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My Life as a Teenaged Edd-bot

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My life as a teenage Edd-Bot

based off of Nickelodeon's "My Life as a Teenage Robot"
Episode 1: It came from next door
*There's a crashing sound as a baseball goes through a front door window.  Ed looks up from his comic book as Eddy passes by innocently.  Ed stops eddy and bangs his head.  eddy's tongue spits out to reveal a baseball mitt.  Ed reaches into Eddy's pocket and pulls out a baseball bat. Ed points at the door, and Eddy trudges over to the house, opening the door and peeking inside.  it's dark, and eddy sees robot pieces lying all over the floor.  as he approaches his baseball, he sees a robot pick it up and hold it out to him.  Eddy screams and runs outside*
Ed:*stops him*Woah there, buckeroo.  You are short one baseball.
Ed: Looks like I'll have to do the talking*prepares to knock on the door*
Eddy: ROBOT!  There's a robot in tehre!  a hideous, bloodthirsty robot!
Ed: Aww, come on, Eddy, Miss Wakeman is weird, but she's not a robot----
*A woman stands at the door*
Ed: Uh, hi, miss wakeman.  Eddy saw something weird in your house, WHICH he shouldn't have snuck into, but did anyway to get our baseball back....
*Miss wakeman is silent*
Ed: Uh, we'll be leaving now*walks away with Eddy*
Eddy: Why didn't you ask her about the robot?
Ed: There's no such thing as a robot!
*meanwhile, Miss wakeman walks into a bedroom*
Miss Wakeman: DD-9!  It seems that some little robot has forgotten the rules of this household.  if you are not saving the world, you must stay in your room and stay out of contact with humans!*tears away a huge einstein poster to reveal edd---as a robot*
Edd: Edd.
Miss Wakeman: What?
Edd: My name's Edd, with two D's!  I changed it, remember?
Miss Wakeman: *sighs*DD-9, you must keep out of contact with humans.  they do not understand technology like I do.
To be Continued...