Double Your Pleasure
Not So Original Album Covers
By Valleri (Circle Sky mannequin)

Hi there album fans. Displaying records in my window has caused me to notice some curious items over the years. I love the creativity and the brilliantly original ideas some record labels come up with. Sometimes an album comes through that seems strikingly familiar and I'll swear the album has a twin. Here are some albums that had me seeing double.

I have a lot more of these to share...

Marilyn Manson - "Smells Like Children"

Well my dear readers, Mr. Manson's face is nice and green - just like all the cash he made off this record. Anyway, all the kids eat this "cutting edge" stuff up. It seems I remember Mr. Alice Cooper did the same cover in 1976 on "Alice Cooper Goes To Hell" - green face and all. At least Marilyn chose a more masculine name than Alice.

XTC - "Oranges And Lemons"

What a groovy cover! Wait a minute. This stirs my mannequin memory banks too. I really dug The Who's "A Quick One" too. Is XTC really the Who or is The Who really the Dukes of Stratosphere?

The above article is from MELODY HILL issue #6, used with kind permission by Circle Sky Records. To find out more about this fab record store in Atlanta, visit