
If there's one thing Aussies love its Vegemite. Vegemite is a yeast extract and if you are not from Australia and have tried it you probably don't like it but us Aussies love it. You can have it on toast ,crumpets ,sandwiches. It is usually liked spread on quite thinly . If you haven't tried it I would suggest you at least give it a try.


Victa Lawnmower

The good old Aussie victa mower can be found in the majority of Australian garden sheds. It may sound unusual for a lawnmower to be such a recognised item of a countries culture but the old victa surely is true blue dinky di Aussie.


Meat Pies

We love our meat pies ,covered in Tomato sauce . A pie and chips is not an unusual lunch for the average Australian.


Hills Hoist


What you ask is a Hills Hoist well it is a clothesline of course not just any clothesline it is the clothesline of all clotheslines with a variety of uses. Firstly and obviously you can hang your clothes on it to dry .It can also be used for shelter when you are having a backyard barbie and the skies open up and rain on your parade ,just throw a tarp over the clothesline instant shelter. They can also be used for  A hoist for the car motor when nothing else is available. A very popular use for the hills hoist is a swing for the kids they will find amusement for hours swinging around on the clothesline it is frowned upon by the adults but until they find out the kids will swing their hearts out .


Holden Cars

Holden would have to be the most popular car manufacturer of cars in Australia this is my opinion only but Holden have been around for many a year . Many family photos consist of Dad sitting back in his pride and joy the FJ Holden.



The easiest way of explaining the Akubra is it is much like a cowboy hat great to keep the sun off your neck and face .


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