Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Presto Edo

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By Blake Ferronetti Song Lyric by Blake Ferronetti
It has been 3 days and the Eds and their scams aren't popular.And on the 3rd day...
Eddy:For only 25 cents, get a Teddy Bear at Ed's Teddy Bears.
Edd:Well,Eddy,this is you're lamest scam ever.
Sarah:You did  take Jimmy's Teddy.This one we have is a fake one with mash potatoes inside,and you have Jimmy's real one.
Edd:Those look like my leftover Mashed Potatoes.
Eddy:Darn.You found out.
Sarah and Jimmy walk away.
Then Eddy started to sing:
Eddy :                            
If only I  was popular,me and my scams.
                           People would be around me.In my scams,everyone would give
                                 me money to buy Jaw-breakers. I would inherit                                                     
                                      my bro's jeans!
Edd:What a Korny Song.Eddy,remember the last time you lied,the cul-de-sac?They found out quickly.Slowly as possible.
Ed:I don't remember that.
The next day...............................................
Eddy showed up near the  kids.Two girls stood around him to show he was popular.But the girls were Ed,and Edd.But the other kids didn't know all this.
Ed:*in a girl's Voice*Oh,Eddy,you're so cooool.
Edd:*In a girl's Voice*Oh,yes!
Nazz:What's with the girls,Eddy?
Eddy:I'm popular.
Nazz:Hear that Kevin?
Kevin was around Ed dressed as a girl.
Kevin:Who's your friend,Eddy.
Kevin:She knows my name?
Eddy:Oh,I told them about you.
Sarah:I bet you're not popular.
Eddy:I'll pull a rabbit  out of this jat.Presto(Pulls out rabbit,surprised)..chango?
The Cul-De-Sac Kids:*Gasp*!
To be continued......................
Part 2
Sarah:You have magical powers?
Eddy:Uh............ yeah!
The cul-de-sac:*walk away*
Edd:You should of told the truth.
Ed:And potato chips!
Edd and Eddy:*Stare at Ed*
Eddy:What's that.....I think it's the sound of no one caring.
3 days later.....................................................................
I DON'T WANNA BE POPULAR ANY MORE!!!!!!!THE CUL-DE-SAC KIDS WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!I CAN'T EVEN GO TO THE BATHROOM BY MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!Now they want me to give them a magic show.

Edd:Okay.I have a plan.
Hours Later...........................................
The Kids:YEAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy was doing the magic show.
Eddy:*takes out a stove pours water on it*This water is..TA DA(!)steam.
The Kids:*except the Eds*BOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Eddy:My final trick this glass bottle will break magicly.
Eddy takes a slingshot and breaks the bottle.
The Kids:*except the Eds*BOOOO!!
Kevin:You don't have magical powers!
The Kids leave.
Edd:I knew doing tricks a kid could do would work.
Eddy:Great.What happened to Ed anyway?
Ed popped  out  of the hat he pulled a rabbit out of.
Ed:I gave you the rabbit.Double Dee told me to do it so you can learn your lesson.
Edd:*nervously*He he he he.
Eddy:Hey!Ed,if you had a rabbit you would......
Ed:*Has purple spots appearing*I'm MUTATING!!!!!
Edd:Let's go help Ed.
Eddy:Good idea,Doctor Double Mint.
They go to Edd's Garage to help Ed.