"Joshua" Gross Poems 4 1997
Wounded warrior 1
was wounded in the war was
almost killed by the enemy
I was in prison for years and
know the pain and I know Jesus set
me free and now He says
"Go and sin no more" yet I still feel
the pain for, I am a wounded
warrior, wanting to win, but
bleeding, wanting to see other
set free yet blind to the wounds
afflicted on me.
Then my commander and chief
sends an angel with a message
that Jesus loves me and that He
sees my pain, that He wants
to heal me. That He wants to
change me. What will I do? I want
to see the captives set free
yet now I see the I am held back
by the pain, that numbed my
heart .
OH JESUS , JESUS you pour in
your healing power on me , you
bind up my wounds and you
change my heart, you destroy my walls
that kept me in and others out
. you say, "be strong and courageous
for I am with you" you use
people who hear your voice who see
what you see, you see a mighty
warrior , who has been hurt yet
is not dead. you hear a mighty
war cry that has been muffled
by the enemy's screams. you
allow me to heal you
you are my warrior and I am
your rest and relaxation
I am your front and rear guard
I surround you in my mighty
arms of Love
Be strong for I am with you