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New ED on the Block

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Ed, Edd, and Eddy fanfic- New ED on the Block- by Numbah4squared

Look out Nazz, you've got competiton! The Swanson sisters tangle up the love web a lil' bit more.


Scene opens in the cul-de-sac when Eddy is working on a scam- one that actually is seeming to work! The Eds are having a yard sale and selling their old stuff! Then three girls come by. One is wearing a flowered shirt and a long skirt, on is wearing a shirt with the dollar sign on it and plain baggy jeans, and the third girl, who has glasses is wearing a plain tank top and tight jeans.
Eddy: (seeing the girl with the dollar sign on her shirt) Whoa! Who is that? (eyes turn to hearts in cartoony sort of way, then Eddy faints)
Edd: Indeed, they must be new here. (notices that Eddy is gawking and not listening) Eddy, have some self-control. Girls don't like guys who gawk and- (spots the girl with glasses) Wow! (faints also)
Jonny: (who is at the yard sale) Does anyone know the price of this book? Plank loves this story!
Girl with the flowered shirt and the skirt: That looks like it should be 25 cents, but ask the people who run this thing.
Jonny: Uh, it looks like Eddy and Double D fainted, and Ed doesn't know the price. Oh well, I guess I won't be paying for it, huh Plank?
Eddy: (coming back to life) That'll be 25 cents, Jonny-boy. (Jonny pays) Thank you!
Girl with glasses: Hey Becki, did you meet anybody yet?
Becki: Well no but I like this yard sale! Maybe they have old craft kits!
Girl with dollar-sign shirt: Who cares? But yard sales are a good way to conserve money! They're cheaper than the mall! Any CDs here?
Edd: (whispering to Eddy) Now's your chance to say something!
Eddy: (whispering) No way!
Becki: Tess, Rita, I think those guys behind you are trying to say something.
Girl with glasses: Huh? (turns around)
Girl with dollar-sign shirt: (turning around) Are you going to make conversation or just stand there, boys? I don't have all day!
Girl with glasses: Rita, leave them alone. When meeting new people, many people have trouble starting a conversation. It's a new and possibly uncomfortable situation for most people. It takes time to get used to new people.
Rita: Tess, where do you get your material? It's-
Edd: (interrupting) (to Tess) Exactly right. I have trouble starting a conversation with new people too.
Rita: (grabbing Edd by the neck) Well if you interrupt me again you won't be alive to finish this conversation, got it?
Tess: Rita, put him down! You'll hurt him!
Eddy: Yeah who do you think you are coming in and picking on us?
Rita: (looking at Eddy) Oh I'm sorry. (Puts Edd down)
Edd: I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm the one who should apologize.
Tess: No, you didn't do anything. Rita's just worked up today.
Rita: Yeah, it's allowance day, but my parents haven't unpacked their wallet yet. I just get a little testy whenever I don't get my allowance. (laughs) Y'all know what I mean right?
Eddy: I know exactly what you mean! I'm sorry I yelled before.
Rita: Oh you're forgiven. Uh, what did you say your name was?
Eddy: I'm Eddy. That's Ed, and that's Double D.
Tess: (to Edd) Why are you Double D?
Edd: Because I'm Edd with two Ds
Tess: Wow, 3 Eds!
Rita: (sarcastically) Fascinating.
Edd: So, what did you say your name was?
Tess: I'm Tess Swanson, and that's my sister Rita. The other girl is my sister Becki. We're triplets.
Eddy: I only see two girls.
Rita: Huh? (turns around, Becki is missing)
Tess: Oh no! Becki ran off! We were supposed to stay together!
Edd: I thought I saw her go off with Jonny.
Rita: Okay genius, so where is this Jonny?
Tess: Probably at his house. Can you take us there, Double D?
Eddy: I'll come too! Ed, clean up this yard sale.
Tess: I think we should all pitch in to help clean it up. You know what they say, many hands make light work!
Edd: My point exactly.
Eddy: (under his breath) Oh great another genius.
Later, after they're cleaned up, they go to Jonny's house. Jonny and Becki are in the kitchen.
Rita: Becki, what are you doing? We're supposed to stay together!
Becki: Oh I'm sorry, Rita. It's just that Jonny said I could use his kitchen to bake one of my famous apple pies to share with our new neighbors.
Tess: Is it ready yet? (Jonny takes pie out of fridge) Okay, that answers my question.
