Ed, Edd n' Eddy: Jawbreakers "R" Us
Long Time no Ed

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Long Time No ED

Intro: Hi, this is the author. You can call me AnimatEd. This is about the Eds meeting each other and such. This is my first fanfic so its not going to be Shakespeare.


" Filthy, filthy, filthy," Double D complained. They were cleaning Edds house (Only because Edd said hed give them a surprise). Eddy was dusting a picture when it fell over and caught his attention.

" Whats this? Who are these kids?" Eddy asked.

" It must be a picture from the day we met" Edd said.

" Safety!" Ed yelled.

" How did we meet?" Eddy asked.

" Wellllllll."

"Everythings getting wavy! That rhymes with gravy, huh ha! Should I whack the waves with the broom?"

" No, Ed," Edd said.

Wavy it was as they did a flashback. Wow. I think its too wavy. Maybe Ed should whack it. Oh, heres our stop. Edd will take my job in the flashback so only he in the past will have quotes.

Hello? Okay the michrophone is ready. Hec-hem. On the road to the cul de sac there was a smart five year old moving in who would start school the next week. Um, in case youre unsure who it is, Im talking about a young me.

The next Monday. " Ed! You are suppose to cook what the book tells you, not the book itself," Eddy scolded Ed who was eating a deep fried cook book.

Slam! The door banged open. I walked in. Wait! Wait! Wait! I bet youre wondering why I know what they said if I wasnt inside yet. Eddy was loud enough for me to hear him from the window. I told the class my name. Edward.

" Hey Edward, comere," Eddy said.

" Um, Hi," I said.

"Im Eddy, hes Ed. You can be called 2 D, because there are two ds in Edward. We just learned our numbers and letters yesterday, right Ed?"

" Q, m, l, o, r, uuuhh, Gravy!"

" I think I should be called Double D instead."

" Lets be friends!!!!!!!!!" Ed shouted.

" My brother is goin to give me some stink bomb recipe before he goes to college," Eddy said later in class.

" Oh joy," I said sarcastically.

" I know!" Ed said happily.

Phyew! Boss, my voice is sore can I have a replacement?

Ok, Ed, get in there. Bye Edd. Ed, you can have this script I made, since you dont remember what happened. Now remember, only young Ed gets quotes in a flashback.

Meanwhile in the class, young Jonny found a paper while moping about being friendless.

" Whats this say? He asked. Edd grabbed it.

" Dannys Tree Removing Company is gonna be here today!" Double D answered after reading it.

At Recess the Eds were planning a way to scam the kids of their toys when a piece of wood hit Eddy on the head.

" Ow!" shouted Eddy.

" Youre so lucky," Ed (oh, thats me!) said.

" Hey, you know how the teacher said that paper was made from wood?" Eddy asked.

" Yes," Double D said. Oh! Hi Double D!

Later we return to see Plank. Thats right, the one and only Plank was drawn by the Eds.

" Thanks guys" Jonny said, reaching into his pocket, " You gave me a friend so Ill give you something."

" What are they?" Edd asked.

" Jawbreakers. Theyre tasty!!" Eddy and me said.

" Really?" Edd asked as he ran to the copier room and made a few adjustments to it and put the jawbreaker in.

Waves, waves, waves, broom! Die waves!!!!!!!!!

Ed! Dont! That camera is expensive! Thats it! Go back to where youre needed on the set!

Okaaaaaaaaaaaayyy. *Ed walks away from michrophone, sadly*

"Hey, what did you do with that jawbreaker anyway, Double D?" asked Eddy.

" Which brings us to the surprise for cleaning my living room," Edd answered, "Ive taken the DNA of the jawbreaker and cloned it!"

And so they dove into the jawbreakers and slurped until dinner.


" Hey, dorks, its time for our class picture," a young Kevin yelled.

" Were comin, were comin," said Eddy. " Hey Double D where are you goin?"

" I thought you were just giving me a tour."

" Forget the floor! Youre Coming with me," replied Eddy, who said something that made Double D very happy (Yes, were still talking about Eddy) and that was, "friend."

F L A S H !