My p.o.v. of Eds' sounds

My Point Of View on the Eds' sounds
    The following information is by how I hear the sounds in Ed, Edd n Eddy. Although some of it is true, don't take my word for them too seriously. In short, this is my opinion on the Eds' sounds.
    The beginning theme song for Ed, Edd n Eddy in Season 3 sounds a bit more lively than it does in both Seasons 1 and 2. You can hear the instruments more in the background, and the instruments are more active (you can hear them more than before). Another difference is that the Season 3 theme is a bit more faster, but only by 1 or 2 seconds (you might hardly notice it - but it is).
    The "dance music" in "Dear ED," is like a "special ending" for the episode. How is it "special?" Well, there hasn't been any other Ed, Edd n Eddy episode with an ending like that, has there? Of course not. But, not until, "Wish You Were ED" from Season 3 came on the air, which kind of set it a bit different.
    The music from "Wish You Were ED," almost made it like a special ending episode. The reason why I don't call it a special ending episode is because it wasn't continuous (played through straightly). "That's My Horse" has 2 parts to it. The first part is what I have up here now, just before Jonny came in. And the second half comes in after a few minutes after Jonny left, and Rolf finding the Eds' "helping scam." I hope to get the 2nd part in soon (until my mike gets fixed or until I get a new one). And, by the way I've heard it, "That's My Horse" is a bit popular with some fans - I like the song too! But some might differ by its popularity (like a few new fans - and I don't mean to point fingers at anyone).
    The pedal steel guitar music that Double D played in "Avast Ye EDs," is the only time he played his pedal steel guitar so far out of all the Ed, Edd n Eddy episodes - at least the current ones on the air. Maybe it's because he doesn't like playing it. He thinks it's annoying, you know. And the reason why I put up one with an intro and one without an intro is because some people might just want to hear Double D play, while others want to hear a intro (like in a concert or something).
    The Ed, Edd n Eddy Beginning and Ending Theme Songs may sound a bit the same, but it's not. If you'll notice that in the beginning of the 2 songs are different. The Ending Theme doesn't have a "whistling" intro in it, other than the Beginning Theme. Instead, it's like an inverted theme. That means, the Ending Theme is a "whistling" theme, and the Beginning Theme is a musical theme (with some whistling in it). And the Ending Theme is a bit shorter in length by about 4 - 6 seconds (depending if the Beginning Theme is in the earlier Seasons in 1 and 2 or as Season 3).
    By the way Eddy has the Cartoon Cartoons and Cartoon Cartoon Fridays sayings, not only what he says, but the music is different too. The CCF one is a tad longer, and sounds a bit different than the CC (Cartoon Cartoons) one.
    One thing I haven't put up in here, are the sound effects in Ed, Edd n Eddy. I would have to say that they are one of the best cartoons to have great sound effects in them! The Eds' sound effects seem to make the show funnier, especially the ones in Seasons 1 and 2 - and Season 3 too (like a "seal barking" as Double D runs in fright of ink on his hands in "Read All About Ed," a "cat meowing" when Double D runs in the box in "Who Let The Ed In?" - and that's just a bit of their sound effects!). LOL I didn't put any sound effects in here because they seem to be played mostly in the background, and it'll be a bit hard on how to record it. So, they're stuck in the tele.
    Well, I guess I've said my opinion on how much I know about the Eds' sounds thoroughly. If not, I'll add more stuff later, okay? But, one more thing . . . Ed, Edd n Eddy sounds are excellent and beyond!
"A job well done!"
- Double D