
*Do not swear in this fed or do any violence to any of the members or else you will get stripped from your title or be suspended.
*You will have to win 3 matches or more to get a title shot it depends how long you will RP.
*If you want to tell your friends about this federation please do! We need more members.
*Please make this federation look good and if anyone would like to help to get members that's fine.
*If anyone knows how to make banners email me because we need more banners in this federation for pages.
*These are the rules! I hope you followed them carefully because this is the first page you had to goto.

RP Judging

*You have to RP 15 lines mx or else your name will be on the warning list.
*Do not RP for other people.
*If you have to use swears you have to put something to block some of the letters.
*I you loose a match and you quit, that's plain woss!

Thanks for Joining the eCw!