; but Tilmon was obligated to complete the contracts at the prices he signed to. That is what finished the good life!

He lost all his belongings and was reduced to working from day to day in Halifax. Later on he went to the U.S. During this time, Marie existed poorly. In the years that followed, the boys became young men and went to find their father. Around 1923, Marie went also. In the U.S., Tilmon resumed his work as a contractor and life became better.  (As  told by Marie’s brother, Leo)

Tilmon & Marie LeBlanc & Family (1940s)