Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Tales From the Ed

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Tales   From  The  Ed

By Tyler Ferronetti
The Eds were  walking in the hot sun.
Eddy-*sarcastically*This is terrific!I wonder why were weren't invited to Nazz's Halloween Bash!!     Edd-*angrily*Mind your manners,EDDY!!!!
Ed-Yeah!*burps softly*Mind Eddy's manners,Eddy.*burps loudly*BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edd-Excuse yourself,Ed     Ed-Ed's going fishing.      Edd-Groan.
Eddy-I have an idea!We can go to Nazz's Halloween pary,(dressed as monsters), hide in the closet, & SCARE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edd-But Eddy,...................................
Ed-To fleece the masses!  Ed & Eddy run into Eddy's house.
1 week later(on Halloween night)
Nazz-*dressed as a tube of lip stick*Come in everyone!     All-yaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin is dressed as Scream
Jonny is dressed as Plank
Plank is dressed as Jonny
Sarah is dressed as a teddy bear
Jimmy is dressed as a gummy bear
Rolf is dressed as a cow
They all go in Nazz's house.     The Eds sneak in,unseen.
Eddy is dressed as The Thing(from the movie)
Edd is dressed as a ghost
Ed is dressed a  mutant lama
The Eds sneak in the closet.The Eds are squished in the closet.
Eddy-It's tight in here.    Edd-I think I got a cramp.     Ed-My turn!
Eddy-*whispering*Quiet,you butt face!You'll blow our cover!
Edd-Don't you mean butt head,Eddy?   Eddy-NO!
At 12 A.M.    midnight...............................................................
The kids of the cul-de-sac start to tell scary stories.
Rolf-*finishing the story*And that the story of the Fensnooglehozenmonster.Thank you!
Everyone-*claps softly*
Kevin-Listen to my story!
10 minutes later................................................................
Kevin-The signs that the monster's inside yer house is that the light'll flicker & you'll hear bumpin noises in the house.
Soon,the lights flicker & bumping noises come from the wall.
Jonny-Nice try ,Kevin!     Kevin-This wasn't me!
The Eds burst out off the closet.
Ed-Rohoohoar!!!!!!     Eddy-HEHEHEHEHAHA!!!SNURKLES SNURKLES SNURKLES!!!!!!!   Edd-Rrrrrr.*to himself*Ow.Headache.
Everyone screams in fear!     Sarah puts on the lights.Everyone gasps to see the Eds.
Sarah-I'm TELLIN MOM,Ed!      Sarah & Jimmy run off.   Jimmy-Oh goodie!Revenge!
Jonny-THAT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  COOL!!!  ED,Double Dee, & Eddy, yer trick er treating with me & Plank.  Edd-It's Plank & me.    Ed-Cooool!
Eddy-Trick or treating means jawbreaker for Eddy!    The Eds walk off with Jonny.
Everyone glares.
10 minutes later.......................................................................
A man opens the door .      The Eds, Jonny, & Plank-*in smiley face costumes* Trick or treat!    The man gives them candy.     Eddy-I feel like a sissy.
Edd-At least we get what we diserve, Eddy.      Ed-Napkin,please.
Edd-Yes,you disereve a napkin,Ed.
   The  End