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Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. It is reddish and its visible disk shows some light and dark patches with prominent polar caps. These surface features undergo slow seasonal change over the course of a Martian year.

It has a diameter 0.53 times that of Earth (= 6794 km), a mass of 0.11 Earth's mass and a density of 3.90 g/cm3. It rotates once on its axis in 24 hours 37 minutes.


Mars has a very thin atmosphere. Its atmospheric pressure is 1/50 Earth's atmosphere at sea level and its atmospheric temperature at summer time is about 300K at noon.

Olympus Mons


Mars has hundreds of volcanoes including Olympus Mons, which is the largest volcano in the solar system. Olympus Mons is 3 times taller then Mt. Everest.

Mariner Valley The Martian canyons are deep, dwarfing the Grand Canyon. The Mariner Valley (4000km long, 120km wide and 7km deep) is the largest canyon on Mars.

Tharsis Bulge The Tharsis Bulge is a region near the equator. It is about the size of North America and it bulges out about 10km higher than the rest of the planet.


Mars has two rather tiny and irregularly shaped moons, Deimos (Panic) and Phobos (Fear). Deimos measures 16 km by 10 km and has a very large crater measuring 2.3 km across. It stays above any Martian's horizon for 2.5 mars days. Phobos orbits very close to Mars. It rises in the west and sets in the east after being up for 4.5 hours

Special Features - Running Water

There is evidence for running water on Mars, as can be seen from the runoff channels (dried up riverbeds) and outflow channels (relics of catastrophic flooding).

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