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Today is Sunday, March 2, 2025

-8269 days 'til the 4th Annual Dave Kimmel Memorial Tourney.

Current Favorites in each division: Brandon Dorenbach, Mike Kimmel, Chris Oien

-8271 days 'til Cerv-Hielscher Showdown 3.

Current Line: Cerv by 2




Current Prairie Poll
Which of the following popular Prairie doggs would you want as a partner on your doubles team?

Zach Harvey
Scott Kimmel
Travis Flores
Paul Meier
Linh Ngyuen
Sam Wehbe
Bob Cerv



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Alliance Disc Golf Discussion Board


Who Wants to be an Alliance disc golf trivia wiz?
Who designed Rolling Prairie disc golf course?

Which pro disc golfer has won 9 world champioships?

and more ....
Current Results


Related Links:

Bonsai's Nebraska Disc Golf
Discgolf Dot Com
Innova Discs
Ching Discs
Discraft Discs


The few, the proud...
The Prairie Doggs:

001 - Dave Kimmel
002 - Scott Kimmel
003 - Kirk Young
004 - Micki Kimmel
005 - Mike Kimmel
006 - Liz Kimmel
007 - Luke Redfield
008 - Paul Meier
009 - Bob Cerv
010 - Caleb Hielcher
011 - Robbie Cerv
012 - Josh Redfield
013 - Zach Harvey
014 - Linh Ngyuen
015 - Guy Redfield
016 - Chris Thompson
017 - Kaili Young
019 - Don Altmyer
020 - Andy Altemyer
021 - Mike Birch
022 - Larry Ross
023 - Dane Ross
024 - Jim Reif
025 - Ken Boucher
026 - Ray Hielscher
027 - Matt Elliot
028 - Tyler Brown
029 - Bill Hulbert
030 - Travis Flores
031 - Sam Wehbe
032 - Andy Cerv
033 - Chris Oien
034 - Amy Kerr
035 - Ken Scdoris Sr.
036 - Ken Scdoris Jr.
037 - Scott Holman
038 - Nick Phelps
039 - Thomas Elliot
040 - Walker Dobry

Click here to become a Prairie Dogg.




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LAST UPDATE: 08-22-01


All content copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, & 2001 by the Duke of Disc Golf. All rights reserved. E-Mail the Webmaster

The   First   and   Only   Official   Website   of   Rolling   Prairie   Disc   Golf   Course

Laing Lake Park - Alliance, Nebraska - USA

Site dedicated in loving memory of Dave Kimmel.

Pictured is Rolling Prairie's infamous hole number 7. From B to B, this bad boy is 700 feet long! Voted the 4th greatest hole in the world by an on-going disc golf survey.


Tourney is Just Around the Corner
On July 14th, Rolling Prairie Disc Golf course will play host to the 3rd Annual Dave Kimmel Memorial Tournament. For more info, please visit the official tourney webpage by clicking here. If you have any questions, feel free to drop the Duke a line, at I hope to see you on the 14th for what is sure to be the greatest tourney in Nebraska history! (Okay, so it might not be the best talent wise, but we will have the MOST fun.)

New Schedule Page
I'd like to thank Dustin Champlin and Jeff Weber for their great work on the schedule page, which, well, pretty much makes mine obsolete. That's okay, since I never seemed to get around to updating them anyway.

Prairie's Cinema Opens
"Shots From the Prairie" is the first of several future slide/movie presentations from the Duke. You can watch "Shots From the Prairie" at the Prairie's cinema. Enjoy! (NOTE: To view "Shots From the Prairie," you must have RealPlayer, which can be downloaded for free, at

-Duke of Disc

Results of April's Top 10 poll are in
The top 10 Prairie Dogg poll is created monthly by a special panel of judeges and disc golf experts. There are two polls to accomodate both local doggs (living in the Alliance city limits) and distant doggs (outside of Alliance). The results April's poll are as follows:

Local Doggs:
1. Paul Meier (2) - 89 pts.
2. Bob Cerv (1) - 83
3. Caleb Hielscher (3) - 74
4. Mike Birch (4)- 73
5. Robbie Cerv (5) - 65
6. Steve Holman (6) - 59
7. Adam Larson (7) - 55
8. Larry Ross (10) - 47
9. Dane Ross (NR) - 33
10. Scott Larson (8) - 17

Dropped out: Andy Cerv
Also receiving votes: Andy Cerv, Tyler Larson, Tyler Brown, Ray Hielscher, Don Brown, Micki Kimmel, Brandon Dorenbach, Nick Melville, Walker Dobry.

Distant Doggs:
1. Chris Oien (1) - 93 pts.
2. Kirk Young (2) - 89
3. Mike Kimmel (3) - 83
4. Luke Redfield (4) - 81
5. Josh Redfield (5) - 76
6. Scott Kimmel (6) - 75
7. Kenny Scdoris Jr. (9) - 71
8. Zach Harvey (8) - 56
9. Travis Flores (NR) - 49
10. Bill Hulbert (10) - 6

Dropped out: Deluxe Estatic
Also receiving votes: Deluxe Estatic, Lihn Ngyuen, Liz Kimmel Ken Scdoris Sr., Don Altmyer.

(Last month's rankings are in parenthessees)

Voters Needed
The Prairie Doggs council is currently seeking members. As a member of the council, you'll be required to participate in occasional elections and debates. Your main duty will be to cast your monthly votes for the top 10 local and distant doggs. Also as a member of the council, you will be required to see that Rolling Prairie disc golf course stays looking nice and free of litter. If you'd like to apply for this prestigious honor, please click here to submit your resume. NOTE: You must be a member of the Prairie Doggs to apply for this honor.

Writers Wanted
Prairie Dogg press is currently seeking freelance writers. We're looking for someone to review Nebraska courses and another or the same person to review discs. Another writer is wanted to write about local disc golf news. If you're interested, e-mail the Duke at

A Short Update on the Legend of Bob Cerv
This just in...Bob Cerv loves ferrets.

A new contest has just been added to Rolling Prairie's website which gives contestants a shot at winning a brand new PDGA-approved golf disc. All you have to do is answer 10 questions (ranging in difficulty) related to disc's that easy! However, contestants are only allowed to enter once, so be certain of your answers. To try your luck, click here. Good luck to everyone who enters.
UPDATE ON THE CONTEST (1/4/00): Wow, we must have really stumped you guys. As of now, no one has correctly answered all 10 questions. Many have tried, but all have failed. Trust me, it is possible to win a golf disc. Actually, it's not even that hard. If you haven't given it a try yet, go ahead and do a little research before you submit your "guesses." The first one to answer all ten correctly will forever be etched in the stone wall we call "Greatness."

Hole number 4 (A to B is pictured) has claimed many victims, especially when the wind gets nasty. B to B is far too dangerous to show. This hole is one of the top two holes at the "Prairie," and during the summer months, "Shoreline Shimmy" is the best looking hole (even though this pic doesn't prove it. Better photo coming soon!).


Mark your calendar:

July 11th, 2001 - Cerv/Hielscher Showdown II - Alliance
July 13th, 2001 - Friday the 13th Spooky Doubles Tourney - Alliance
July 14th, 2001 - The 3rd Annual Dave Kimmel Memorial Tourney - Alliance

Click here for more info on more upcoming Nebraska tournaments.


If ya smell what the Big Show is cookin'!