Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Forget the Hat...

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Forget the Hat...
It was an ordinary day just like any  other day.  The Eds were walking around looking for inspirations to a scam.
Eddy:You know,I`m so desperate I`d suggest charging 20 bucks to see what`s under  your hat.  Nobody would buy it and it would still be a daily scam.
Edd:I don't want to take the risk,or fake it for that matter.
Ed:Duck...Pigeon...Goose...ONIONS OF DOOM!!!!!   Parakeet...Waffle.
Eddy:Are you feeling allright Ed?
                           Across the street...
Rolf:In the name of all that is greased,I throw you to the endless void!
Edd:Did Rolf just throw an anvil to kingdom come?
Eddy:Why do you need to ask?
Kevin:Hey Nazz!  What`s up?
Ed:It is attacking!
Edd:Oh my!  Nazz are you allright!
Jonny:That anvil really did one wallop of a crater to her head huh Plank?
Kevin:Hey Double Dork,help me get this off her head!
Edd:Well that should do it...oh my.
Eddy:I think I`m scarred for life.
Jonny:I think Plank`s mom`s calling.
Edd:Well,Nazz,I don`t know how to say this,but you dropped your wig.
Kevin:Rolf,your going down.
Rolf:But it is not yet nightfall Kevin.
Eddy:What just happened.
Ed:I just shubibleebopnuhod.
Eddy:Is that spelled like the prununciation Ed?
Edd:This is so wrong.  Nazz is now worse off than I am.  I feel so sorry.
Ed:That`s okay Double-D,the bald forgive.
                            To be continued...
Forget the Hat... Part2
The day continued with Kevin pounding Rolf,Jonny trying to convince himself and Plank it was just a dream,Nazz locked in her room crying,Sarah and Jimmy oblivious to the situation,and the Eds at Eddy`s house discussing the situation.
Eddy:Well I can`t say it`s as bad as your problem Double-D,but I cant believe Nazz,of all people would be bald.
Ed:I once saw a movie about an evil and old bald guy taking over the world and could only be stopped by one good bald person named Gary.  I like bald people!
Edd:I can only think of one solution to make Nazz feel better about our knowledge of this.  I`ll show her what`s under my hat.
Eddy:Seriously!  I can`t believe you say that without fear.
Ed:I say pork and a biscuit without fear!
Eddy:Congratulations Ed.
Edd:I only ask you to wish me luck.
Eddy:I can`t wait to hear how this turns out!
Ed:Like bleach?
Eddy:Whatever works for you.
                       Later that day...
Eddy:So how`d it go Double-D?
Edd:She thought it was touching,but she still can`t bear to face reality.
Eddy:Nobody would make fun of her.  Just stare at her a lot and not talk to her.
Edd:Maybe it`s best we just forget about it.   Or maybe...
Ed:Maybe what  space captain?
Edd:It`s risky,but possible.
Edd:I know how we can give her hair.
Ed:Good,as wigs scare me.
Eddy:How do we do that Einstein?
Edd:You both get Nazz and meet me at Rolf`s house in a half an hour.
Eddy:This`d better be good!
Ed:I`m hungry.
                           To be continued...
Edd:As you can see, the synthetic wired barbs will be transmitted through the skull blah blah blah blah blah blah...pay attention Eddy!  blah blah blah blah blah blah blah don't slouch Ed blah blah blah with Rolf's hot dog machine.
Edd:Allow me to reexplain...
                           5 minutes later at Rol'fs shed.
Rolf:Yes, Rolf will allow you the use of the weinerizer.  I don't think I can remember why I wouldn't let you as Rolf's head has been bongdoggled.
Eddy:Hey Double-D, Ed's here.
Nazz:Is this really necessary?
Ed:Gravy for the french fries!
     Ed then proceeded to stuff Nazz's head in the weinerizer.
Edd:Graceful Ed.  Turn it on Eddy.
In a series of sparks, the machine eventually exploded, leaving a large pile of hair with eyes roaring wildly.
Ed:IT LIVES!  EVIL WIG!  Cool.  Just like in the movie.
Edd:Ed!  How did you say the hair monster was defeated?
Eddy:Mixed brands of shampoo and hair gel?
Ed:Nope.  Fly Nazz fly!
Nazz:Not agaaaaaaaaaaaain!
Rolf:The beast is of pure evil!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soon, the monster shriveled up and left in the middle of the shed was Nazz with...a full head of synthetic hair!
Eddy:Was it successful Double-D?
Edd:In a way.  In a way.
Ed:I like pie.
                                THE END