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Tropical Fish
Afircan Cichlid Pictures

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Here are pictures with brief descriptions of different African Cichlids I hope you enjoy them.

Cat in needlepoint; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This is a picture of a variety of different species of African Cichlids.

Cat in needlepoint; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This fish is an Electric Yellow Labidichromis, which is a beautiful species,because of it's bright yellow colour and it's black trim along the dorsal fin.

Man playing guitar; Actual size=240 pixels wide

This is a map of east Africa which has a lot of Lakes, with different species of African Cichlids. The main lakes are lake Malawi,lake Tanganyika and lake Victoria. Most African Cichlids come from these three lakes.

Man playing guitar; Actual size=240 pixels wide

A terrific Electric Blue colour and very popular fish amongst African cichlid hobbiest. The Electric blue Hap Ali is another outstanding Cichlid.


Here is another spectacular species. This fish is from Lake Victoria.