Hello and welcome to AFC (Anime Fan Club). If you wish to join, drop me an e-mail with the following: Name......(what you wish to go by) Age.......(optional) Gender....(also optional) Fav Anime.(any one anime) location..(State and city to see if any other member are by you) URL.......(may be used as a link, say so if you wish for a link. Has to be related to anime in some way, video games, cds, ect.) fav character...(can be any anime character in any series ex. Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo!) fav Character Quote...(can be from any anime series ex. "I'am the prince of all saya-jins once agian" -Prince Vegeta From DragonballZ/GT) email...(so any one may e mail you. ex. yourname@something.com) E-mail me with the info and in about a week upon entry your name will be added to the list of members. Here you can find info, bios, and pics of anime. Enjoy!
Quote of the week: "Love and peace"
-Vash the stampede from Trigun |