Becki: Whoever wants a slice sit down at the table. (counts number of chairs) Or... on it
Edd: On the table, how unsanitary! (watches as Rita, Eddy, Ed, and Jonny sit on the four chairs) Okay, I'll sit on the table.
Becki: (serving the pie) Prepare to be amazed!
Jonny: (takes a bite) My taste buds just went to heaven! Whaddya think, Plank?...Plank says he likes it!
Ed: It's better than buttered toast!
Eddy: I gotta get this recipe! I can sell the pie and make a million!
Rita: (giggling) Ya know that's what I said the first time Becki baked this. And then we've been having bake sales ever since! Bling bling!
Eddy: Huh?
Tess: 'Bling bling' is a hip-hop term that has something to do with money. Though I can't really explain it in depth...
Rita: Eat yer pie and shut up
Edd: (tasting the pie) Extraordinary!
Tess: Isn't it? My sister's been baking since she was 9!
Becki: And sewing, and knitting, and babysitting, though I gotta admit, I couldn't babysit those Mayer kids ever again in my life. That Benny's always obsessed with something.
Tess: Uh, Becki?
Becki: Yeah?
Tess: Nobody cares! (everyone laughs)
Becki: That saying's getting old
Rita: Whatever (starts humming)
Tess: So off topic, Rita, do you hear me? Stop humming!
Rita: (singing B2K's Bump, bump, bump under her breath)
Edd: (listening carefully) Oh I hear it!
Tess: I despise that song! (looks like shes gonna rip Rita's head off)
Eddy: Don't touch her!... I mean I like that song.
Rita: (blushing) Oh I can't sing that good... (shuts up)
Later, Edd and Tess are talking alone
Tess: I know you probably think I'm really weird because of all the riddles and stuff, but it's just like, our own little triplet talk, ya know.
Edd: I understand the need to communicate secretly with one's sibling.
Tess: No you don't... not even Josh did back at our old town, and Josh had 5 siblings
Edd: Who is this... Josh?
Tess: Oh he was a friend of the family. He promised me he would call me today, oh well, that's boys for ya
Edd: Excuse me?
Tess: Well not you, Double D. Actually you're really nice, like some of my old friends. I'm kinda hoping that I oan make some new friends in this neighborhood... like you
Edd: (starting to get a bit nervous) Yes
Tess: Never mind. I can tell you're uncomfortable around me. I'm sure I must have intimadated you somehow, perhaps with all my riddle talk and the fighting with Rita. I suppose it will be hard for me to make friends in a boy-dominated neighborhood such as this. And well, I just wanted to say, I-
Rita: (jumping in) Mom wants you home now!
Tess: Okay, see ya Double D (smiles, waves goodbye)
Edd: Goodbye.
Tess: (to Rita, once they are home) Thanks sis, you just saved my social life.
Rita: Hey what are sisters for?
Edd: (to himself) She's gone. (a tear comes to his eye) I suppose I could have been more, conversational, but... oh who am I kidding? I blew it! (a boy jumps out of the bushes)
Boy: Heh heh heh, same old Tess, huh?
Edd: Who are you?
Boy: The question is, who are you? Of course somebody obviously good enough to be Tess Swanson's newest crush.(covers his mouth) Oh dear I've said too much. Tess will surely never trust me now.
Edd: Were you in the bushes the whole time?
Boy: You're avoiding the question! (tries to strangle Edd)
Edd: Fine! I'm Edward, but everyone calls me Edd with two Ds or Double D.
Boy: Oh yeah I heard that part... (releases Edd) anyway, I'm Josh Mayer, Tess's old best friend. Man, I knew Tess so well, it only took me one second to figure out... uh, I can't tell you
Edd: Tell me what?
Josh: Tess is so good at disguising her true feelings. Indeed, she has even you fooled. But I can tell. It's obvious Tess likes you.
Edd: (excited) She does?
Josh: Or I could be mistaken. Yeah, I'm hoping that's true. No offense to you, of course. It's just that over the years I've grown to have a crush on Tess.
Edd: Well I-
Josh: I really hope she doesn't forget about me.
Edd: I-
Josh: You understand right? I mean that was real good how you practically snubbed her. That was what you were trying to do, right?
Edd: Not exact-
Josh: Be careful though. Don't hurt her feelings. Tess has a very fragile heart, as you could tell.
