Welcome in La Rochelle

In that page, I'll present you this lovely city, specially with a lot of picture I hope, you will enjoy the trip with me...
This town is a very old one, with a lot of monument to visit
So follow me, we will begin by the oldies...
This is a panoramic view of the old harbour, with some small boats, and the docks
I'll present you every tower who keep the harbour, because each of them is beautifull
Those two tower keep the entry of the harbour. When Richelieu capture the town during the 17th century, he decide to destroye all the citywall, exept those who protect the harbour, because they were to much important. >
Here you can see the entrance of the harbour from the inside (upside) and the outside ( down).
> Those two towers kept the entrance since this date, and La Rochelle has been an important harbour on the Atlantic coast since , but now the economic harbour is on the outside of the town, near a military harbour. And La Rochelle is wellknown all over Europe for the bigger marina.
I live near this harbour, called "Port des Minimes". There is about 5 to 6 thousand boats.
> This tower, called the Big Ben is the rendez vous for a lot of student in La Rochelle. It is near the pedestrian streets, and near shopping streets.
From thihs tower you are near every touristic places of the tow,center, and you can go walking all around, shopping or going into french café to take a drink...
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