With the great news that mythical SMiLE album will finally be heard live played by Brian Wilson in 2004, we are throwing a little shindig for Atlanta area SMiLE enthusiasts. The Atlanta Smile Gathering will be an informal get-together of SMiLE fans on Saturday, November 8th from 1 pm until…whenever. It will be a chance to chat about SMiLE, there will be SMiLE trivia, SMiLE-related videos and of course SMiLE MUSIC! Plus, there will be lots of SMiLE-related giveaways. And best of all, it's FREE!
Circle Sky Records is open: "What to expect?" I've had a couple of questions posed to me regarding the upcoming Atlanta SMiLE Gathering, so I'd better try and clarify exactly what we will be doing... When I first set up the ASG with Circle Sky, I really had NO plan. I just know that I wanted to keep it informal. That's why I called it "gathering" instead of "convention". "Gathering" is meant to infer that if all else fails, I could just sit around with other area SMiLE-heads, listen to SMiLE music, watch SMiLE-related videos and chat with some like-minded folks about...what else, but SMiLE?! It will NOT be a "SMiLE Convention" because there is no structure of the said conventions:
So, with all this in mind, the ASG will be a success if even just 2 people show up and have fun. And yes, we will have some 'give-a ways' that are SMiLE related. Some of the prizes include:
These will be given away during the day in random drawings (no purchase necessary to win, but you must be present during the drawings to win). We must now take pause to discuss all legal disclaimers at this time. I'm sorry for this annoying distraction, but it our oft-weary world, this is a necessary evil! You know what I'm talking about...everytime you get in a discussion about bootleg recordings, an anal distracter raises the nasty head of `legality'. Well, since I am not charging ANY money for this "event" or the "prizes", I am therefore avoiding any and all, intended or not intended, implied or not implied, expressed or not expressed, intentional or non- intentional, inferred or not inferred copyright infringement! Damn, now I have a bad case of legalese-mouth! PROJECT SMiLE is covered - that is and has always been a "not for sale" endeavor. As for the Frank Holmes illustrations - although we are giving away some color copies of his album cover, we will be strongly advising people that they can get a BETTER copy by buying it from Frank Holmes himself! And for a very modest price, you can get your own copy (I did and have it proudly displayed in my home) and even have it autographed by Frank himself! The following actions will NOT condoned at the Atlanta SMiLE Gathering:
The following actions ARE condoned and expected at the Atlanta SMiLE Gathering:
Hopefully this extended tome with help answer all questions related to the upcoming ASG. If not, drop us a line. We will do our best to answer your questions and of course take any suggestions. Finally, in the immortal words of Mr. Wilson..."you're welcome to come!"