Edd: Excuse me, I-
Josh: I'm not telling you to do anything though. You can be her friend if you want just don't-
Edd: (angry) Can't you see I'm trying to say something!
Josh: Oh, go on.
Edd: I have a crush on Tess too. (silence) (Jonny and Plank walk by, then stop about ten feet away. Neither Josh nor Edd seem to notice him)
Josh: WHAT!?!?!?!?
Edd: Oh dear, I have a feeling I'm in trouble. (tries to run, Josh holds him down by his hat, then starts beating up Edd)
Jonny: (to Plank) Wow Plank, Double D's in a fight. What's that? You want me to go tell Becki about it? Well I don't know what she can do about it, but let's go. (runs off)
Meanwhile, Tess is sobbing in her bedroom...
Tess: Double D thinks I'm the biggest loser in the cul-de-sac now. All I wanted was for him to like me. (sniffle) I can't believe I made such a fool out of myself. (sob, sniffle) I wanna go back to my old town.
Rita: (entering the room) I knew you liked him from the start. That whole triplet connection thing, ya know.
Tess: He hates me now. It's not fair! Your crush Eddy likes you! I could tell, couldn't you? I could practically see his eyes light up when you said you loved money as much as he did!
Rita: Yeah well from what I hear, Double D's the genius of the cul-de-sac. And the only thing that shall leave a genius speechless... is love. Ha! Knew that one from my sibling's own experiences, Tess, you would know.
Tess: Well one thing I can't understand is love. I was so close, and I know boys like an honest girl. If only I could have told Double D how I felt....
Rita: I know he liked you Tess, I just know it. Give yourself another chance, girl. You're being too hard on yourself, and think how guilty you made Double D feel. Just- (at that moment Becki bursts in)
Becki: Emergency! Somebody's beating up Double D! Tess, are you listening? Double D is in danger! You're the only one who can help him! Come on! (silence) Ok, don't say I didn't warn ya! (walks out) Poor Double D...
Tess: Move it! (runs out of her room, then out of the house) Double D, here I come!
Meanwhile at the fight scene, Eddy has appeared, but he cannot stop Josh.
Josh: (pinning Edd down) So tell me, did you think you were FUNNY mocking me like that?
Edd: I didn't mean anything!
Eddy: Leave him alone kid, he said he was sorry.
Rita: (appearing on the scene with Tess) I'm afraid you won't save him like that, Eddy. Come on, lets go. (Eddy freezes, gets very nervous) Okay, we'll stay here
Tess: (to Josh) You leave him alone!
Josh: Tess? What are you doing here?
Tess: I live here! This is my neighborhood, and that's my friend. Now leave Double D alone!
Josh: B-but-
Tess: No buts, Josh. Anyway how did you get here?
Josh: Ethan drove us all. We came to visit you, but you were gone.
Tess: Ethan can drive? Never mind. Okay, let me get this straight. You came here to visit me, but I wasn't there, so you beat up Double D?
Josh: I had a different reason.
Tess: There is no reason for beating up an innocent boy.
Josh: mmliljealous
Tess: Huh?
Josh: I said "maybe I'm a little jealous"
Tess: Oh, I understand!
Josh: Really?
Tess: No! You don't have to be jealous of Double D because he's my friend. You'll be my friend too, Josh. There's no such thing as one having too many friends. Now is everything ok?
Edd: I suppose I can forgive him...
Josh: Yeah, I'm sorry... this time. But don't think you're forgiven, Double Dork
Tess: (ignoring Josh's last statement) Ok, Josh, you should be heading home. Double D, come on, let's go. (they walk away)
Edd: (hugging Tess) You saved my life! (realizing that he is hugging her) Oh... sorry
Tess: (hugs Double D) No, it's okay. I believe that friends can hug each other, of course that's just my belief but... we're friends right?
Edd: Indeed! The best of friends.
Rita: Hey guys! (catches up with Tess and Edd) Well, I suppose happy endings really do happen.... wouldya look at that sunset. It's beautiful!
Tess: I'm glad we moved here.
Edd: I'm glad you guys moved here, too.
Josh: (a few feet away, watching) Come on guys, our friends will be just fine. (looks at Tess) Farewell, and I wish you luck. All right back to the car, brothers and sisters.
Ethan: Wait... where's Cassana?
Scene flashes to an older girl talking to Rolf, than back to where Josh and his family are standing.
one of Josh's siblings: I think we gots to stay for a while, Josh
Ethan: I'll call mom...