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Song Lyrics

Here's the words to all the songs I can think of in the episodes... Theres not that many but... maybe there'll be more
And the MP3's for the songs comming very soon =P

Words to "Friends are there to Help you" (in "Smells like an Ed")

When you stub your toe and it hurts you know,

Friends are there to help you.

When you fall on your face and your teeth are misplaced,

Friends are there to help you.

When your flyin' low and your giving a show,

Friends are there to help you.

When you take off your shoe and your feet stink P.U.! Friends are there to help you!

Second verse same as the first!

When you stub your toe and it hurts you know,

Friends are there to help you.

When you fall on your face and your teeth are misplaced,

Friends are there to help you.

When your flyin' low and your giving a show,

Friends are there to help you.

When you take off your shoe and your feet stink P.U.!

Friends are there to help you!


The song to Nazz (Boys Will be Eds)

Hit Me! Have Mercy!

Sweet Nazz don't give me gas!

Right on! O Nazz! Uh Huh

You are so rad! O Baby! Stop me! Uh huh!