We had a long time to work on the cover for Daggerfall. Louise Sandoval was the main artist on the cover. I desinged the logo. 


Characters The characters and monsters were all built, textured and animated using Alias. Click on the graphic to the left to view more of them.

Image copyright Bethesda Softworks

Textures I was responsible for most of the texture work in Battlespire.We tried to create a dark and realistic looking environment. Click on the image to the right to see a larger version

Image copyright Bethesda Softworks

Screen Shots A sample of screen shots taken from the gamee work in Battlespire.We tried to create a dark and realistic looking environment. Click on the image to the right to view larger versions.

Image copyright Bethesda Softworks


Click HERE to go to Bethesda's own Batttlespire page, where you can find more animations, screen shots (with samples of my texture work), and information from Battlespire. You may also notice some similarity in design to the Introduction page of this site, I was responsible for some of Bethesda's Battlespire design also.