Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Tease-Ed Again!

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Tease-Ed  Again!

By Tyler Ferronetti
Author's Note: You should'n't  read  this if  you didn't read Tease-Ed.You wouldn't understand it.
Eddy was walking with Edd.   Eddy-What could we do for a scam?
Edd-We could do a tram system, like in San Fransico.
Eddy-Let's start construction, Dr. Double Meat Pattie.
1 hour later...........................................................
Eddy-Ed's Tram Service!25 Cents!Ride around the cul-de-sac,into the forest,down into the trailer park, &  down Peach Creek!
Everyone paid & loaded into the trams.
Jonny-Isn't riding a tram fun ,Plank?     Plank-.............................................
Jonny-*angry*Don't give me that look!
The tram  started to move.    Eddy-Where's Ed?   Edd-I don't know.
Soon,Ed was runing twoard the tram,dragging a wagon with a box of, Biscuts & Gravy.
Ed-I AM A GYMBAG!!!HA HA HA!!!!!!      Eddy-ED,NO!!!!!!!!!
All-*on the tram*AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then............................................................
Ed crashed the tram off the track.
Edd-I think this constitutes a refund, Eddy.
10 minutes later......................................................
Eddy-This happened last time we did a scam! Only the last time,it was you.
Eddy-I'm gonna get revenege!    Edd-EDDY,REVENGE IS.............
10 minutes later....................................................................................
Eddy-Double Dee, I'll make it simple by throwing bricks at him,like I did to you. What do you think?*grins & laughs because he tided Edd up*
Edd-*muffled*MMMMMMMMM!!!!!    Eddy-I thought it was a good idea,too.
Eddy throws bricks at Ed.    Ed-*gasping*It's raining bricks!!!AHHHHH!!!*runs through a wall & into his house*    Sarah-ED!YOU RAN THROUGH A WALL, & I'M TELLIN MOM!!!!!    Ed-DON'T TELL MOM,SARAH!!!!!!!   
Eddy-SWEEEEET REVENGE!!!!!!    Edd-*tied up & muffled*MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!
Eddy untied Edd, & Eddy was ready for his next prank.
Eddy  laid an egg on the ground, & Ed stared at it, smiling.
Eddy droped a toilet on Ed's head.Eddy laughed histerically.He was about to drop an anvil on Ed's head. 
ED! WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!
*Pushes Ed out of the way & the anvil lands on him.*
Eddy-Ed!Are you alright?!?I'm sorry,Ed!   Ed-*happily poking Eddy in the head* It's okay ,Eddy!We got a tree!   Eddy-Double Dee's dead!*bursts into tears*
Edd-You okay,Ed?  Ed-Yup.   Eddy-DOUBLE DEE,YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!
Edd-I am anit I!Oh dear.I SAID ANIT!!!   Eddy-I'm sorry, guys.From now on,I'll only pull pranks on Friday the 13th & April fools day.
Eddy-Let's go get a jawbreaker, guys.  Eddy-ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
Ed-Buttard toast!    Eddy & Edd stare at Ed.
                   THE  END