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Sigmund Brouwer -
Sigmund has written a lot of books for young people, but I just finished Out of the Shadows, and I thought it was good enough for an adult. ;)  At his site you can find out which books are written for what audience.
Books:  Double Helix, Out of the Shadows, Blood Ties, The Accidental Detectives
Terri Camp -
Ignite The Fire
The site contains lots of information on the topic of homeschooling.  Terri has her own personal site called, Greatest Mom Ever!.  There you can check up on her schedule, maybe even try to get her as a guest speaker.  She helps out at Crosswalk a lot.  One day in chat, she impressed upon me the verse Deut 6:7.  I think it would be hard to abide by that verse, while your kids are away for most of the day.
Books:  Ignite the Fire! Freedom Is Real Education, I'm Going to Be the Greatest Mom, If It Weren't for Eve: I'd Be a Perfect Wife
G.K. Chesterton - The American Chesterton Society Humor, theology, fiction, essays, journalism, he did it all.  Check out the site to learn more about this interesting apologist. "He said something about everything and he said it better than anybody else." - Dale Ahlquist, President of the American Chesterton Society
Books:  What's Wrong With the World, Orthodoxy, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Thomas Aquinas; The Dumb Ox
Brandilyn Collins
Collins is known mostly for her suspense genre.  I recently read Eyes of ElishaIt seemed kinda weird at first, and the I'm not sure I agree with the theology in it, but it was a really good story.
Books:  Cast A Road Before Me, Dread Champion, Eyes of Elisha
C. S. Lewis - Into the Wardrobe
CS Lewis has challenged and entertained me more than any other author I can think of.  He is truly one of the greats. 
Books:  Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, Pilgrim's Regress, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Max Lucado - UpWords In my opinion, Lucado does a wonderful job of illustrating God's love and truth.
Books:  He Still Moves Stones, In the Eye of the Storm, And the Angels Were Silent, The Applause of Heaven
Elizabeth Musser
This is the official site.  She writes great historical fiction with a Christian message.  Her official site was down the last time I checked.  I just read The Swan House, click the title for an excerpt.  You can try this Google search for more info.
Books:  Swan House, Two Crosses, Two Testaments, Two Destinies
Bill Myers
Fiction, non-fiction, adults, teens, Myers writes just about everything for everyone.  Check out his site to learn more.  Whatever he writes, his purpose is always "to draw the reader closer to the heart of God."  His books may seem to be coming from left field, because he uses a lot of allegory to make his point.  In other words, don't take his books too literal.
Books:  Blood of Heaven, The Face of God, When the Last Leaf Falls, Dark Side of the Supernatural
Philip Yancey - Christianity Today
Check out Yancey's page at Christianity Today for some great columns.
Books:  Soul Survivor: How My Faith Survived the Church, What's So Amazing About Grace?, The Jesus I Never Knew, Where Is God When It Hurts?, The Bible Jesus Read
Philip Yancey - Philip Yancey Books Philip Yancey is a great author who writes quite like a journalist.  This site is set up to sell books, but it was one of the few sites I could find about the author. 
