You have 5 skill points to spend among your stats. E-mail me and tell me where to divide them to.
Name: Ryou Bakura Level: 12 Exp: 500/600 Age: 14 Money: $60,000 Wins: 0 Inventory: - E-mail: -Stats:
Level 1 'Max' skill: Absolute Zero - Bakura holds up his sword and summons Shiva who will cast Cold on his sword. He then throws his sword right at his opponent. Freezing his opponent, he summons Ifrit casting Inferno on his foe who then disintegrate. Level 2 'Max' skill: Tri-Slash - Bakura summons the three elements Water, Fire and Lighting from the gods and combine their power together. After that he will use his agility and dashed right towards all his opponents and slashes through their body several times until they die. Description: Bakura is a young swordsman and loves to help the innocents. Origin: Bakura is a young swordsman. He has a legendary sword known as the Mana Sword which can summon the three elements Fire, Water, Lighting. The Mana Sword could unleashed the Max Skills 'Absolute Zero' and 'Tri-Slash' which are truly outstanding which could kill opponents instantly but only the chosen one may use it......... |
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